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HOME Topical Index
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Want More Information?
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 -   Chapter 2: General Administrative Requirements

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The following links will lead you to various HOME Program documents and publications that provide guidance on a variety of different program design and administration questions and issues.


HUD Notice CPD 03-08 (Word| PDF), HOME Program—Using HOME Program Funds to Address the Challenges of Homelessness.

HUD Notice CPD 03-07 (Word | PDF | Attachmen tA | Attachment B), HOME Program—Match Reductions for Fiscal Distress for Fiscal Years 2002 and 2003, and for Major Presidentially-Declared Disasters under the Stafford Act.

HUD Notice CPD 03-06 (Word | PDF), Notice of Procedures for Designation of Consortia as a Participating Jurisdiction for the HOME Program

HUD Notice CPD 03-05 (Word | PDF), Guidance on Manufactured Housing under the HOME Program

HUD Notice CPD 01-13 (Word | PDF | Attachment), Commitment, CHDO Reservation, and Expenditure Deadline Requirements for the HOME Program

HUD Notice CPD 01-11 (Word | PDF), Environmental Review and the HOME Investment Partnerships Program

HUD Notice CPD 01-07 (Word | PDF | Attachment), Instructions for Designating New Participating Jurisdictions (PJs); Reserving and Obligating Funds; Reallocating Funds; and Numbering HOME Investment Partnerships Agreements

HUD Notice CPD 01-05 (Word | PDF), The Use of HOME Funds for Projects to be Occupied by Children in Foster Care

HUD Notice CPD 01-01 (Word | PDF), Guidance on Combining Program Funds of the McKinney Act Programs, the HOPWA, Property Disposition Initiatives, with the HOME Program

HUD Notice CPD 00-09 (Word | PDF), Accessibility Notice: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Fair Housing Act

HUD Notice CPD 98-09 (Word | PDF), HOME Program Conflict of Interest Provisions

HUD Notice CPD 98-02 (Word | PDF), Allocating Costs and Identifying HOME-Assisted Units in Multifamily Projects

HUD Notice CPD 98-01 (Word | PDF), Layering Guidance for HOME Participating Jurisdictions When Combining HOME Funds With Other Government Subsidies

HUD Notice CPD 97-11 (Word | PDF), Guidance on Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs) Under the HOME Program

HUD Notice CPD 97-09 (Word |PDF), HOME Program Income, Recaptured Funds, Repayments and CHDO Proceeds

HUD Notice CPD 97-03 (Word | PDF), HOME Program Match Guidance

HUD Notice CPD 96-09 (Word | PDF), Administrative Costs, Project-Related Soft Costs, and Community Development Housing Organization (CHDO) Operating Expenses Under the HOME Program

>HUD Notice CPD 96-07 (Word | PDF), Guidance on Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Under the HOME Program

HUD Notice CPD 96-05 (Word | PDF), Procurement of Consulting Services by Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Recipients, HOME Participating Jurisdictions, and Subrecipients

HUD Notice PIH 96-63 (HA), Determining Section 8 Rents for Units in HOME-Assisted Projects

HUDMortgagee Letter 96-21 , Single Family Loan Production—Using 203(k) Rehabilitation Mortgage Insurance With Participation by State and Local Housing Agencies and Non-Profit Organizations

HUD Notice CPD 94-20, Rent Exceptions for HOME-Assisted Rental Projects

HUD Notice CPD 94-05, Implementation of the Fire Administration Authorization Act of 1992 (Public Law 102-522)

HUD Notice CPD 94-01, Using HOME Funds for Single Room Occupancy (SRO) and Group Housing

HUD Notice CPD 93-42, Community Land Trusts and the HOME Program

Model Program Guides

HUD 2001-18-CPD, Special Needs Housing and the HOME Program

HUD 2030-CPD, Monitoring HOME Program Performance

HUD 2019-CPD, Employer-Assisted Housing and the HOME Program

HUD 2018-CPD, Asset Management: Strategies for the Successful Operation of Affordable Rental Housing

HUD 1794-CPD, Financing Rental Housing Under the HOME Program: Second Edition

HUD 1782-CPD, Using HOME to Develop a Homebuyer Assistance Program

HUD 1781-CPD, Homeownership Options Under the HOME Program: A Model for Publicly Held Properties and Land Trusts

HUD 1780-CPD, Technical Guide for Determining Income and Allowances for the HOME Program

Using HOME with Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (November 1998)

HUD 1747-CPD, The HOME Program: An Introductory Guide to HOME

HUD 1746-CPD, The HOME Program: What Are Your Community's Most Urgent Affordable Housing Needs?

HUD 1674-CPD, Using HOME Funds for Homebuyer Programs: Structuring Recapture and Resale Provisions

HUD 1658-CPD, Tenant Based Rental Assistance: A HOME Program Model.

HUD 1584-CPD, Rental Housing Development and HOME: Four Case Studies

HUD 1583-CPD, Building Public-Private Partnerships to Develop Affordable Housing

HUD 1503-CPD, Cost Saving Construction Opportunities and the HOME Program: Making the Most of HOME Funds

HUD 1469-CPD, Energy Conservation and Housing Rehabilitation Under the HOME Program

HUD 1425-CPD, Sweat Equity and the HOME Program

HUD 1408-CPD, HOME Repair/Modification Programs for Elderly Homeowners

HUD 1386-CPD, Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation -- A Direct Loan Model


HOMEfiresVol. 5, No. 3
What is the impact of the regulations amending the calculation of annual income and adjusted income for disabled families and for families with members who are persons with disabilities on income and rent calculations for the HOME Program?

HOMEfires Vol. 5, No. 2
Does the termination of the affordability restrictions on a HOME-assisted project due to foreclosure or transfer in lieu of foreclosure relieve the Participating Jurisdiction (PJ) of the requirement to repay the HOME investment in projects in which the affordability requirements are not met for the full affordability period?

HOMEfires Vol. 5, No. 1
Can non-profit organizations removed from the FHA Non-profit Organization Roster participate in the HOME Program?

HOMEfires Vol. 4, No. 4
What are a Participating Jurisdiction's (PJ's) responsibilities for monitoring with respect to entities using its HOME funds?

HOMEfires Vol. 4, No. 3
How should a Participating Jurisdiction (PJ) determine which amenities are suitable to include in HOME assisted projects?

HOMEfires Vol. 4, No. 2
Must the environmental review process be completed before any HOME funds are committed or actions undertaken? What steps must participating jurisdictions take when dealing with third-party partners?

HOMEfires Vol. 4, No. 1
How often must a PJ requalify a non-profit organization as a Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO)?

HOMEfires Vol. 3, No. 10
For the purpose of determining the rent applicable to a HOME unit, are enhanced Section 8 vouchers, sometimes referred to as "sticky"vouchers, considered project-based rental assistance or tenant-based rental assistance?

HOMEfires Vol. 3, No. 9
Are Community Land Trusts (CLTs) automatically considered to be CHDOs?

HOMEfires Vol. 3, No. 8
What changes have been made to the methodology for calculating Section 8 income limits? What impact will these changes have on the calculation of HOME income limits?

HOMEfires Vol. 3, No. 7
Can HOME funds be used in conjunction with the homeownership option of the Housing Choice Voucher Program?

HOMEfires Vol. 3, No. 6
Why must HOME PJs, which are permitted to determine the start date of the program year for their HOME and other CPD programs, meet their HOME match obligations based upon the Federal fiscal year (October 1-September 30)?

HOMEfires Vol. 3, No. 5
The definition of "commitment" in the HOME Final Rule states that, when a PJ commits funds to a specific project, there must be a reasonable expectation that construction will begin within twelve months for rehabilitation or, for acquisition only projects, be transferred within six months. Does this mean that projects that do not meet this requirement are ineligible and must be canceled?

HOMEfires Vol. 3, No. 4
Are back taxes, fees or charges an eligible project soft cost for a project being acquired or rehabilitated with HOME funds?

HOMEfires Vol. 3, No. 3
May Participating Jurisdictions use Section 8 "exception rent limits" as the basis for determining HOME program rents? What is the difference between "exception rent limits and HOME rent exceptions"?

HOMEfires Vol. 3, No. 2
The HOME Final Rule states that each Participating Jurisdiction must perform on-site inspections of HOME-assisted rental housing. How frequently should these inspections be performed? How should each PJ determine the number of units that must be inspected?

HOMEfires Vol. 3, No. 1
What are written rehabilitation standards and what is their function in the HOME Program? How do they differ from property standards?

HOMEfires Vol. 2, No. 5
I have heard a great deal about the IDIS HOME data clean-up effort. Why is this endeavor such a priority for HUD? What is quality data and how can I assist HUD in its effort to improve the reliability of HOME program information in IDIS?

HOMEfires Vol. 2, No. 4
What are the HOME income, rent, per-unit subsidy and purchase price/after rehab value limits that apply to my community? Where can I find the latest limits?

HOMEfires Vol. 2, No. 2
Occasionally members of PJ, State recipient and subrecipient staffs serve as board members of CHDOs and other nonprofit organizations that receive HOME funding for the provision of low-income housing. What are the HOME conflict of interest provisions that apply to persons serving on these boards?

HOMEfires Vol. 2, No. 1
What are eligible CHDO activities in the HOME program?

HOMEfires Vol. 1, No. 10
How will the recently passed Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998 affect income eligibility requirements for participants in HOME-funded lease-purchase housing programs?

HOMEfires Vol. 1, No. 9
What are the HOME and other Federal requirements that apply to property receiving HOME downpayment assistance?

HOMEfires Vol. 1, No. 8
What is an Individual Development Account (IDA)? And can HOME funds be used for them when buying a home is the goal?

HOMEfires Vol. 1, No. 6
How should I set up an activity and commit funds in IDIS under HOME to purchase, rehabilitate, and rent out homes at different locations? Is there a way to set up and fund this activity without knowing the addresses of the properties? Can one activity have more than one property address? Would the same process work for a first-time homebuyer program, which provided HOME assistance at different locations?

HOMEfires Vol. 1, No. 5
What are the Section 504 requirements for handicapped accessibility to federally assisted housing activities and programs in general, and the HOME Program in specific?

HOMEfires Vol. 1, No. 2
Applicability of HOME Program Requirements to Purchasers of 2-4 unit Owner-Occupied Projects.

HOMEfires Vol. 1, No. 1
What are the constraints on using HOME funds for housing counseling?

Content current as of 24 April 2009   Follow this link to go  Back to top   
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