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Working to Overcome Barriers to Meeting 20% U.S. Wind Vision

May 1, 2009

Wind Energy Powering Economic Development in Rural Communities

April 15, 2009

Wind Powering America Update

February 3, 2009

Annual Report on U.S. Wind Power Installation, Cost, and Performance Trends: 2007
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May 31, 2008

New DOE Report Analyzes a Path to Reaching 20% Wind Power by 2030

May 12, 2008

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APPA National Conference

June 13, 2009

Wind Turbine Maintenance Programs: Webinar

July 29, 2009

Municipal Utility Wind Project Case Studies: Webinar

August 26, 2009

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Power Partnership Strategy

July 1, 2006

Wind Energy Applications for Municipal Water Services: Opportunities, Situation Analyses, and Case Studies

Wind Energy Applications for Municipal Water Services: Opportunities, Situation Analyses, and Case Studies
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January 24, 2006

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What is Wind Power? Where is Wind Power? How do I get Wind Power? Wind for Kids Wind Photos Features graphic
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Public Power

An image of the cover of the Wind Power for Municipal Utilities publication.

Wind Power for Rural Electric Utilities

The nation's electric cooperative utilities have begun to include wind power in their energy supply portfolios. Read the stories of four wind power pioneers (PDF 316 KB) Download Adobe Reader.

Wind Power for Municipal Utilities

From Oregon to Maine, municipal utilities are beginning to harness the wind. Read stories about six of the early pioneers, ranging in size from small to large (PDF 721 KB) Download Adobe Reader.

The U.S. utility market consists of investor-owned utilities, publicly-owned utilities, cooperatives, and Federal utilities. The information below shows you what three public power markets are doing with wind energy. Some of the following documents are available as Adobe Acrobat PDFs. Download Adobe Reader.

Publicly-Owned Utilities

Publicly-owned utilities are nonprofit, owned by a community, and operated by municipalities, counties, states, public power districts, or other public organizations. Citizens have a say in decisions and policies about rates, services, generating fuels, the environment. For more information about publicly-owned utilities, visit American Public Power Association.

Electric Cooperatives

Electric cooperatives are owned by the consumers they serve, and they seek new technologies and resources to keep their operations competitive.  For more information about electric cooperatives, visit the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association.

Federal Utilities

Federal utilities include the Tennessee Valley Authority, the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bonneville Power Administration, the Southeastern Power Administration, the Southwestern Power Administration, and the Western Area Power Administration. Federal electric utilities produce not-for-profit power and primarily sell it wholesale to other electric utilities. Federal utility power is primarily generated by water resources, but also includes wind power.

News, Publications, and Web Resources

Total of 76 records found.
Page 1 of 8, Sorted by descending date
Filtered by: Public Power

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Date sort by ascending date sort by descending date State sort by ascending state sort by descending state Type of Information Program Area Title sort by ascending title sort by descending title More Details
2/22/2010 DC Public Power
American Public Power Association Legislative Rally  ...more
9/23/2009 CO Public Power
Electric Cooperative Wind Project Case Studies: Webinar  ...more
9/13/2009 MD Public Power
NASEO 2009 Annual Meeting  ...more
8/26/2009 CO Public Power
Municipal Utility Wind Project Case Studies: Webinar  ...more
7/29/2009 CO Public Power
Wind Turbine Maintenance Programs: Webinar  ...more
6/13/2009 UT Public Power
APPA National Conference  ...more
3/12/2009 CO Public Power
20% Wind Energy by 2030: Challenges and Opportunities: Webinar  ...more
2/14/2009 MI News
Public Power
Wolverine Power Cooperative Receives the U.S. DOE 2008 Wind Cooperative of the Year Award  ...more
1/21/2009 CO Public Power
Distributed Wind Interconnection Workshop  ...more
12/17/2008 CO Public Power
Transmission and Wind Integration into the U.S. Electrical System: Webinar  ...more



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