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Internship Application

Internship Positions with the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming

Thank you for your interest in interning with the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming. We have filled all positions for Summer 2009 and are now accepting internship applications for Fall 2009.

Qualifications:  Applicants must be undergraduate or graduate students who can work independently and possess outstanding writing, research, and interpersonal skills.

Commitment & Credit:   Throughout the school year, internship opportunities are available on a full-time or part-time basis.  The deadline for fall is September 1; for spring, January 15.  School credit is possible for all internships if arranged through and approved by the respective university or college.

Job Description:  Interns assist the Chairman and Committee staff in all areas of the office operation.  Responsibilities include: researching legislative initiatives, preparing briefing memos, conducting background studies, drafting replies to correspondence, attending Congressional hearings, briefings and special events in specific legislative areas; and assisting with a variety of legislative and press projects including preparation for news interviews and website enhancements.

Interns are assigned to work with senior legislative assistants based on issue interests or expertise. 

Application Procedure: To apply, please forward a cover letter specifying your interest in the internship position, including particular issues of focus, along with a resume which includes academic achievement (GPA or SAT scores), and a brief writing sample.

For internships on the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming, please complete the application below and send your application to or fax to (202)225-4092.

Application Form

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