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Skip Navigation U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Expenditures and Cost

MEPS Reports

MEPS Chartbook, No. 1:
Children's Health 1996
MEPS Statistical Brief, No. 28:
Health Insurance Status of Children in America: 1996-2002 Estimates for the Non-institutionalized Population Under Age 18
MEPS Statistical Brief, No. 44:
Health Insurance Status of Children in America, 1996-2003: Estimates for the U.S. Population under Age 18
MEPS Statistical Brief, No. 85:
Health Insurance Status of Children in America, 1996-2004: Estimates for the U.S. Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population under Age 18

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Research Findings

Child Health Research Findings: Costs, Use, and Access to Care

Research Activities, February 2009:
Adolescent females who are overweight have higher health expenditures than adolescent males who are overweight
Research Activities, October 2008:
U.S. government spending on health care for seniors was five times that spent for children in 2002
Research Activities, September 2008:
Intimate partner violence affects the abused women as well as the care use and costs of their children
Research Activities, July 2008:
Strep throat in children carries significant societal costs
Research Activities, April 2008:
Concerns about SCHIP expansions crowding out private insurance are not borne out in New York
Research Activities, March 2008:
Hospitalists can reduce hospital stays and costs for children with common pediatric conditions like asthma
Research Activities, December 2007:
Many underinsured U.S. children are not getting needed vaccines due to the current vaccine financing system
Treatments for pediatric Crohn's disease cases vary widely in North America
Research Activities, June 2007:
Incentives combined with peer counseling are a cost-effective way to get adolescents to adhere to a tuberculosis control program
Research Activities, March 2007:
Urban influence codes reveal more about children's patterns of health care use and coverage
The financial burden of health care for people under age 65 increased between 1996 and 2003
Research Activities, December 2006:
Medical injuries among children result in longer hospital stays and higher charges
Research Activities, November 2006:
Fungal infections in immunocompromised children dramatically increase mortality rate, length of hospital stay, and costs
Research Activities, October 2006:
Use of pediatric hospitalists decreases hospital costs and stays without adversely affecting clinicians or parents
Research Activities, March 2006
SCHIP significantly decreases uninsurance and increases public insurance for children in low-income families
Research Activities, February 2006:
Expansion in public health insurance for children lessens the financial burden of health care for low-income families
Research Activities, September 2005:
Use of nurse case managers and physician peer leaders can reduce children's asthma symptoms but at a price
Research Activities, August 2005:
Efforts beyond expanding health coverage may be needed to improve access and quality for low-income and minority children
Routine pertussis vaccination of adolescents would be beneficial and reasonably cost effective
Research Activities, July 2005:
Higher copayments of 3-tier drug formularies reduce the likelihood that individuals will use certain medications
Research Activities, May 2005:
Children with special health care needs generally use more health services and have higher costs than other children

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