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Updated 12 October, 2003

Acclimations logo & link to Acclimations homeUSGS Conducts National Water-Quality Assessment Program
From Acclimations,  May/June 2000
Newsletter of the US National Assessment of
the Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change


By Pixie A. Hamilton and Timothy L. Miller

Societal concerns for the quality of our water resources continue, as many of the Nation's streams and coastal waters do not meet water-quality goals. States report that 40 percent of the waters they surveyed are too contaminated for basic uses, such as fishing and swimming. Some progress has been made since passage of the Clean Water Act in 1972, much of which has been directed toward municipal and industrial point sources. Although some violations still occur, this legislation has had a positive effect on limiting contaminants from point sources entering streams.

Progress in cleaning up contamination from point sources has not yet been matched by control of contaminated runoff from nonpoint sources, such as fertilizers and pesticides applied in agricultural and urban areas, and nutrients from human and animal wastes. The National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) recently has released findings about the prevalence of nonpoint pollution based on findings from studies completed in 20 of the Nation's most important river basins and aquifers systems. Some NAWQA highlights are:

  • Average annual concentrations of phosphorus in three-fourths of streams in urban and agricultural areas were greater than the USEPA desired goal for preventing nuisance plant growth in streams.

  • Nitrate was detected in nearly three-quarters of shallow ground-water samples; about 15 percent of all samples exceeded the USEPA drinking-water standard.

  • At least one pesticide was found in almost every water and fish sample collected from streams and in more than one-half of shallow wells sampled in agricultural and urban areas.


Close Links to Land Use and Chemical Use

The types and concentrations of nutrients and pesticides found in streams and groundwater are closely linked to land use and to the types of nutrients and pesticides used in each watershed. For example, some of the highest concentrations of nitrogen and herbicides, including atrazine, metolachlor, alachlor, and cyanazine, were detected in samples collected from agricultural areas with the highest chemical use. But high levels of chemical contamination are not just an agricultural problem. For example:
  • Insecticides � most commonly diazinon, carbaryl, malathion, and chlorpyrifos � occurred more frequently and usually at higher concentrations in urban streams than in agricultural streams.

  • Nearly all urban streams in the study had concentrations of insecticides exceeding at least one guideline established to protect aquatic life.

  • Concentrations of total phosphorus generally were higher in urban streams than in agricultural and other settings.


Significance to human and aquatic health

The good news is that concentrations of individual pesticides in samples from wells and as annual averages in streams were almost always lower than current USEPA drinking-water standards and guidelines. Standards and guidelines have been established for 46 pesticides and breakdown products. Effects of pesticides on aquatic life, however, are a concern based on U.S. and Canadian aquatic-life guidelines, which have been established for 28 pesticides measured. More than one-half of agricultural and urban streams sampled had concentrations of at least one pesticide that exceeded a guideline for the protection of aquatic life.

Potential risks to humans and aquatic life implied by NAWQA pesticide findings can be only partially addressed by comparison to established standards and guidelines for several reasons. First, many pesticides and their breakdown products do not have standards or guidelines. Second, streams and ground water in basins with significant agricultural or urban development almost always contain complex mixtures of pesticides and nutrients. More than one-half of all stream samples in the study contained five or more pesticides, and nearly one-fourth of all groundwater samples contained two or more. Existing water quality standards and guidelines typically are based on tests of individual concentrations and do not account for commonly found mixtures or byproducts of chemical degradation. Third, standards and guidelines usually are based on long-term exposure to constant concentrations of contaminants, rather than lengthy periods of low concentrations punctuated by brief, seasonal pulses of high concentrations that emerged in almost every basin sampled.And finally, many possible impacts on aquatic organisms have not been tested. Potential effects on reproductive, nervous, and immune systems, as well as on chemically sensitive individuals, are not yet well understood. For example, many of the 20 most frequently detected pesticides in this study, although detected at relatively low concentrations, are suspected endocrine disrupters that have potential to affect reproduction or development of aquatic organisms or wildlife by interfering with natural hormones. A top priority for future research should be to enhance the understanding of risk to humans and aquatic life by collecting information that reflects these complexities in contaminant occurrence and the nature of exposure and potential effects.

Nutrients generally do not pose a health risk for residents whose drinking water comes from streams or from aquifers buried relatively deep beneath the land. Health risks from elevated nitrate increase in those aquifers located in geologic settings, such as in sand, gravel, or karst (weathered carbonate rock), that enable rapid movement of water. The most prevalent nitrate contamination found in this study was in shallow ground water (less than 100 feet below land surface) beneath agricultural and urban areas. Because of its proximity to the land surface, the shallow groundwater is younger and more vulnerable to contamination from human activities than deep groundwater. For example, about 15 percent of all shallow groundwater sampled beneath agricultural and urban areas exceeded the drinking-water standard for nitrate. These findings are of particular importance in rural areas where shallow water commonly is used for domestic supply. Homeowners may not be aware of possible contamination because domestic wells are not monitored regularly, as is required for large public-supply wells. In addition, many homeowners in newly residential areas that rely on domestic wells may not know that chemicals leached from previously farmed land can remain in shallow, slow-moving groundwater for decades.

Seasonal and geographic patterns

Land and chemical use are not the sole predictors of water quality. Concentrations of nutrients and pesticides vary considerably from season to season, as well as among watersheds with differing vulnerability to contamination. Natural features, such as geology and soils, and land-management practices, such as tile drainage and irrigation, can affect the movement of chemicals over land or to aquifers and can thereby exert local and regional controls on water quality. Understanding the national, regional, and local importance of land and chemical use, natural features, and management practices on water quality increases the effectiveness of policies designed to protect water resources in diverse settings.

This article is based largely on the first report in a U.S. Geological Survey series, �The Quality of Our Nation's Waters,� which addresses regional and national water-quality issues of concern. Copies of the report are available from Sarah Laible at 1-703-648-5716. Requests for copies of the report can be sent to Laible by mail at U.S. Geological Survey, 413 National Center, Reston, VA 20192 or by e-mail at The report is also available online at: A companion 4-page fact sheet is available online at Visit the NAWQA website,, where you can also directly access other publications, national data sets, and national maps of chemical use and occurrence.


For more information, contact:

Timothy L. Miller, Chief, National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program; email:; or Pixie Hamilton, Staff Hydrologist for NAWQA; email:

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