News of the Center

April 21, 2008. Senior scientist Daniel Nepstad to become Chief Program Officer for the environmental conservation programs of the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

March 12, 2008. Over 50 scientists gathered for a workshop in Manaus, Brazil, to discuss research needed to avoid catastrophic change in the Amazon.

February 15 , 2008. WHRC scientists offer first datasets for National Biomass & Carbon Dataset.

February 15, 2008. Scientists expand understanding of how river carbon impacts the Arctic Ocean.

January 25, 2008. Director John P. Holdren is the featured essayist in the January 25th issue of SCIENCE.

December 19, 2007. Woods Hole Research Center’s Eric Davidson Named Project Scientist for NASA’s LBA-Eco Program.

December 7, 2007. As part of a grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Woods Hole Research Center has released a study entitled Linking Climate Policy with Development Strategy in Brazil, China, and India.

November 30, 2007. Woods Hole Research Center Releases Four Key Reports to Further REDD Discussions at Upcoming UN Climate Change Conference.

November 20, 2007. Woods Hole Research Center debuts first-of-its-kind image mosaic that will strengthen global forest monitoring from space.

October 30, 2007. Fall Newsletter released.

September 19, 2007. On Saturday, October 6, the Woods Hole Research Center will offer tours of its building as part of the Green Buildings Open House.

August 27, 2007. From September 4 to October 31, the Woods Hole Research Center and Highfield Hall will be partners in an exhibition of artwork done by school children in a remote Siberian village.

July 11, 2007. The National Commission on Energy Policy, co-chaired by WHRC Director, John P. Holdren, offers support to climate change legislation by Senators Bingaman, Specter and others.

June 21, 2007. Research Associate Greg Fiske recognized for poster on the Albertine Rift in Africa at the annual meeting of the North East Map Organization (NEMO).

June 7, 2007. Woods Hole Research Center scientists use remote sensing tools to study the expansion of industrial logging in Central Africa.

All recent press releases »


In the Spotlight

NBCD map

February 15 , 2008. Woods Hole Research Center scientists release data for nine project mapping zones from the “National Biomass and Carbon Dataset” for the year 2000 (NBCD2000).

December 7 , 2007. Woods Hole Research Center releases reports on REDD (reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation) and other "win-win" solutions at the COP-13 UNFCCC negotiations in Bali, Indonesia.

Holdren talks with Letterman

October 01 , 2008 - Woods Hole Research Center Fall Newsletter released.

April 17, 2008 - WHRC Director John P. Holdren appears with David Letterman on the Late Show (video clip at - 11minutes).

May 1, 2008. Awkward Facts About Climatic Disruption:Laissez-Faire Hell or a Garden of Eden? - Essay by George M. Woodwell.

December 19, 2007. Research Center Annual Report released (2.8MB - PDF).

November 30, 2007. Woods Hole Research Center Releases Four Key Reports to Further REDD Discussions at Upcoming UN Climate Change Conference.

October 2, 2007. The Woods Hole Research Center announces the Polaris Project, led by Associate Scientist Max Holmes, to train future leaders in arctic research and education, and inform the public of profound changes in the Arctic due to global warming.

July 31, 2007. Woods Hole Research Center Director, John P. Holdren, addresses the UN General Assembly on climate change.

UNEP Report: Reactive Nitrogen in the Environment - Too Much or Too Little of a Good Thing. Prepared jointly by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Woods Hole Research Center, with significant contributions from the International Nitrogen Initiative (INI), this non-technical report on reactive nitrogen in the environment summarizes the present scientific understanding of the major issues surrounding reactive nitrogen, and discusses the overarching environmental, human health, and economic issues created by both excesses and deficiencies.

Programs of the Center

Global Carbon

From the Director

More from the Director »

"The Center’s work addresses today’s great challenges at the intersection of environmental science and the human condition. If you are interested in the interaction of the environment and the human future, you will find much of interest at this site. My colleagues and I invite your browsing and, if you are so moved, your inquiries for further details."

- John P. Holdren, Director, The Woods Hole Research Center

Global Climatic Disruption: Risks and Opportunities. The current version of Dr. Holdren's PowerPoint presentation (May 20, 2008) earlier given at the SES Distinguished Scientist Seminar of the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Nov. 3, 2006. (6.5 MB).

Reports & Publications

April 28, 2007. U.S. earth-observing satellites in jeopardy, AAAS Board cautions. (Approved by the AAAS Board of Directors, John P. Holdren, Chair, 51KB, PDF - opens in new window). More from the AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science).

PDF documentSpring 2007 Newsletter of the Woods Hole Research Center (pdf format - 784 KB).
  Signup to receive the Woods Hole Research Center's NEWSLETTER.

December 16, 2006. 2006 Annual Report released (2.6MB, PDF - opens in new window).

December 1, 2006. New Study Examines Links Between Soy and Beef Production and Possible Futures for the Amazon.

November 17, 2006. New Report Addresses Challenges and Opportunities for the Future of the Amazon Rainforest.

Research Center staff attends UN Climate Change Conference in Nairobi, Nov. 6 - 17, working to link climate policy with development strategy.

Woods Hole Research Center partners with Goldman Sachs Center for Environmental Markets to measure value of avoided deforestation. September, 2006

Senior Scientist Daniel C. Nepstad challenges The Independent's article on Amazon desertification. August, 2006

Publications, Essays & PDFs

Peer reviewed publications in some of the finest journals of science are at the heart of the Center's work. Essays by Center staff on global issues of environment and governance.

Woods Hole Research Center Publications

CD available - Linking Climate Policy to Development

The Woods Hole Research Center & collaborators work to find policies to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions and development goals in Brazil, China and India.

CD - Linking Climate Policy with Development Strategy