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Home > About FDIC > Financial Reports > 2003 Annual Report

2003 Annual Report

II. 2003 Performance Results Summary - Multi-Year Performance Trend

Depositor Payouts in Instance of Failure
Annual Goal Insured deposits are transferred to successor insured depository institution or depositor payouts are begun within three days of insured depository institution failure.
2000 Results Timely payments made to all depositors of the seven insured depository institutions that failed in 2000.
2001 Results Annual goal revised (see below).
2002 Results Annual goal revised (see below).
2003 Results Annual goal revised (see below).
2004 Goal Annual goal revised (see below).

Annual Goal FDIC is prepared to deal with all financial institution closings and emerging issues.
(Revised – 2001)
2000 Results Annual goal not established in 2000.
2001 Results Timely payments made to all depositors of the four insured depository institutions that failed in 2001.
2002 Results Timely payments made to all depositors of the 11 insured depository institutions that failed in 2002.

Legislation on deposit insurance reform was introduced in the House and the Senate.
2003 Results Timely payments made to all depositors of the three insured depository institutions that failed in 2003.

Legislation on deposit insurance reform was passed in the House and is pending in the Senate.
2004 Goal The FDIC responds promptly to financial institution closings and emerging issues.

Risk Classifications
Annual Goal Maintain and improve the deposit insurance system.
2000 Results Reserve ratio maintained at or above the statutory mandate of 1.25 percent.
2001 Results Reserve ratio maintained. FDIC published its final recommendations for deposit insurance reform.
2002 Results Reserve ratio maintained at or above the statutory ratio of 1.25 percent. Chairman testified before the Senate Banking Committee in support of deposit insurance reform.
2003 Results Reserve ratio maintained at or above the statutory ratio of 1.25 percent. Chairman testified before the Senate Banking Committee in support of deposit insurance reform.
2004 Goal Maintain and improve the deposit insurance system.

Risk Identification and Reporting
Annual Goal Identify and address risks to the insurance funds.
2000 Results Economic trends and emerging risks were identified, monitored and addressed through the publication of surveys, guidance and reports, and outreach programs.
2001 Results Developed several approaches to credit risk that will be incorporated into Virtual Supervisory Information On the Net system. Risk assessments of all large insured depository institutions (LIDIs) were completed in compliance with program requirements.
2002 Results Significant progress made in improving the accuracy and efficiency of off-site risk identification models. Risk assessments of all large insured depository institutions (LIDIs) were completed in compliance with program requirements.
2003 Results Significant progress was made in improving the accuracy and efficiency of off-site risk identification models. Risk assessments of all large insured depository institutions (LIDIs) were completed in compliance with program requirements.
2004 Goal Identify and address risks to the insurance funds.

Safety and Soundness Examinations
Annual Goal Conduct on-site safety and soundness examinations to assess an FDIC-supervised insured depository institution’s overall financial condition, management practices and policies, and compliance with applicable regulations.
2000 Results Conducted 2,568 or 97 percent of required safety and soundness examinations.*
2001 Results Conducted 2,575 or 97 percent of required safety and soundness examinations.*
2002 Results Conducted 2,534 or 98 percent of required safety and soundness examinations.
2003 Results Conducted 2,421 required safety and soundness examinations in accordance with FDIC policy.
2004 Goal Conduct on-site safety and soundness examinations to assess an FDIC-supervised insured depository institution’s overall financial condition, management practices and policies, and compliance with applicable regulations.
*Note: From 2000-2001, the totals reflect examinations initiated during the year. This will vary slightly from the chart on page 15, which displays examinations completed during these years.


Last Updated 02/24/2004 communications@fdic.gov

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