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Technology Services, Weights and Measures Division, NIST

Developing Commercial Hydrogen Measurement Standards

In 2004 NIST Weights and Measures Division (WMD) responded to a Department of Energy request to assist U.S. stakeholders in the weights and measures and hydrogen communities in the development of uniform, fair, and appropriate legal metrology standards for hydrogen refueling equipment. For the latest updates on the national and international work related to the development of commercial hydrogen measurement standards and/or to participate in this work, please select from the list of topics below:

U.S. National Work Group

   US National Work Group

The USNWG works to promote, encourage, and participate in the establishment of a comprehensive set of legal metrology standards for commercial measurement of hydrogen for vehicle and other refueling applications including (1) device design, accuracy, installation, and use requirements; (2) method of sale requirements; (3) test procedures; and (4) fuel quality standards. The ultimate goal is that these standards will ensure the accuracy of measurements, enhance consumer protection, foster fair competition, and facilitate economic growth and trade.

The USNWG works through in-person meetings, conference calls, and email. The USNWG is currently accomplishing its goals through two subcommittees; one will work to simultaneously develop equipment standards and test procedures and a second will develop fuel specification requirements.

 Meeting Summary(s):
 October 2007, USNWG Meeting, Gaithersburg, MD
 March 2008 USNWG Meeting, West Sacramento, CA
 Coming Soon - June 17-19, 2008 USNWG Meeting, Des Plaines, IL
 Coming Soon - August 26-27, 2008 USNWG Meeting, Allentown, PA
 Coming Soon - December 2-4, 2008 USNWG Meeting, Boulder, CO
 "The Starting Point: A Discussion Paper Describing a Proposed Method of Sale and Quality Specification for Hydrogen Vehicle Fuel" (June, 2008)
 Next Meeting(s):
 Teleconference Meeting, January 30, 2009/1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. EST-USA & Canada (GMT -05:00)
 Meeting Agenda(s):
 March 4-6, 2008 USNWG Meeting, Sacramento, CA
 June 17-19 2008 USNWG Meeting, Des Plaines, IL
 August 26-27, 2008 USNWG Meeting, Allentown, PA
 December 2-4, 2008 USNWG Meeting, Boulder, CO
 Latest Draft Code(s):
 Draft 3.2 NIST Handbook 44 Hydrogen Gas Measuring Devices Code
 Draft 2.2 NIST Handbook 130 Hydrogen Code

Development of International Standards


Through its participation in the development of legal metrology standards NIST works to consider the interest of all stakeholders to avoid conflicts with related hydrogen standards developed by national and international standards and codes developing organizations.

Currently, there are two international legal metrology standards which address commercial hydrogen measurement.

R 81
"Dynamic Measuring Devices and Systems for Cryogenic Liquids" (1998)

R 81 Status: NIST WMD is Secretariat for the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML) Recommendation 81 (R 81) and has responsibility for initiating work and ensuring that the standard progresses according to practices established by OIML. The Committee on International Legal Metrology approved a project to revise the 1998 version of R 81 to include: (1) new ISO and IEC Standards as recommended in OIML D 11 (2004), (2) new developments in hydrogen measurements, (3) revise density equations, and (4) any other remaining relevant standards and national documents.

R 139
"Compressed Gaseous Fuel Measuring Systems for Vehicles" (2007)

R 139 Status: This document was made available April 4, 2008 on the OIML web site.

For copies of the latest drafts of R 81 or R 139, click here:

NIST WMD Five Year Plan

five year plan

The NIST Weights and Measures Division plans to carry out its mission to promote uniformity in standards and technology development, for weights and measures requirements and procedures, to facilitate trade, both nationally and internationally in support of the hydrogen economy. WMD has developed a long range plan to accomplish its goals to promote the United States transition to a hydrogen economy.

NIST WMD plans over a five year period (2008-2012) to work with stakeholders in technical work sessions and other forums to develop commercial hydrogen measurement standards to address: (1) equipment performance codes; (2) method of sale requirements; (3) labeling and marking requirements; (4) fuel quality standards, sampling and testing procedures; (5) inspection procedures for equipment suitability and safety; (6) training of officials and service companies; and (7) education of all stakeholders on hydrogen measurement. These standards ensure the accuracy of commercial hydrogen measurements, enhance consumer protection, foster fair competition, and facilitate economic growth and trade.

Analysis and work plan
Draft device standards*
Comparison of draft standard* to corresponding international standards

Field trials of draft standard*
Draft test procedures* for devices
Draft method of sale regulations
Draft quality regulations
Proposals to introduce or modify corresponding international standards

Field trials of draft test procedures*
Training for test and inspection of devices*
Draft sampling and laboratory procedures*

Final device standard and test procedures*
Final method of sale and quality regulation*
Final sampling and laboratory testing*
Training seminars on implementing standards and testing*
Draft type evaluation criteria*
Draft standard for devices delivering gaseous blends

Training seminars on implementing standards and procedures*
Review and revision of device and quality standards*

Finalize type evaluation criteria and dispenser training*
Field trials for draft standard for gaseous blend devices
Draft test procedures for gaseous blend devices
Draft sampling and laboratory test procedures for gaseous blend devices
Draft device test procedures for liquid hydrogen

*Currently, the U.S. National Work Group (USNWG) for the Development of Commercial Hydrogen Measurement Standards recognizes various forms hydrogen. However, the USNWG agreed to initially work on standards and test procedures for gaseous hydrogen applications because of predominant use of this form of hydrogen to fuel prototype vehicles and the gas metering technology is further along in its development. The USNWG will address liquid and, if necessary, other applications at a later stage in the process.

WMQuarterly Articles and Other Hydrogen News


The NIST Weights and Measures Division publishes a quarterly newsletter available at Past publications are available at

The newsletter includes technical information and announcements in the area of legal metrology that are of interest to the weights and measures community. A list of articles related to commercial hydrogen measurement is provided for your covenience.

 Number       Date     
 J-006 May 2003 U.S. to Lead in Development of Hydrogen Power Research
 B-016 June 2007
What's Next in Hydrogen?
 B-018 September 2007
Related International Standards Development Work
 B-019 November 2007
U.S. National Work Group on Hydrogen Measurement Standards
 B-020 April 2008
U.S. National Work Group March 2008 Meeting
International Hydrogen Standards Development
U.S. National Outreach and Hydrogen Standards Development
Is Hydrogen in Your State?

September 2008
U.S. National Work Group (USNWG) June 2008 Meeting USNWG Device Standards and Test Procedures Subcommittee USNWG Fuel Specifications Subcommittee
November 2008
U.S. National Outreach and Hydrogen Standards Development
Vermont Station Tour
September Workshop
U.S. National Work Group (USNWG)
USNWG Devices Standards Subcommittee August 2008 Meeting
USNWG Fuel Specifications Subcommittee August 2008 Meeting
Next Work Group Meeting
Hydrogen Proposals Submitted to the NCWM Specifications and Tolerances and Laws and Regulations Committees

Hydrogen Meeting Schedule

meeting schedule

Group: USNWG
Day/Time: January 30, 2009/1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. EST-USA & Canada (GMT -05:00)
Place: Teleconference and Webconference ONLY

Group: USNWG
Day/Time: February 24, 2009/1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. EST-USA & Canada (GMT -05:00)
Place: Teleconference and Webconference ONLY

Group: USNWG Device Standards Subcommittee
Day/Time: April 28-29, 2009/8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EDT
Place: TBA

Group: USNWG Subcommittee on Hydrogen Fuel Specifications
Day/Time: April 30, 2009/8:30 a.m. - 12 noon EDT
Place: TBA

Group: USNWG Device Standards Subcommittee
Day/Time: August 18-19, 2009/8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EDT
Place: TBA

Group: USNWG Subcommittee on Hydrogen Fuel Specifications
Day/Time: August 20, 2009/8:30 a.m. - 12 noon EDT
Place: TBA

Helpful Hydrogen Links

hydrogen links

A list of web sites that provide some basic information on hydrogen refueling sites, safety, and production is provided for your convenience.

Hydrogen Information  Website 

Basics, safety, storage, delivery
Fuel sites (chart)
Links to specific fuel sites in your state
Interactive map
Fact Sheets
Videos, vehicle costs, challenges
Broad overview of NIST hydrogen activities
Safety, handling, and hydrogen properties

Current Hydrogen Events

 Upcoming 2009 Weights and Measures Administration Workshop on
 "Commercial Hydrogen Measurement"
 Organization:  NIST Weights and Measures Division
 Day/Time:  Tentative 2 1/2 Day Workshops
September 2009
 Place: TBD
The purpose of the workshop is to familiarize weights and measures officials who will be responsible for field inspection and test of motor-fuel dispensers with the latest developments in the operation, performance and safety of hydrogen refueling and related transportation technologies.


Contacts for Commercial Hydrogen Measurement
  undefined                                                                              undefined                                                       undefined                                                                

For more information or if you would like to participate in the work to develop commercial hydrogen measurement standards in the following areas of legal metrology:

General Information
Device Standards
 Test Procedures
Hydrogen Fuel Specifications
Juana Williams
Telephone: 301-975-3989
Diane Lee
Telephone: 301-975-4405
Ken Butcher
Telephone: 301-975-4859

Fax: 301-975-8091

Telephone -  Main Office Weights and Measures Division: 301-975-4004                                                            

Program questions: Weights and Measures

Phone: (301) 975-4004, Fax: (301) 975-8091, Email:

Weights and Measures Division, NIST, 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 2600, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-2600

If you have any questions regarding this website, or notice any problems or inaccurate information, please contact the webmaster by sending e-mail to:
NIST is an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce.