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NOTE:     The revision dated 5/10/2007 adds a charge for misbranded drugs.
          Relevant edits are bracketed by asterisks (***).

TYPE OF ALERT: Detention Without Physical Examination (DWPE)

               (Note: This import alert contains guidance to FDA field
               personnel only.  It does not establish any requirements, or
               create any rights or obligations on FDA or on regulated

PRODUCT:       Unapproved new drugs, *** Misbranded drugs ***

CODE:               See attachment

PROBLEM:       Unapproved drugs *** and/or misbranded drugs *** promoted in
               the U.S.


PAF:           AAP (Approvals)

PAC:           56008H

SHIPPER:       See attachment

REFERENCE:          Regulatory Procedures Manual Chapter 9, Subchapter "Coverage
                    of Personal Importations" issued 2/11/89.  (Note: This
                    subchapter, previously designated as RPM 9-71, was issued to
                    consolidate guidance that previously existed in RPM
                    Chapters: 9-71, "Mail Importations" and Chapter 9-72,
                    "Coverage of Importations Contained in Personal Baggage,"
                    and the Pilot Guidance for Release of Mail Importation dated
                    July 29, 1988.)

               Compliance Policy Guide (CPG) 120.500 (formerly 7150.10)
               gives extensive background on health fraud, and the indirect
               risks of relying on unproven remedies.  Health fraud has
               been defined by the agency as the promotion of unproven
               medical products.

CHARGE:        "The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to
               Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to be a new drug within
               the meaning of Section 201(p) without an effective new drug
               application (NDA)[Unapproved New Drug, Section 505(a)]".

               *** When unaccompanied by labeling which makes drug claims,
               but other evidence attributable to the manufacturer, owner,
               or consignee exists which establishes the product's intended
               use as a a drug, charge:

               "The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to
               Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to be a drug within the
               meaning of Section 201(g) and it lacks adequate directions
               for use.  [Misbranded, Section 502(f)(1)]". ***

OFFICE:        Division of Import Operations and Policy (HFC-170)
               *** Center For Drug Evaluation and Research, Office of
               Compliance (HFD-300) ***

ALERT:         Media reports concerning FDA's guidance for release of
               importations for personal use have inaccurately suggested
               that any unapproved drug may be imported through the mail
               for personal use.  The pilot guidance and subsequent
               Regulatory Procedures Manual Subchapter, "Coverage of
               Personal Importations," that issued is much more restrictive
               than reported.  The RPM subchapter provides guidance for use
               in those instances in which field personnel determine that
               the exercise of discretion regarding the admissibility of an
               unapproved drug might be appropriate. The guidance is by its
               very terms discretionary, and does not provide anyone with a
               right to import any drug.

               The guidance provides that release of an unapproved drug for
               personal use may be appropriate if, among other
               considerations, the drug is intended for a serious condition
               for which effective treatment may not be available
               domestically either through commercial or clinical means,
               and it is not considered to represent an unreasonable risk.
               The guidance is intended to apply only to: (1) persons who
               have received treatment in a foreign country with an
               unapproved drug which is not available in the United States,
               and who, upon returning to the United States, have imported
               the drug for their personal use in an effort to continue the
               treatment started abroad; and (2) persons who have made
               their own arrangements for obtaining an unapproved drug from
               foreign sources, when the drug has not been promoted in the
               United States.

               When there is evidence of promotion of unapproved drugs to
               persons in the United States, the products should be
               considered for detention.  Evidence of promotion may consist
               of solicitations for mail orders, press releases,
               advertising materials, and other public announcements that
               are directed to persons residing in the U.S.

               The subchapter of the RPM on coverage of personal
               importations provides guidance for FDA personnel on when it
               is appropriate to recommend import alerts involving
               unapproved products likely to be imported for personal use.
               Such recommendations are appropriate when an unapproved
               product represent a health fraud, as defined in CPG 120.500
               or an unapproved foreign product is promoted for mail-order
               shipments.  Thus, the field may recommend detain without
               physical examination when an unapproved *** and/or
               misbranded *** product poses either a direct health risk or
               indirect health risk.

GUIDANCE:      Districts may detain without physical examination any
               Unapproved *** and/or misbranded drug *** listed in the

               Districts may also detain without physical examination any
               other unapproved *** and/or misbranded *** drug that fails
               to meet the discretionary release criteria in the RPM.  ***
               Contact CDER Import-Export Team before detaining any OTC
               product that appears to only meet the misbranding criteria
               and would therefore be detained on misbranding charges
               exclusively. *** When detained products appear to meet these
               criteria are not listed in the attachment, districts should
               forward documentation to DIOP for consideration for
               inclusion in this alert.

SPECIAL NOTE:  Districts should continue to enforce, as appropriate,related
               import alerts restricting fraudulent, dangerous and
               commercial unapproved *** and/or misbranded *** drug

FOI:           No purging required.

KEYWORDS:      New drugs, unapproved new drugs, *** misbranded drugs ***

PREPARED BY:   DIOP, Operations and Policy SDWG: HFC-172, (301) 443-6553
               *** Center For Drug Evaluation and Research, Office of
               Compliance (HFD-300) ***

INTO FIARS:         May , 2007
               ATTACHMENT A TO IMPORT ALERT #66-41     4/21/09

*** Unapproved and/or misbranded new drugs that may be subject to DWPE ***

Although Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (GHB) has been identified as an unapproved new
drug and covered in this import alert, effective March 13, 2000, GHB was
classified as a Schedule I Controlled Substance and under DEA authorization.
Therefore, entries of GHB, or its analogue GBL should be returned to Customs
for appropriate disposition. (GBL and related substances can be treated as
controlled substance analogues, and as Schedule I Controlled Substances, if
intended for human consumption).

Manufacturer                       Product/Product Codes

Chempropack BV                          "G-Spot"
Donker Duyvisweg 45                65V50 and 65V51
Dordrecht, 3316 BL, Netherlands         GPI = VI
FEI# 3002854125                         3/30/00

Products shipped by the following firms were found to contain the drugs
glyburide and phenformin, which are used to treat diabetes. These products,
being promoted as dietary supplements claiming to contain only natural Chinese
herbal ingredients, are available through mail order and can be purchased by
telephone or via the Internet. These `products are being recalled under a
Class I recall as a health hazard.

PRODUCT                       SOURCE                   COUNTRY

Ayurvedic Fair and Lovely Cream    Hindustan Lever Ltd.          India
53L[][]03                     Dag No 21 of 122 F.s. grant
11/3/06                       Mouza-tingra
                              Doomdooma Industrial Estate, Off Nh-37
Ayurvedic Fairness Cream      Mumbai, India
53L[][]03                     FEI# 3004356927

All Products                  Harbin Dong Fang International     China
GPI = DR                      Trading Corp.
GPI = VI                      No. 68 Dong Feng St. Dist. Harbin
2/24/00                       Aphin, China
                              FEI# 3002158294

All Products                  China Hua Yang Technology & Trade  China
GPI = DR                      Corp.
GPI = VI                      No. 13, South Xin Hua St., He Ping Men
2/24/00                       Beijing 10052, China
                              FEI# 1000280039

PRODUCT                       SOURCE                   COUNTRY

"Alpecin Special"                  Continental Cosmetics, Ltd.   Canada
Vitamin Hair                  390 Millway Ave.
Lotion                        Concord, Ontario,
                              L4K 3V8 (Shipper)
                              MID #XOCONCOS390CON

                              Alcina Bielefeld              Germany
                              MID #DEALCBIE

                              Alcina Cosmetic Belus
                              Spaoi s.r.l.
                              GE, Italia Italy
                              MID #ITALCCOSGEN

                              Alcina Cosmetic               Netherlands
                              Nederland B V (Distributor)
                              MID #NLALCCOSUNK

Calfcart                      Attogram Corp.           Canada
(calf cartilage                    12295 Hwy 50, RR #3
 cream)                       Bolton, Ontario
8/19/94                       MID# CAATTCOR1229BOL

PRODUCT                       SOURCE                   COUNTRY

"Crino Pouss"                 Altesse Cosmetique, Inc.      Canada
Capillary Serum                    BP452BR
with Placenta                 Montreal, Que. Canada
                              H2S 3M3 Canada
                              MID #XQALTCOS452MON

Buffalo district recently detained two hair lotions products which were
labeled with claims of anti-hair loss.  The district detained the products
based on violation of 21 CFR 310.527(b) in that the products were represented
as external hair loss prevention lotions which is regarded as a new drug
within the meaning of section 201(p) for which a new drug application (NDA)
under section 505 is required for marketing.

The shipments were commercial size entries which appeared to be for
distribution and sale in the U.S.

Dextran Sulfate                    Polydex Pharmaceuticals, Ltd. Canada

"Formula 101"                 Manufacturer:            China
"Beijing Zhangguang"               General Factory of
Hair Regrowth Liniment             Beijing Zhangguang Hair
Regrowth Liniment                  725, Area 7, Jim Song Xi,
                              Chagyang, Beijing, China

                              Shipper:                 Canada
                              Health Organization
                              (aka -  R&R International)
                              Cornwall, Ontario, Canada

Kamagra (Sildenafil           Ajanta Pharma Limited         India
100 mg. oral tablet)               318 Linking Road
65PD[]02                      Mumbai, India
04/4/03                       FEI #1000446587

Laetrile                      All Firms           All Countries
also known as: amygdalin,
Vitamin B-17 (100 mg  & 500 mg tablets),
and "amigdalina" (ampules for injection)
Product Codes:  54E15, 54F15, 54Y05

                              Promoter/Distributor     Canada
Life Crystals,                Dr. Ravi Devgan
oral 32 oz.                   Life Crystals,
5 cc I.V. Chondriana,              (dba: The Total Wellness Center
6 cc I.V.                     42 Redpath Avenue
Immumostim LV047                   Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M4S 2J6
                              MID# XORAVDEG42TOR

Metabolic Balance
vitamin Metabolic balancing
serum used for a verity of
conditions such as cancer,
diabetes, lupus, etc.


PRODUCT                       SOURCE                   COUNTRY

Organotherapy-                The Total Wellness Center     Canada
(Live Cell                         21219 Woodbine Avenue
Fractions Therapy)            R.R. 1, Queensville, Ontario
Shark cartilage)                   L0G 1R0
CAR-T-Cell                         Canada
Natcell M - mesenchyme             MID# XOTOTWEL2121QUE
Natcell C- cerebrum
Natcell T - thymus



                              NaturPharm Inc.
                              Address Unknown



                              Dr. George Merkl, President   Canada
                              Consumer Health Organization
                              of Canada
                              250 Sheppard Avenue
                              Willowdale, Ontario,
                              M2N 5S9, Canada



Life Crystals       Dr. Villalpando                    Mexico
                    Address Unknown

(Note: Some or all of the above identified products are perhaps being shipped
by the shippers/distributors/promoters so identified)

All the above products are reported to be used in a treatment regimen promoted
by The Total Wellness Centers, one of which is operated by Dr. Ravi Devgan.

Available literature promotes the procedure as effective for the treatment of
AIDS, Epstein Barr Virus and cancer, by cleansing the blood.  A video tape,
entitled "New Frontiers in Molecular Biology Life Crystal Capturing the Sun"
promotes use of these products and is narrated by Dr. Merkl, who is also the
President of ^

Cancer treatment -  Drogueria Samuel Hahneman          Colombia
(Product purportedly     Fundacion Palcossio
made from extracts of    Carrera 42 E. NO. 88-20
turkey-buzzard      Barranqiulla, Colombia
(vulture) and
reinforced with 333
anticancer plants.

All Drugs           International Products             West Germany
                    7000 Stuttgart 1

*Adrenal cortex          All                           All

PRODUCT             SOURCE                        COUNTRY

*(It should be noted that these products are also covered under Import Alert
#66-08 "Drug Products Containing Adrenal Cortex Extract or Adrenal Cortex

*Adrenal cortex          All       All                 Injection

All Drugs           Interlab, Luzerner Str. 28         Switzerland
                    Interlab, Serco Ex Via
                    Cantonale 42, CH-6948

                    Interlab, Newport, England         England
                    Pagnell, Bucks MK 16 8AA

All Drugs           Pharmaceutical International       Mexico

Artrilan Tablets         Offenbach Mexicana            Mexico
(contains prednisone,
salicylamide, and

Zone Generators          All                           All

Polyerga            HorFerVit                     West Germany
                    Pharma GMBH
                    Hormone Fermente
                    Wehdestrabe 16
                    D-2900 Oldenburg,
                    West Germany

Zellen Live Cell         Zellen Cell Pharmaceuticals        Mexico
Therapy (and all         Apartado Postal No. 1118      (10/22/92)
other products)          Tijuana, B.C. Mexico
                    C.P. 22000

Zellyn Cell Research          Oxygenesis Live Cell Therapy       Bermuda
P.O. Box HM 1120         (and all other products)      (4/21/94)
Hamilton, HMEX Bermuda

***Energy Complex***     A.G.E.S. Distribuidora                  Mexico
                    Apartado Postal No. 2603
                    Tijuana, B. C., Mexico
                    C.P. 22000
                    ID# MXAGEDIS2603TIJ

                    Nutri-Mail                         Mexico
                    Apartado Postal No. 8-F            6/19/96
                    Tijuana, B.C., Mexico 22540
                    MID# MXNUT8TIJ

***Note: Product may also be shipped from Inter-Medica of Tijuana, B.C.,
Mexico.  This firm was identified for similar promotion in Bulletin IB#66-08,
10/26/87, for Neutralizer G.H, a weight loss product.***

PRODUCT                  SOURCE                   COUNTRY

Beta-Interferon               CORNE,S.A. de C.V.       Mexico
(Trade name FRONE TM)         Rio San Lorenzo No. 623
(Alternate names-             Col. Puentes del Valle
Rebif (TM)                    Garza Garcia, Nuevo Leon
R-FRONE  )                    66220, Mexico


                         Serono Laboratories

SAN-DO received promotional literature for the purchase of the above
referenced product.  The literature identifies the product for the treatment
of Multiple Sclerosis and implies it is similar to the approved Interferon
beta-1b approved for use in the U.S.

The product is shipped via UPS upon receipt of a doctor's prescription.  The
shipment includes FRONE TM 3,000,000 U.I. with dilutent, etc. for $200.
Information from the manufacturer of the approved Beta-Interferon to be sold
in the U.S., indicates this product appears to be half the strength of the
U.S. recommended therapeutic dose.

MIN-DO received promotional literature for the purchase of the above
referenced product from A.G.E.S. Distribuidora, Mexico.  The literature
identifies the product as a "sexual breakthrough"; "potential benefits are:
Immediate energy and vigor, Reverses impotence in men of any age, ***"; "from
limp, standstill impotence to virility in as little as 48 hours"; etc.

Discretionary release of unapproved drug products promoted to individuals in
the U.S. is unacceptable under the Personal Importation Guidance of Regulatory
Procedures Manual Chapter 9-71.

All Drugs           A. Werner & Co.               Czechoslovakia
                    P.O. Box 615                  9/23/93
                    111 21 Prague 1
                    MID #: CSWERCO615PRA

All products        Lenex Labs
                    Wavecrest House
                    West Bay St.
                    P.O. Box N-8174
                    Nassau, Bahamas

                    U.S. Distributor:
                    Alpha Omega Labs
                    Box 291
                    Fort Benton, Montana  59442

Boston District received promotional literature and mail order solicitation
for drugs from Alpha Omega Labs.  The materials accompanied a letter from
Lenex Labs, in which Lenex stated that Alpha Omega would service orders on
Lenex's former products.  The firms offer a variety of products, including
cancer inhibitors, weight loss products, and treatment for toxic bowel

PRODUCT                  SOURCE                   COUNTRY

*** All Drug Products         Gero Vita International            Canada
                         2255 B Queen Street East, Suite 820 4/6/95
                         Toronto, Ontario M4E 1G3      Updated
                         Canada                        8/18/97
                         MID# XOGERVIT2255TOR
                         FEI# 1000327472

                    Gero Vita International (may be doing business as)
                    Life Force Laboratories            12/5/97
                    2255 B Queen Street East, Suite 820
                    Toronto, Ontario M4E 1G3
                    FEI# 3001190383

                    Gero Vita Laboratories             11/4/97
                    130A Denison Street
                    Markham, Ontario, Canada L3R 1B6
                    FEI# 30001146884

***NOTE: Gero Vita Laboratories is currently listed on the attachment to
import alert 66-41 for their promotion and distribution of "Prostata".
Evidence has been provided to FDA which indicates the firm is also promoting
and distributing to individuals in the U.S. numerous other drug products
(including but not limited to: GH3 (enhances memory);Testerex (enhances
sexual vitality); SOD Complex (fights disease causing free-radicals);
Medi-Zyme N (anti-inflammatory); Serezac (helps alleviate depression); Lung
Support Formula (moistens lungs & breaks up sputum; strengthens kidneys); Vita
Potencia (protects heart health; helps control stress); ACF 223 (reduces risk
of heart disease, cancer);etc.) which would be considered unapproved new

                    Gero Vita Laboratories             2/14/00
                    4936 Yonge Street
                    Toronto, Ontario, Canada M2N 6S3
                    FEI# 3002084064

Quantrol I               Quantrol Research Institute        Dominican
Quantrol II              Ave. Sarasota Edificio             Republic
(or CanCell)        Embajador Edif. E, 8-I             12/22/95
(May be invoiced as Santo Domingo 99999
 water)             Dominican Republic
PRODUCT CODE: 62I99 aka Quantrol Agency or Quantum Research

INTERNATIONAL TRADE Live Cell Therapy                  Mexico
Apartado Postal No. 81   GPI=DR                        2/9/96
                    Admon. de Correos Mesa De Otay
                    Mexico CP 22500

Information submitted to DIOP by ATL-DO indicates the above firm is soliciting
individuals to purchase Live Cell Therapy.  The product is currently on import
alert from other shippers and under the name of Zellen Live Cell Therapy.  The
Live Cell Therapy is being promoted for numerous medical conditions, including
aging problems, lack of energy, impotency, diabetes, degenerative brain
disease, etc.  Promotion is usually accompanied by a MEMO FROM DR. HANZ BYRON

OTC-TRANSDERMAL PATCHES  ALL                           ALL
FOR WEIGHT CONTROL                                8/6/96

There has been an increase in the promotional advertising for OTC transdermal
patch products claiming they are effective for weight control.  Health Fraud
Bulletin #13, dated February 3, 1989, regards OTC transdermal patch drug
products as unapproved new drugs and misbranded drugs, because of the method
of administration. (DRND/MLLM)  (Product Code-66V[][]99)

(Note: Nicotine transdermal patch drug products are now acceptable for OTC
marketing via approved NDAs)
(Note: One firm in Canada has been identified as currently promoting such
patches-United Research Center, 1414 Place Bonaventure, Montreal, Quebec,
Canada, H5A 1H3 (FEI #1000595188,
MID #XQUNIRES1414MON) under the name of "The Svelt Patch")

PRODUCT                            SOURCE              COUNTRY

All over-the-counter (OTC) vaginal      65X[][]01, 65X[][]02,
contraceptive drug products (including  65X[][]03, 65X[][]04,
contraceptive sponges) NOT labeled for  65X[][]99
"immediate use" (immediate use = less   6/16/97
than one hour prior to intercourse) and
not the subject of an approved new
drug application (NDA).

Liquid Deprenyl Citrate       Discovery Experimental and         Mexico
(Finished product)       Development Mexico, N.A.      7/1/97
                         Juan Carrisco no. 13
GPI = DR                 Tijuana, B.C., Mexico
                         FEI# 3000326275


Deprenyl (bases and salts)    All Sources                   All Countries
(common name = selegilene)    62J[][]99, 66Y[][]99          7/21/97
or similar anti-parkinson products

Ephedrine Hydrochloride Tablets    Sun Labs. Ltd. Canada
60C[][]22                     1700-1700 McLeod Road    9/16/97
                              Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
                              L2G 7K3
                              FEI#  3000928033

ALL                 IAS Ltd.                      Great Britain
P.O. Box 2995       10/17/97
                    Muswell Hill
                    London N10 2NA
                    Great Britain
                    FEI #3001047710

                    aka: Int'l Antiaging Systems
                    P.O. Box 337
                    Guernsey, Channel Islands
                    Great Britain

Super Concentrated Aloe Vera WLA 132    The Wolfe Clinic         Canada
C-Max                                   5 Scotsville Road        12/17/97
Coral Calcium & Coral Calcium Gold      Strathlorne, Nova Scotia
Cesium Calcium                     FEI#  3001109438
PRO-MAX                             PRODUCT CODE: 66V[][]99

ANTI-AGING PILL (Multitabs)   Conseils De Sante, S.A.       Switzerland
PRODUCT CODE: 66V[][]99       P.O. Box 331             1/27/98
                         1211 Geneva 12
                         FEI# 3001366101

This product contains deprenyl, vinpocetin, ergoloid mesylates (hydergine),
procaine HCl, and hematoporphyrin.

OSMOPAK PLUS        (Manufacturer - per label)         Canada
61MBJ11             Laboratoire Charton Laboratories   3/26/98
                    Division Herdt & Charton Inc.
                    9393 Louis H. Lafontaine
                    Montreal, Quebec, Canada
                    FEI# 1000541169

PRODUCT                 SOURCE                    COUNTRY

                    Distribution Rapiflex
                    759 Marie-Victorin
                    St. Bruno, Quebec, Canada
                    FEI# 3001019316

This product is used as a drawing salve for the inflammation of subcutaneous

BM Oral Solution,        Xiehe Group Co., Ltd.         China (Mainland)
and any product          19-A-8 Sanhac Street          4/1/98
containing the      Shenyang, Liaoning
ingredient               China (Mainland)
Staphylococcin      FEI #3001281354

Prescription        Vitality Health Products      Thailand
Drugs:              C/O Nimit Pharmacy            8/13/98
Dexfenfluramine944  Rama 4 Road
 Medroxyprogesterone     Bangkok
Premarin            Thailand
66V[][]99           FEI #3001715829

FINISHED PRODUCT/ALL          MANUFACTURERS            8/25/98

Dermopura Acneiche    Revivre Cosmetiques C.R.B. spa        Italy
Treatment against Acne &  Via Vallina Orticella, 34              12/3/98
scarring.(Product maybe   31030 Borso Del Grappa (TV),Italy
entered as a Cosmetic under   FEI #1000484992
PC(53LC-03) As a drug
treatment it may be
entered as PC 64X--07
or 99 (acne drug products)
or as 66V--99 (Miscel. Patent Medicines)

NOTE:     CDER has determined this product is being marketed over the internet and
promoted for use as a treatment against "acne and scarring".  The active
ingredients listed include "azelaic acid". That ingredient offered as an OTC
acne treatment, is a new drug, requiring an NDA to obtain marketing
authorization and should not be promoted as an OTC product.  This product also
appears to be in violation of the final rule (21 CFR section 333.301) covering
acne products.  Questions regarding this product or other similar products
should be addressed to Constance E. Bulawka, OTC Compliance Branch, Division
of Drug Labeling and Nonprescription Drug Compliance, HFD-312, 301-594-1065.

PRODUCT                             SOURCE                       COUNTRY

Serotril Sciences, International   "Serotril"
125 A - 1030 Denman Street         Active Ingredient
Suite 100                     is Hypericum perforatum
Vancouver, B.C.                    which is St. John's
V6G 2M6                       Wort - 2/9/99
Canada                        54Y--64
FEI# 3002597084                    54Y--99

NOTE: CDER has determined that this product is being promoted as an
alternative to prescription drugs such as Fen-Phen and Imipramine and is
intended to treat obesity and depression and claims to correct the
"biochemical cause of weight loss". The product is described as an MAO
inhibitor. MAO inhibitors are a class of antidepressant drugs which can pose
health risks to patients if certain dietary restrictions are not observed
during therapy.

PRODUCT/PRODUCT CODE                              SOURCE

(SYNONYMS FOR GBL)       3/19/99

1,4-BUTANEDIOL/65V--52(SEDATIVE)                  ALL

(Note: FDA has identified GBL products labeled as: Renewtrient; Revivarant or
Revivarant G; Blue Nitro or Blue Niro Vitality; GH Revitalizer; PRO-G; Gamma G
and Remforce.  This list should not be considered all-inclusive.)

GAMMA HYDROXYBUTYRATE (GHB)/65V--50                    ALL

(Note: FDA has identified GHB products labeled as: Alcover; Gamma-OH;
Smatomax-PM; Somsanit; Anectamine; Natural Sleep 500, etc.  This list should
not be considered all-inclusive.)

GBL and GHB also have many street names. Some of the most common are:  G;
Liquid E or Liquid X; Georgia Home Boy; Great (Grievous) Bodily Harm; Liquid
Ecstacy; Scoop;  Water.

GBL related products have been associated with reports of at least 55 adverse
health effects, including Death.  When taken orally, GBL is converted in the
body to gamma hydroxybutyrate or GHB. GBL products are sold in liquid and
powder form.

GBL and GHB products are promoted with claims to build muscles, improve
physical performance, enhance sex, reduce stress and induce sleep. These
products are very potent unapproved drugs and powerful hypnotic substances
known to produce significant and potentially dangerous sedating effects.

District may detain the above products without physical examination from all
sources.  FDA is aware these products are being offered for importation using
various non-drug claims such as: "wood softener" "bubble bath", etc.  Further,
GBL is a known ingredient for commercial floor strippers.  Never-the-less,
unless evidence is provided to the district that supports the product for non-
drug use, the product should not be considered for release.  These products
are also inappropriate for release under FDA's Personal Importation Guidance.

For additional background information on GHB, please refer to import alert 66-
60. Questions regarding GBL/GHB can be directed to CDER/Office of Compliance,
HFD-310, Bradford Williams, 301-827-7364.

All  Products       Meditalent  Enterprises Ltd.       Taiwan
GPI = DR            87 Hsin Sheng N Road               8/4/99
GPI =     VI             Taipei, Taiwan                11/17/99
FEI# 1000441748

                    Meditech Enterprise Co. Ltd.       Taiwan
                    PO Box 58388                  8/4/99
                    Taipei, Taiwan                11/17/99
                    FEI# 1000132804

Firm                Product/Product Code
                    (Note: products may be entering as skin care
                    cosmetics, therefore, we are including the
                    product code "53LC---" (Skin Care Preparations)
                    along with appropriate drug codes:

                    64L--28 (Fluocinonide)
                    64L--06 (Betamethasone dipropionate)
                    64L--99 (Glucocorticoids, n.e.c.)

Pramil Srl               Regge Lemon Gel
Milan, Italy        .05% Betamethasone dipropionate
FEI # 3002619397         64L--06/53LC

                    Topvate Cream
                    .05% Clobetasol Propionate

                    Movate Cream Esapharma
                    .05% Clobetasol propionate

                    Omic Gel Espharma
                    .025 g Fluocinonide

Duwin Pharmaceutical and Chemical Co. Ltd.Regge Lemon Gel
38 Denton Street                        .05% Betamethasone dipropionate
Lagos, Nigeria                     64L--06/53LC
FEI #3002558741
10/15/99                      Topvate Cream
                              .05% Clobetasol Propionate

                              Topsone Gel
                              .05% Betamethasone dipropionate

                              Omic Gel Edkeen
                              .025% Fluocinonide

                              Topsovate Cream Edkeen
                              .05% Clobetasone butyrate

M Movate Industries, Inc.          Movate Cream - M    - 10/15/99
Milan, Italy                  .050 g Clobetason propionate
FEI #3002823220                    64L--99/53LC

Tecmomed s.r.l.                    Dermo-Gel plus - Techmomed
viale san gimignano, 2             .075% Fluocinonide
Milan, Italy                  64L--28/53LC
FEI #3002606542
10/15/99                      Neoprosone-Gel Forte
                              .05% Betamethasone and
                              .1% Neomycin Sulphate

                              Lemonvate Cream
                              .05% Clobetasol propionate

N.P. Italiana srl                  Top-Gel with Special Sunscreen Agent
Napoli, Italy                 .025% Fluocinonide
FEI #3002823229                    64L--28/53LC  - 10/15/99

M.C.A. Medical and Chemical Agency      Prosone Gel MCA
Via Parini, 13                     .05% Betamethason dipropionate
S. Vittore Olona                        64L--06/53LC
Milan, Italy 20028
FEI #1000167943                    Top-Gel Plus MCA
10/15/99                      .025 g Fluocinonide

Mitchell International Pharmaceuticals LtdPro Beta-Zone
Unit 7 Kingston House Estate            .05% Betamethasone dipropionate
Portsmout, Thames Ditton, UK            64L--06/53LC
FEI #1000480864
10/15/99                      Beta-Vate
                              .05% Betamethasone dipropionate

                              Mercury Top Gel
                              .05% Fluocinonide

                              Topsone Gel
                              .05% Betamethasone dipropionate

                              Omic Gel Edkeen
                              .025% Fluocinonide

                              Topsovate Cream Edkeen
                              .05% Clobetasone butyrate

Glaxo Smith Kline Uk               Dermovate Cream
(a.k.a. Glaxo Wellcome             Clobetasol propionate
Research & Development)            64L[][][][]
Greenford Road                10/15/99
Greenford, Middlesex, UK UB6 OHE
FEI #3000263379                    Update name and product code
Salawu Enterprises Ltd.
10 Onikosi Steeet
Otta, Nigeria
FEI #3004526255

Laboratoires Mitchell Srl.              Dermacare Gel
Paris, France                      .05% Fluocinonide
FEI #3002823274                         64L--28/53LC
distributed by:                         10/15/99
Sears Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals Ltd.
FEI #3002823282

Mitchell Cosmetics Srl                  Regge Lemon Gel
6 Bis Chemin Byron Case            .05% Betamethasone dipropionate
Postale 59                              64L--06/53LC
Geneva, Switzerland
FEI #3002582140                         Omic Gel Plus
10/15/99                           0.025 g Fluocinonide and Neomycin
                                   Sulfate 0.05g

Preventac Tablets, PremeTab,       Formulex Canada, Inc.         Canada
SomaTac, UriTab Caplets            5950 EST Chemin Cote-de-Liesse
60LBA05, 60LAA05                   Ville Mont-Royal
54F- - 99, 54A- - 99               Quebec, Canada
5/19/00                       FEI # 3002269313


                              Ropack Inc.
                              10801 Mirabeau
                              Anjou, Quebec H1J 1T7
                              FEI # 3002674295

Products shipped by the following firms were found to contain the drug
glyburide, which is used to treat diabetes. These products are, being promoted
as dietary supplements & claim to contain only natural Chinese herbal
ingredients.  They are available through mail order and can be purchased by
telephone or via the Internet. These products are being recalled under a Class
I recall as a health hazard.

All Products        Heilongjiang Provincial Hechang    China
GPI = DR            Import and Export Co.Ltd.
GPI = VI            Harbin, China
6/6/00              FEI# 3002799794

All Products        Harbin Zhongshan Diabetes          China
GPI = DR            Research Institute
GPI = VI            Harbin, China
6/6/00              FEI# 3003028087

Calidou Sun Lotion       MFG. (per label)         Canada
66P- -99                 Prodemdis Enr.
6/8/00                   St. Hubert, Quebec
FEI # 3003030473

MFG. (per shipper):

Laboratories Confab, Inc.
4355 Sir Wilfrid Laurier
St. Hubert, Quebec J3Y 3X3
FEI # 1000610344

Catalysis, S.I.               Blue Cap Spray           Spain
Zurbano 39                    Blue Cap Cream           6/29/00
Madrid, Spain 28010           Blue Cap Shampoo
FEI# 3002989319

Product Codes:

Blue Cap Spray (100 ml, 3.33 fl oz): 62SAQ99, 61SAQ01, 61HBQ05,
53E[][]06, 53J[][]02, 53L[][]06
Blue Cap Cream (50 g, 1.6 oz): 62SAJ01, 53E[][]06, 53L[][]03,
Blue Cap Shampoo (150 ml, 4.99 oz): 61HBL05, 63SAL01, 53E[][]06,

Mifepristone             All                      All
65J[][][][]/                                      9/28/00

FDA has determined that unapproved versions of mifepristone manufactured
outside the U.S. are being promoted in this country for use to end pregnancy.
Due to the risks to the safety of the user in inadequately controlled
settings, mifepristone should be considered inappropriate for release under
the Personal Import Guidance.  Districts encountering entries of mifepristone
should determine whether the importer of record for the article being entered
is Danco Laboratories, LLC, New York, New York (distributor of the U.S.
approved product) or whether the article is being entered under an IND that is
in effect.  In such circumstances (when the article is being imported by the
distributor of the U.S. approved product or under an IND that is in effect),
the article is outside the scope of this guidance.

(Districts should contact CDER for verification of IND status.)

Source                   Product/Product Code          Country

M.C.A.                   Top-Gel Super            Italy
Medical and Chemical Agency   0,03 g Fluocinonide      2/12/01
Via Parini, 13           64L--28/53LC
S. Vittore Olona
Milan, Italy 20028
FEI #1000167943

All drug & dietary       De-Sjamaan                         Netherlands
supplement products      Hommelseweg 170                    10/7/02
GPI - DR/IND - 54             Arnhem, Netherlands 6821
                         FEI #3003671336

All products   ALPHA - Aleppo Pharmaceuticals Industries    Syria
GPI = DR       Baron Street, P.O. Box 517                   11/21/02
GPI = VI       Aleppo, Syria
               FEI #3003659034

The following sources/products have met the criteria for detention without
physical examination. Shipments are likely to be encountered through express
mail or courier operations.

Certain drugs have special safety restrictions on how they are distributed.
These restrictions include distribution limited to facilities (such as
hospitals) or physicians with special training or expertise; or requiring
certain medical procedures (such as pregnancy or blood testing) if the drug
will be used.  The following drugs are subject to a restricted distribution
program. Due to the serious health risks associated with the use of these
drugs with inadequate control, shipments of these drug are inappropriate for
release under the personal importation policy.  For questions, Districts
should contact Ada Irizarry at the Center of Drug Evaluation and Research,
Division of Prescription Drug Compliance and Surveillance, HFD-330 at 301-594-


Isotretinoin                  All            All
64X 11

Other names:   Accutane, *** Accutane Roche 40, *** Retinoic Acid, 13-cis-,
Roaccutane, Isotrex, Accure, Amnesteem, Antibiotrex, Isohexal, Isotrex
Eritromicina, Isotrexin, Nimegen, Oratane, Roaccutan, *** Sotret, Claravis ***

*** Somatropin Recombinant         All            All
64R 23
Other names:   Humatrope, Somatropin, Biosynthetic; Growth Hormone Recombinant

*** Abarelix                  All            All
Other names:  Plenaxis ***

Firm      My Drugs Canada
Address   Jonathan Valicenti, PO Box 370, 1250 University St.
          Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3B 3B0
FEI#      3004452174
^                                            ^

Firm      Pharmacy RX Drugs Inc.
Address   9 Sundown Court, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada L4J 3V4
FEI#      3004452183
^                                               ^

Firm      PharmAnabolics
Address   Karznik Pretrova, Wroclaw, 5548 Poland
FEI#      3004452189
^                                             ^

Firm      Pilot Mound Pharmacy
Address   Darcey Mosquin, Box 89, Pilot Mound, MB Canada R0G 1P0
FEI#      3004452193
^                                                 ^

Firm      The U.P.P. Group
Address   74 Perry Drive, Sylvan Lake, Alberta, Canada T4S 1K4
FEI#      3004452206
^                                                       ^

Firm      TAME
Address   404-250 McDermont Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitobal, Canada, R3B 0S5
FEI#      3004452213
^                                                    ^

Firm      The Dispensary
Address   NT Lusk, 25 Hipwood St, Brisbane, 4170 Australia
FEI#      3004452215
^                                             ^

Firm      Liberty Lifestyle Pty Ltd.
Address   Managing Director, PO Box 103 Concord West, Sydney, NSW 2138
FEI#      3004452224
^                                                   ^

Firm      DiscountMeds Online Corp.
Address   PO Box 1005, Grand Anse, St. Georges, Grenada
FEI#      3004452230
^                                          ^

Address   429 Rochor Road, Startech Holding Limited 188452 Singapore
FEI#      3004452234
^                                                ^

Firm      Punta Internacional de las Americas SA
Address   Punta Punta, Costado Este del AutoBanco Nacional, Ave 10
          San Jose, 11111 Costa Rica
FEI#      3004452237
^                                       ^

Firm      DB Group (BHPHARMACY)
Address   BLK 820, Yishun Street 81 #06-656, Singapore 760820
FEI#      3004452239
^                                         ^

Firm      Border Pharmacy
Address   26 Abasolo y Reforma, C.P. 919020  Mexico
FEI#      3004452241
^                                             ^

Firm      My Drugs Canada
Address   PO Box 370,1250 University St., Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3B 3B0
FEI#      3004452242
^                                                   ^

Firm      Universal Needs SJ Inc.
Address   PO Box 370, 1250 University St., Montreal, Quebec H3B 3B0 Canada
FEI#      3004452246
^                                                    ^

Firm      Fraser Valley Online
Address   PO Box 435, Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada V25 5Z5
FEI#      3004452248
^                                          ^

Firm      MedsCorp
Address   Courty Aunan, Blc. 5-6, Office 6b, Nurburger, 27850  Germany
FEI#      3004452249
^                                       ^
Firm      Defining Presence Marketing Group Inc.
Address   Universal Needs SJ Inc., PO Box 370, 1250 University Street
          Montreal, Quebec, H3B 3B0 Canada
FEI#      3004452254
^                                      ^

Firm      111
Address   Unknown Street Address, Singapore
FEI#      3004452260
^                                           ^

Firm      Abas Pharmacy
Address   Lakeside Computer Source, Box 136, Camp Morton, MB R0C 0M0, Canada
FEI#      3004452261
^                                           ^

Firm      Adv-Care Pharmacy Inc.
Address   Amr Bannis, 50 Heathcote Ave.,Toronto, Ontario, Canada M2L1Z1
FEI#      3004452262
^                                          ^

Firm      Rx Resources Inc.
Address   Box 11 Group 100 RR2, Lorette R0A 0Y0, Manitoba, Canada
FEI#      3004452266
^                                              ^

Firm      Aptecha Inc.
Address   Box 1158, Stonewall, Manitoba R0C 2Z0, Canada
FEI#      3004452268
^                                      ^

Firm      LePharmacy Inc.
Address   7310 Mountain Sights Ave., Montreal, QC, Canada H4P 2A6
FEI#      3004452269
^                                                       ^
^                                                     ^

Firm      TCE Group Inc.
Address   Amr Bannis, 50 Heathcote Ave., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M2L 1Z1
FEI#      3004452278
^                                              ^

Firm      Canada Med Express
Address   330 McCowan Road Suite 1508, Scarborough, Ontario,M1J 3N3 Canada
FEI#      3004452279
^                                            ^

Firm      Arborg Pharmacy
Address   273 Main St, Box 640, Arborg, MB R0C 0A0, Canada
FEI#      3004452283
^                                                ^

Firm      Canamerica Drugs
Address   12 Carina Cove, Winnipeg, MB, Canada R2V 4N8
FEI#      3004452158
^                                              ^

Address   Martin Bean, 1609-200 Ronald St., Winnipeg, MB,
          Canada R3J 3J3
FEI#      3004452159
^                                                 ^

Firm      Black Mountain IDA Pharmacy (1979) Ltd.
Address   11-590 Hwy. 33 W., Kelowna, B.C. Canada V1X 6A8
FEI#      3004452167
^                                                        ^
^                                                        ^

Firm      Canada Rx Connection
Address   11 Ayr Blvd., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3P 0K4
FEI#      3004452169
^                                                 ^

Firm      Health 2000 Pharmacy
Address   105-6950 Nicholson Rd., North Delta, BC, Canada V4E 1Z7
FEI#      3004217327
^                                                  ^

Firm      MediMart Pharmacy
Address   Paul Emmer, 1511-690 Kenaston Blvd. Winnipeg,
          MB, Canada R3N 1Z3
FEI#      3004452182
^                                               ^

Firm      Access Meds
Address   46 Parnlet, Newcastle, South Africa
FEI#      3004452185
^                                          ^

Firm      Pharmacy International
Address   61 King George, Roseau, Dominica
FEI#      3004452192
^                                                  ^

Firm      Rx2world
Address   c/- monarch holdings, PO Box 257, Port Vila, Vanuatu
FEI#      3004452194
^                                       ^

Address   World Pharmacy Supplies, c/-Suite 9, 14 Norton St,
          Leichhardt 2040, NSW Australia
FEI#      3004452204
^                                         ^

Firm      i-pharmacy
Address   PO Box w66, Shop 3, 14-16 Military Rd. Watson's Bay NSW 2030
FEI#      3004452208
^                                            ^

Firm      Planet Drugs Direct Ltd.
Address   PO Box 33 893 Takapuna, North Shore City, New Zealand
FEI#      3004051223
^                                                ^

Firm      Hometown Meds
Address   Robert Watts, 43 Roslyn Rd, Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3L 0G1
FEI#      3004452214
^                                           ^

Address   Contact Media Group, 12840 16th Ave #203, White Rock, BC V4A 1N6
FEI#      3004452216
^                                     ^

Firm      CANUSA Health Group
Address   Doug Burton, 865 Brawley Road West, Ashburn, Ontario,
          Canada L1M 1M5
FEI#      3004452226
^                                       ^

Firm      Good Samaritan Rx
Address   Dr Morgan Campbell Inc., 124 3185 King George Hwy,
          Surrey, BC, Canada V4P 2J9
FEI#      3004452228
^                                              ^

Firm      Pharmawest Pharmacy Ltd.
Address   #69-15515-24 Avenue, Surrey, BC, Canada V4A 2J4
FEI#      3004452235
^                                             ^

Firm      Direct Drugs
Address   1569 Orange Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3E 3S2
FEI#      3004452238
^                                             ^

Firm      Pelikon Investments Limited
Address   Peter Kraus, Mykinon 1, Nicosia, NO 1065, Cypress
FEI#      3004452302
^                                         ^

Firm      Canadian Pharmacy
Address   See Phuket, 12 De Castro Street, Tortola
          British Virgin Islands, 12345
FEI#      3004452315
^                                                       ^

Firm      1Meds
Address   Steven King, 21 Marion St., Shorewood 7276, Taiwan
FEI#      3004452316
^                                    ^

Firm      Canada Value Meds
Address   Junodis Solutions, 47 Regent Ave., Hamilton, Ontario Canada
          L9B 1R4
FEI#      3004452318
^                                              ^

Firm      Americana Meds
Address   Kelsie Mercer, 319 South River Road, Elora, Ontario, Canada
               NOB 1SO
FEI#      3004452156
^                                            ^

Firm      Online-Pharmacy
Address   Online Pharmacy SA, Corrientes 1820, Buenos Aires,
          Capital Federal 1108, Argentina
FEI#      3004452322
^                                             ^

Firm      Discount Prescription Drugs Online
Address   Liberty Lifestyle Pty Ltd, Barry West, P.O. Box 103 Concord West
          Sydney, NSW 2138 Australia
FEI#      3004452329
^                                                                 ^

Foreign Websites Selling Accutane or Generic Isotretinoin

(1)  Firm:               Mac Pharma Network
     Address:       MAC Pharma Network
               No.31, Block S
               Lahore, Punjab 54792
     FEI#      3005130603
^                                                     ^

(2)  Firm:
     Address:  Andrina Owens
               Canadian Drug Delivery Inc.
               11215 Jasper Ave Suite 601
               Edmonton AB T5K 0L5 Canada
FEI#           3005130862
^                                             ^

(3)  Firm:     3a & 3amed
     Address:       Jakob Neubert
               (WHITNEY-FERGUSON2 3 AMED.COM)
               Fax: +45.28804290
               Aginavej 5
               Copenhagen s, Copenhagen s 2300
FEI#           3005130835

(4)  Firm:
     Address:       Panacea International Ltd
               Copthall, P.B. Box 2331
               Roseau, Denmark
FEI#           3005130870
^                                                  ^

(5)  Firm:
     Address:       Georgios Mitropoulos
               European Pills
               113 Aristomenous St.
               Kalamata, None 24100
               Greece    +30-6944374425
FEI#           3005130887
^                                             ^

(6)  Firm:          Hallmark Pharmacy
     Address:       Hallmark Pharmacy
               Organization Address
               14 School Lane, Bengali Market
               New Delhi
FEI#           3005130889
^                                                     ^

(7)  Firm:          Canada Prescriptions Plus
     Address:  Canada Prescriptions Plus
               11420- 142 Street
               Edmonton, Alberta T5M 1V1
               Admin Contact: Cooper, Bill
     FEI#      3005130899
^                                                           ^

(8)  Firm:
     Address:       Mikalai Markau
               Polevaya 3A
               Grodno, Belarus
FEI#              3005130944
^                                                       ^

(9)  Firm:          MedsIndia
     Address:       Meds India, Ltd (MEDSINDIALTD3-DOM)
               20 Macaw Avenue
               Belmopan, Belmopan C.A.
FEI#           3005130954
^                                                ^

(10) Firm(s): and/or
     Address:       Karznik
               Wroclaw, 5548
Admin Contact:  Karznik, David
FEI#           3004452189
^                                                    ^
^                                                 ^

Note:  These two different firms are operating under the same firm address and
two different website locations.

(11) Firm(s):  Night and Day and/or
     Address:       Monarch Holdings (VTGREEPZWD)
               2nd Floor, Windsor House
               Lini Highway, P.B. Box 257
               Port Vila, Fort Vila 00000
FEI#           3004452194
^                                                       ^
^                                                    ^
^                                                ^

Note:  These three different firms are operating under the same firm address
and three different website locations.

(12) Firm:
     Address:       Liberty Lifestyle Pty Ltd
               Managing Director
               PO Box 103   Concord West
               Sydney, NSW 2138
FEI#           3004452329
^                                                        ^

(13) Firm:          Discount Meds
     Address:       DiscountMeds Online Corp.
               P.O. Box 1005
               Grand Anse, St. Georges
FEI#           3004452230
^                                               ^

(14) Firm:          OP Online
     Address:       Online Pharmacy SA
               Corrientes 1820
               Buenos Aires, Capital Federal 1108
FEI#           3004452322
^                                                   ^

(15) Firm:          The
Address:       NT Lusk
25 Hipwood St.
Brisbane, 4170
FEI#           3004452215
^                                                  ^

Website Additions to Import Alert # 66-41 -   Foreign Websites Selling
Clozaril or Humatrope

(1)  Firm:               Anabolics-Online
     Address:       Jarda Pokorny
               Libusina 37
               Praha, 110 00
               Czech Republic
     FEI#      3005133122
^                                                        ^

(2)  Firm:               Hormone Boutique
     Address:       CWP
               PO Box 3149, Pasea Estate
               Road Town,
               British Virgin Isles  BV 1000
     FEI#      3005133124
^                                             ^

(3)  Firm:               Pharmacy-Network
     Address:       Azenith International LLC
               Copthall PO Box 2331
               St. George, Dominica  00152
FEI#      3005133150
^                                                   ^
^                                                      ^

Note:  These two different firms are operating under the same firm address and
two different website locations.

(4)  Firm:               HGH Human Growth Hormone
     Address:       Laura Vadillo
               My Cancun Weddings
               Av. Sayil No. 24
               Cancun, Quintana Roo 77500
     FEI#      3005133169
^                                                           ^

(5)  Firm:               New Age Nutrition
     Address:       Discount Nutrition S.A.
               Cancun, Quintana Roo 77500
               Vadillo Laura director@ discount-human-growth-
               St. George, Dominica  00152
     FEI#      3005133172
^                                                                ^
     Address:       BIP Cancun S.A. de C.V. (FGNXPTCWTD)
               Calle Azucenas SM.22 M.2, Lote 19
               Cancun, ZZ 77500
     FEI#      3005133178
^                                                       ^

(7)  Firm:     
     Address:       Barney Briton
               #500, 400 Crowfoot Cresc. NW
               Calagary, Alberta T3G 5H6
     FEI#      3005133180
^                                                  ^

(8)  Firm:               Imported Drugs
     Address:       Canam Shopping Services, Ltd
               Suite #243   15-180 Central Road
               Dunca, BC V9L-4X3
     FEI#      3005133190
^                                                ^

(9)  Firm:               3amed
     Address:       Jakob Neubert
               (WHITNEY-FERGUSON2 3 AMED.COM)
               Fax: +45.28804290
               Aginavej 5
               Copenhagen s, Copenhagen s 2300
     FEI#      3005133196
^                                          ^

(10) Firm:     
     Address:       Pharmacy Network
               Vancouver, BC V2V 1K4
     FEI#      3005133203
^                                                   ^

PRODUCT                  SOURCE                   COUNTRY

Sildenafil Citrate       Wallace Service P/L      Canada
Soft Tabs                Clive Wallace
(Soft Tabs Viagra)       81 c Marine Parade
65P02                         Seacliff, South Australia
5/27/05                  Australia
FEI# 3004857162
^                                     ^

Sildenafil Citrate       Medical Compounding      Canada
Soft Tabs                Software
(Soft Tabs Viagra)       Box 421 Arnold Street
65P02                         Richmond Hill
5/27/05                  Ontario L4C 3R0
FEI# 3004857167

Fentanyl                      All            All
60M 24

Other names:  Actiq


Bosentan                      All            All

Other names:  Tracleer

Clozapine                     All            All
65V 13
Other names:  Clopine, Clopsine, Clozaril, Elcrit, Froidir, Lanolept, Leponex,

Dofetilide                         All            All
63E 32

Other names:  Tikosyn

Alosetron Hydrochloride            All            All
61T 30

Other names:  Lotronex

Mifepristone                  All            All
65J 38

Other names:  Mifegyne, Mifeprex

Sodium Oxybate                All            All
65V 50

Other names:  Alcover, Anetamin, Gamma-OH, Somsanit, Xyrem

Trovafloxacin                 All            All
61H 47

Other names:  Trovan

Thalidomide                        All            All

Other names:  Synovir, Thalomid


Ancom Tablets  Shanghai Pharmaceutical Industry Corp. (mfg)
GPI=VI         27 Chungshan Road
GPI=DR         Shanghai, China
2/12/03        FEI # 3003884699

China National Medicines & Health (shipper)
Products Import & Export Corp.
Shanghai Branch
27 Chungshan Road (E1)
Shanghai, China
FEI # 5534

Tourasia (internet promoter)
246 Sukhumvit Soi 16
Bangkok, Thailand 10110
FEI # 3003925496

Charisma Co., Ltd. (internet promoter)
248/1 Sukhumvit Soi 16
Bangkok, Thailand 10110
FEI # 3003925501

Source                   Product/Product Code          Country

(manufacturer)           "Busto-Lift" capsules         Italy
Italiani Selex           and cream for growth          04/23/03
20063 Cassina de Pecchi       enlargement of the
Milano, Italy            Female bust
FEI # 3003901090              53LC-99
(shipper)                66VB-99
Luoice Marketing Enterprise
No. 7 Off Jalan Bukit Bintang
Luala Lumpur, Malaysia
FEI # 3003901091

(manufacturer)           "Recovery Biostructural  Canada
Biomedica Laboratories, Inc.  Medicines" for relief of 4/29/03
"No Street Address"      Chronic pain and
Vancouver, British Columbia,  inflammation
FEI # 3003807448              54FCR99
The Nutraceutical Medicine Co.
Unit #2, 3006 Boys Road
Duncan, British Columbia, Canada V9L 6W4
FEI # 3003056414

Chemon Inc.                   "Joint by Joint"         Korea, Republic of
4645 Chung-Ri            Supplement               5/5/03
Kusung-Up, Yougin-Si          GPI - DR/VI
Kyungki-Do, Korea
FEI# 3003952905

Product                  Source:             Country:

Sildenafil citrate       Generic Viagra Bz        Belize
(generic)                5870 Manatee Drive
65P02                    Button Wood Bay, Belize
5/23/03                  FEI# 3003868410

All drugs                Mr. Vikan           Thailand
GPI-DR                   Carrefour Rama 4 Road
GPI-VI                   MBE Suite 019
5/23/03                  Bangkok, 10110, Thailand
                         FEI# 3003885661

Agrumax                  Bioxem, Inc.        Canada
54AGL90                  1421 Nobel
8/19/03                  Sainte-Julie
                         Quebec, Canada
                         FEI# 3003756848

Face Cream                    Diane de Beaute          All
53L[][][][]/64X[][][][]       PO Box 11-7599
9/5/03                   Beirut, Lebanon
FEI# 3003914273

Charantia Ampalaya       Herbcare Corp.           Philippines
Food Supplement               Herbcare Center, PDC Compound
54E[][]99 - Tea form          Pilar Village, Las Pinas City,
54F[][]99 - Capsule form Philippines
                         FEI# 3003865977


                         Herbcare Corp.           Philippines
                         Box 163
                         Las Pinas City,
                         FEI# 3003659682

Herbal Medicines including    Akita Herbal Products              Philippines
Gluco-Norm Gold,              Corner Volga and Zambensi Streets
Banabooster,             Riverside Subdivision Friendship
Cancers Protocol              Angeles City, Philippines
54Y- - -                 FEI #3003977207
66V- - -

Eleotin (and all products     Eastwood Bio-Medical          Canada
from this firm making          Research Inc.           any drug claims)\
#1130-4871 Shell Road

Richmond, B.C.                V6X 3Z6
GPI = VI                 CANADA
61P[][]99                FEI #3001619750

The product label indicates Eleotin is a supplement, but refers customers to
the firm's website which claims the product can be used to
treat diabetes.  The product can also be purchased from the firm's website.
The website claims Eleotin restores the body's own ability to control blood
glucose levels and results in long-term molecular level changes to assist the
body to recover glucose normalcy.

According to the firm's website, Eastwood Bio-Medical Research Inc. is engaged
in the development and commercialization of safe and effective treatment for
non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus and cancer.

Careseng #1              Pegasus Pharmaceuticals Group Inc. Canada
(Capsules & Liquids)     3331 No. 3 Road
66V -- 99           Richmond, British Columbia
1/13/04                  Canada
                    FEI #3004153848

Careseng #2
66V- -99            Dba

                   Pegasus Natural Supplements, Inc.
                   Richmond, Canada
                   FEI #3003817323

                   Pegasus Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
                   #156   11786 River Rd
                   Richmond, Canada
                   FEI #3003114241

                   Pegasus Pharmaceut
                   156 11786 River Road
                   Richmond, Canada
                   FEI #3003659429

                                            PRODUCT             SOURCE                    COUNTRY

                                            All Products       American Style Products    India
                                            2/6/04              BHikaji Cam PL
                                                               New Delhi, IN
                                                               FEI:  3004413333

                                            The agency received information about an overseas internet site se
                                            counterfeit contraceptive patches that contain no active ingredien
ts.  The
                                            counterfeit contraceptive patches were promoted as Ortho Evra tran
                                            patches,  Ortho Evra transdermal patches, a Johnson and Johnson's 
                                            Pharmaceutical, Inc. product..   This internet site's domain name 

                                            Ukrain              Nowicky Pharma            Austria
                                            2/6/04              Margaretenstrasse 7
                                                               Vienna, a-1040
                                                               FEI: 3000960791

UKRAIN is an injectable promoted as an anticancer drug.   Districts
encountering shipments of this product should contact DIOP using the ORA HQ
DIOP EMPLOYEES e-mail for guidance.

PRODUCT/PRODUCT CODE           SOURCE                    COUNTRY

All Skin Bleaching and         Catherine Abbaa                 Nigeria
Lightening Lotions,            98 Badagry Exp. Way
Creams, Soaps and        Lagos, Nigeria
Serum                    FEI# 3003407077

Note: products may be entering as skin care cosmetics, therefore, we have
included the product code "53[][]-[][]" along with the appropriate drug code.


Humatrope                ALL                      ALL

Other names: Somatropin, biosynthetic; Growth Hormone Recombinan

Plenaxis                 ALL                      ALL

Other names: Abarelix

PRODUCT                        SOURCE             COUNTRY

Plaquex                        All                All

A product used for chelation therapy is represented to be useful in a number
of therapeutic conditions. It is called Plaquex.  The product comes into the
country from the Bahamas using the personal importation policy on the "front"
end, however a recently detained package eclared the contents to be a
nutritional supplement.  The company involved in this is called Jeunomed
International and it has a Key Biscayne address.  Product administration is by
IV and requires refrigeration.  One 50ml vial is said to contain 2500ml
essential Phospholipids as 70% Phosphatidylcholine, 1250mg Deoxycholic acid,
10mg Vitamin E, 10mg Nicotinic acid, 10mg Adenosine triphosphate, 450mg Benzyl
alchohol and 120mg Ethanol.  Plaquex, is an injectable drug product, and as
such, it poses a significant health risk and it is being promoted in the U.S.
through the internet ; e.g.

PRODUCT                        SOURCE                    COUNTRY

V-1, V-4 Magnesium       Jirashataporn Co., Ltd.  Thailand
Dietary Supplements            72/2-3 Moo 10 Sukumvit Rd.
GPI=DR                         Chachoengsao, Thailand
54Y- -99                 FEI# 3004375809
54B- -08
4/15/04                        Immunitor Manufacturer Co., Ltd.  Thailand
                         71 Moo 5,Bangpakong Industrial Park
                         Chachoengsao, Thailand 24130
                         FEI# 3004375808

Avicenna Pharma brand           A.M. Herbs(M) SDN BHD            Malaysia
Dietary supplements:           2-4 Jalan 3/114,
Cholestmed               Kuchai Business Center
Glucosure                58200 Kuala Lumpur
Gastro Balance                 Malaysia
Renalife                 FEI# 3004686954

Product Codes: 54Y--99 54F--99

PRODUCT                  SOURCES                         COUNTRY

Sildenafil Citrate Vee Excel   Drugs &                   India
Tablets                  Pharmaceuticals (P) Ltd
65P02              G-16, 3rd Floor
9/16/04                  Preet Vihar, Vikas Marg
Delhi, India
FEI# 3004062123

                   Vee Excel (V Excel International)
                   2, Veer Sawarkar Block
                   Triveni Complex
                   Madhuban Road, Shakar Pur
                   Delhi, India
                   FEI# 3003945550

                   Vee Excel Drugs & Pharmaceutical
                   R-23-B, 1/F, Rita Block
                   Delhi, India
                   FEI# 3004062373

PRODUCT                        SOURCES                         COUNTRY

Wings Heartdrop Formula  Wings International             CANADA
Herbal Tinture                 Marketing Ltd.
54F[][]99                6595 Herry Road.
9/30/04                        Vernon, BC
                         FEI #3004497001

PRODUCT                        SOURCES                         COUNTRY

"Actra-RX"               Shenyang Changgong Yibao All
Other names: "Yilishen"  Alcohol Co. Ltd.   Under the supervision of
54- - - -                Shenyand Medicline Research on
65P- - -02               Biologic Resource
(Contains prescription   126 Changbai Street, Dongling District
strength                 Shengyang, Liaoning, China
sildenafil by FDA analysis)    FEI:  3003791634

PRODUCT                  SOURCE                          COUNTRY

All                IVFMeds                        Gibraltar
GPI=DR                   Suite 5, Ellicott House
2/16/05                  1/3 Town Range
                   (no FEI)

All                Bowling Chemist Ltd.           United Kingdom
GPI=DR                   7 Wardour Street
2/16/05                  London, WID 6PE
                   United Kingdom
                   FEI# 1000474709

Background: Based on accompanying documents, the product appears to be a
new drug without an approved application.  An internet-based pharmacy,
IVFMeds, is reportedly filling orders using certain unapproved foreign
versions of Serono fertility products through another UK-based pharmacy called
Bowling Chemists Ltd.  In addition, after reviewing the firm's website, it appears that IVFMeds also promotes and offers for sale
into the U.S. foreign versions of various other unapproved drug products.

PRODUCT/CODE                          SOURCE                     COUNTRY

Anthelios XL Cr�me             La Roche-Posay                  France
 Ultra Protection UVA 60+SPF          Labatoire Pharmaceutique
Anthelios XL Lait              86270 La Roche Posay, France
 Ultra Protection UVA 60+SPF          FEI# 3003818446
Antherpos Protection UVA
 SPF 50
Anthelios XL Fluid Extreme
 Ultra Protection LSF 60
66P 99
65L 99
53L 99

Background: Based on accompanying documents, the above specified La-Roche-
Posay sunscreen products appear to be new drugs without an approved
application (NDA).  These products contain ingredients that are not permitted
in the final rule for Sunscreen Drug Products for Over-The-Counter Human use
[21 CFR Part 352]. 505(a) charge.

PRODUCT                        SOURCE                    COUNTRY

Bryson Primer # 1        Bryson Garden Remedies          Canada
Cleansing Herbal Formula 1695 Franklin Street
54FCL99                        Vancouver, Canada
3/21/05                        FEI# 3003274380

SAFI, Blood Purifier           Hamdard (WAKF) Laboratories     India
54F[][][][]              Ghaziabad, India
3/21/05                        FEI# 3004659877

Beijing Kowloon Pharmaceutical Stamax Sexual Stimulant    China
Factory                        Dietary Supplement
No 1200 Diyang Bldg.                  66S[][]51
Beijing, China
FEI# 3003880203

PRODUCT                        SOURCE             COUNTRY

Powder Enlarge Patch           Cybermed Industries       Canada
80L[][]DQ                204-1010 View Street
54F[][]99                Victoria, BC, Canada V8V4V3
66V[][]99                FEI# 3003657059

Background:  Power Enlarge Patch is offered for sale on this firm's Internet
site at  This product is promoted as a transdermal patch
that infuses its ingredients directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the
digestive system. Based on its intended uses, Power Enlarge Patch is a drug.
As labeled and formulated, this drug is not generally recognized as safe and
effective by experts, and is a new drug marketed without an approved new drug
application.   Furthermore, because this product is a transdermal drug, the
method of administration or application suggested in the labeling causes it to
be a new drug.  See 21 CFR  310.3(h)(5).  Per CDER the appropriate charge is

PRODUCT                  SOURCE                   COUNTRY

ESNATRI brand            ALL                      ALL
natural triple
estrogen moisturizing

Based on accompanying documents, Esnatri brand estrogen moisturizing
cream appears to be a new drug without an approved application NDA).
^                                      ^

Product                        SOURCE       COUNTRY

All topical "Black Salve"             ALL                ALL
(Black Salve is also known by
the following other names: Cansema Black
Topical Salve, Cansema Deep Tissue,
Cansema w/Lugol's Iodine (topical),
Cansema for Cats, Dogs, and Horses,
Cansema Tonic I, Cansema Tonic II,
Cansema Tonic III, Cansema Capsules,
Cansema Suppositories, Bloodroot Paste,
C-Herb Paste, CAN-X, Cancerx, H3O, Healing

Background/Reason for Alert:  Black salve, also known by the names cited
above, has been advertised for use in the cure, mitigation, treatment or
prevention of cancer.  In addition, various websites promote black salve
products for use in the treatment and cure of cancer, tumors, herpes, venereal
diseases, diabetes, lupus, and internal malignancies.  Based on its intended
uses, this product is a drug.  Further, CDER is not aware of any substantial
scientific evidence that demonstrates that this product is generally
recognized as safe and effective for its labeled uses.  Districts may detain
without physical examination any product named above, and refuse entry to any
black salve product that is labeled or is accompanied by labeling, with claims
that it is intended to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat or prevent a disease.

Product/code:                  Source:                   Country:

DIATECH 2000                   Pharmatech 2000           Canada
Food Supplement                16508 100 Street
54F[][]99                Edmonton, AB, Canada
7/25/05                        FEI# 3004024126

PRODUCT                               SOURCE                     COUNTRY

Serrapeptase                          Enerex Botanicals Ltd.     Canada
(Serratia Peptidase Enzyme)           8531 Eastlake Drive
66V[][]99                      Burnaby,
54[][][]99                     British Columbia V5A 4T7
8/23/05                               Canada
                               FEI# 3003787333

Note: product may be entering as a dietary supplement, therefore, we have
included the product code "54[][]99" along with the appropriate drug code.

The product's accompanying literature and indicates Serrapeptase(Serratia
Peptidase Enzyme), among other claims, is used to treat arterial blockage in
coronary patients" and the product has anti-inflammatory and pain blocking
benefits. The firm's website, ^                   ^ makes similar claims.

In 1982, Woodward's Gripe Water was promoted for infants including newborns
and older children over 12 months of age and labeled for gripes, acidity,
flatulency, a quick and gentle way of relieving baby's hiccups, minor tummy
upsets and teething. The article contains, among other things, dill oil or
dill water, sodium bicarbonate, and 3.67   4.69% alcohol. Gripe water has been
used in various foreign countries for many years. However, in the United
States it is not generally recognized as safe and effective for its intended
uses, based on its formula and labeling, and therefore, is considered a new
drug which cannot be marketed without an approved New Drug Application.  In
addition the Center for Drugs Evaluation and Research (CDER) has safety
concerns regarding the dill oil or dill water ingredients.  A recent OASIS
data search indicates that there continue to be importations of gripe water
into the U.S. at various ports of entry. Districts should Detain Without
Physical Examination shipments labeled as gripe water or other types of water
aqueous products (i.e., dill water, dill oil) which might be labeled with drug

Firm Name and Address:         Product/Product Code:

All                            Gripe Water
8/25/05                               66V[][]99

NOTE: This product was previously subject to Detention Without Physical
Examination under Import Alert #66-09.  Effective as of the issuance of these
notification shipments of gripe water should be detained per Import Alert #66-
41, "Unapproved New Drugs Promoted in the U.S."


Inter Medical Lab                     Bangkok Slim Weight Loss Program
  AKA Inter Medical Clinic                  GPI=DR/54-----
24-16 Phahonyothin Rd                       I Inter Bangkok Clinic Weight
Loss                                  Bangkok, Thailand        GPI=DR/54-----
9/16/05                                     FEI# 3003141248

Gynostemma Pentaphylla         Weimin Medicine Manufactory     China
And Evening Primrose Pills     Unknown Street Address
54F[][][]                Beijing
54H[][][]                FEI# 3005271572
GPI=DR                         Shipper
10/28/05                 Yung Sing Enterprises Ltd.      Canada
                         279 E. Pender Street
                         British Columbia
                         FEI# 3002950572

Herbal Life (or Herbal Life and             ALL Products       Canada
Essence Co.)                                GPI = DR
2416 Main Street, Unit 132                  IND - 54
Vancouver, Canada (BC)
FEI# 3004136252

[Note:  This firm is connected to the website ^                         ^
that is promoting various products for use as street drug alternatives.  The
agency considers any product that is promoted as a street drug alternative to
be an unapproved new drug and a misbranded drug in violation of Sections 505
and 502 of the FFDCA.]

Bioxira Health Technologies,          Bioxira Skin Cream Impregnated Cloth
   S.A. de C.V.                       Bioxira PreventAge 1.0
Callejon Zaragoza No. 1               Bioxira Defining 1.0
Cuajimalpa, Distrito Federal
FEI# 3005011306
^                                    ^

PRODUCT                        SOURCE                          COUNTRY

Emagrece Sim Dietary           Fitoterapicos (Fytoterapicos)     All
 Supplement (all Levels) Rua Estrela Dione 340
GPI-DR/54[][][][][]            Riacho das Pedras
12/23/05                 Contagem, Brazil
                         FEI# 3005061819

Emagrece Sim Dietary           Phytotherm Sim                    All
 Supplement (all Levels) Rua Estrela Dione 300
GPI-DR/54[][][][][]            Contagem, Brazil
12/23/05                 FEI# 3005289514

Herbathin Dietary Supplement   Fitoterapicos (Fytoterapicos)     All
 (all Levels)                  Rua Estrela Dione 340
GPI-DR/54[][][][][]            Riacho das Pedras
12/23/05                 Contagem, Brazil
                         FEI# 3005061819

Herbathin Dietary Supplement   Phytotherm Sim                    All
 (all Levels)                  Rua Estrela Dione 300
GPI-DR/54[][][][][]            Contagem, Brazil
12/23/05                 FEI# 3005289514

Laboratorio Urena Sa                  Te Diossana
Via Argentina   EDF Balmoral          54Y[][]99
Panama City, Panama                   31K[][]99
FEI# 3005274240                       54E[][]99

NOTE: The label of the herbal product includes the website:
^                           ^ This website makes direct reference to
treatments for cancer cures as well as treatments for AIDS and diabetes.
Additionally, a letter that accompanies the imported product states in Spanish
that this product has been used to treat patients with cancer, leukemia, and
HIV positive obtaining good results even on those patients with terminal
conditions.  We are not aware of any substantial scientific evidence that
establishes that this product is generally recognized as safe and effective
for its intended use.  This product is not the subject of an approved new or
abbreviated new drug application.

Liver Cleanse                  Innercleanse 2000 Inc.          Canada
Lung Cleanse                   AKA Herbal Care Direct, Inc.
Kidney Cleanse                 2319 Fairview Street
Arterial Cleanse         Unit 608
Anti-Para Parasite Cleanse     Burlington, Ontario
54I[][]99   54B[][]99    L7R2E3
54E[][]99   54C[][]99    FEI# 3002671576
54F[][]99   54Y[][]99    FEI# 3004011959

Note: product may be entering as a dietary supplement, therefore, we have
included the product code "54[][]99" along with the appropriate drug code.

The product labeling for the above products do not make any drug claims
however, the firm's website that provides drug related information on the
products ^                         ^ and their ordering website that also
provides drug related information ^                             ^ makes
claims such as curing kidney infections.

Nature Products                             Revivo (Chinese Herb Mix)
Mekong Hill Garden                          62V[ ][ ]99
Jinghong, Yunnan                      54Y[ ][ ]99
China                                 2/1/06
FEI# 3005550994

NOTE: This product is promoted to treat AIDS/HIV infection and other viral
diseases on the firm's website ^                           ^.

Beijing Kowloon Pharmaceutical              4EVERON SEXUAL STIMULANT
Factory, Rm: 105, No. 3               TABLET
Tianzhuzhongjie Shunyi District             (declared as L-arginine
Beijing, China                              dietary supplement)
FEI# 3003880203                             54C[][]02, 54F[][]29

54Y[][]99, 65P[][]02



Industrias Quimicas Kemed S De Cv           Phenocane Dietary Supplement
Callejon De Las Moflas 11901                62G[][]99
Tijuana, BC                           54F[][]99
Mexico                                      54Y[][]99
FEI# 3004268316                             4/6/06

PRODUCT                               SOURCE                   COUNTRY

"Marine Phytoplankton"                Unique Seafarm           Canada
Core Marine Phytoplankton             3145 Headland Rd
Capsules & Liquid              Nanaimo
66V--99                               Canada
5/3/06                                V9X 1N8
      FEI# 3005095075

                                       Product/Code:                  Source:             Country:

                                       PEB One and PEB Two Capsules             Michelle Gleneuine  Brazil
                                       (Brand Renutryent)  Dietary              Av. Canal Marapendi
                                       Supplement                     No. 4100/1105, BL1
                                       66V[][]99                      Rio de Janiero, Brazil
                                       5/4/06                         FEI# 3005524067

                                       FDA has determined that this product contains the undeclared  prescript
                                       drug ingredients Fenproporex HCl and Chlordiazepoxide HCl.  Both are Sc
                                       IV Drugs.  Fenproporex hydrochloride has been used as an anorectic in t
                                       treatment of obesity although the use of stimulants in this way is no l
                                       recommended.  Chlordiazepoxide is used in the short-term treatment of a
                                       disorders, insomnia, muscle spasm, alcohol withdrawal syndrome, and for
                                       anesthetic premedication before surgery.  The product is labeled for th
                                       treatment of weight reduction by increasing the metabolism, controlling
                                       anxiety, and inhibiting excessive appetite.  Based on its intended uses
, this
                                       product is a drug. There is no substantial scientific evidence that thi
                                       product is generally recognized as safe and effective for the condition
                                       recommended or suggested in its labeling.

                                       Shu Li Foot Pouches       Ion Farms Co        Korea, (South)
                                       80KGX                     2f Donggyoung Bd
                                       5/12/06                   Incheon
                                                            Korea, (South)
                                                            FEI# 3005463878

                                       PRODUCT              SOURCE                                  COUNTRY

                                       Salusil/61H[][]99         Frigor & Chemicals Ltd.                 Israe
                                       Tetrasil/61H[][]99   P.O. Box 12053 Industrial Area
                                       5/16/06              Hefer, Israel 38800
                                                       FEI #: 3003887525

                                       Psorcure Oil         Dr. Shelender Dhawan (Manufacturer)     India (IN)
                                       Psorcure Ointment         1759 Sector 16, Faridabad
                                       Psorcare Capsules         Haryana
                                       Psorclean Tablets         India
                                       Psorcalm Capsules         FEI #3005619744
                                       Immunopsor Drops

                                       Psorcure Oil         ECom Consultant (Shipper/Distributor)   Canada (CA
                                       Psorcure Ointment         4 Cobbler Street
                                       Psorcare Capsules         Brampton, Ontario L6X 4T4
                                       Psorclean Tablets         Canada
                                       Psorcalm Capsules         FEI # 2000011553
                                       Immunopsor Drops

                                       Opto-Pharm Pte Ltd.                      "Ortho-Eyes" Lubricant Eye Dro
                                       13 Tuas Avenue 12                             (Labeled as a dietary sup
                                       Singapore 639035                              66V[][]99
                                       FEI# 3005320466                          54Y[][]99
                                                            AOR Inc./
                                                            Advanced Orthomolecular Research
                                                            Bay 9, 4101   19 Street N.E.
                                                            Calgary, Alberta T2E 6X8
                                                            FEI# 3004288965



                                       Bio-Gulf Sdn Bhd                         Libidus
                                       24-2 Medan Setia 2             65P[][]02
                                       Plaza Damansara                54Y[][]99
                                       50490 Kuala Lumpur             54F[][]99
                                       FEI# 3004792803

                                       NOTE: "Libidus" is promoted on the Internet websites ^
                                       <<< and ^^ and >>> <<< as an herbal, male, sexual stimu
lant and has
                                       been imported into the U.S. as a dietary supplement.  Analysis provided
                                       CDER's Division of Pharmaceutical Analysis, HFD-920, found that the cap
                                       contain the undeclared chemical "acetildenafil," an analog of sildenafi
                                       Sildenafil citrate is the active ingredient in Viagra a product manufac
                                       by Pfizer for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.  "Acetildenafil" i
s not
                                       declared as one of the ingredients on the Libidus' product's label and 
                                       pharmacology of this new drug is unknown.

                                       "Green Sun" Antiviral Gel      Natropractica (Website Registrant)
                                       54Y[][]99                      Christoper Scipio (
                                       08/25/06                       1950 West Broadway
                                       Vancouver, BC V6J 5C2, Canada
                                       FEI #3005860590

                                       "Green Sun" is promoted on Natropactica's website,
m, for
                                       use as an "Yeffective barrier which inhibits the ability of HPV, Herpes
                                       other STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections) from replicating on the su
                                       \of the skin and inhibits their ability to adhere to the skin.  We deve
                                       our own anti-viral gel lube with Carrageenan and other substances we we
                                       \already working with in the protocol and developed out own formula." A
                                       \the following metatag key words are connected with this website: "anti
                                       gel;" "genital herpes;" "Genital Herpes Symptoms;" "varicella zoster;"
                                       shingles;" "sexually transmitted diseases;" " STD;" "AIDS;" "HIV;" "inc
                                       diseases;" etc.

                                       Based on its intended uses this product is a drug.  Further, we are not
                                       of any substantial scientific evidence that this product is generally
                                       recognized as safe and effective for the conditions recommended or sugg
                                       in its labeling.

                                       Sweet Cures Waterfall D-Mannose          Any Sweet Cures          Unite
d Kingdom
                                       36A[][]99                      101 Foxwood Lane
                                                                 York, YO24 3LQ
                                                                 United Kingdom
                                                                 FEI# 3005724802

                                       Pro Sero Co., Ltd                             "Pro Sero Plaster"
                                       7F., No. 122, Section 1,                 pain relieving patch
                                       Ho-ping West Road                             60L[][][][]
                                       Taipei, Taiwan, Republic Of China             79K[][]GX, 89M[][]LX
                                       FEI# 3003179061                          10/27/06

                                       Swiss Medica, Inc              Essential Oil Neutralizer          Canad
                                       53 Yonge Street, 3rd Floor     024 Fibromyalgia
                                       Toronto                   GPI = DR
                                       Canada                    11/1/06
                                       FEI# 3004932367
                                       ^                                     ^

                                       SOURCE                    PRODUCT                  COUNTRY

                                       Dragonedge Resources      Revitapatch              Japan
                                       1207 Jasmine Towers       (All Natural Detox) 11/13/06
                                       Selangor                  Foot Patch
                                       Malaysia                  GPI=DR
                                       FEI# 3005748500           GPI=DE

                                       Revitapatch is manufactured in Japan and is known to be distributed thr
                                       Malaysia.  The product is a combination product as defined under 21 CFR
                                       3.2(e)(1)(the pad is the device portion and the ingredients absorbed in
to the
                                       pad make up the drug portion).  The product's labeling declares Revitap
atch is
                                       a detoxifier; and as promoted on the product's website, declares Revita
                                       improves blood circulation, increases the metabolism, activates red blo
                                       \cells, enhances the quality of sleep and aids in the release of toxins
                                       through the skin.



                                       All Products         Catalysis, S.L.                              Spain
                                       GPI=DR, GPI=VI       Macarena 14
                                       12/11/06             Madrid, Spain 28016
                                       FEI # 3002989319

                                                      Coffee               S.A. Wilson                        
                                                      Coffee with Enema Kit               2891 Regional Rd. #2
0 Unit #2
                                                      66V[][]99            Bowmanville, Ontario
12/ /06              Canada L1C 3K6
FEI# 3005507009

PRODUCT                        SOURCE                   COUNTRY

Ayurvedic Fair and Lovely Cream     Hindustan Lever Ltd.          India
53L[][]03                      Dag No 21 of 122 F.s.grant
11/3/06                        Mouza-tingra
Doomdooma Industrial Estate, Off Nh-37
Ayurvedic Fairness Cream       Mumbai, India
53L[][]03                      FEI# 3004356927

Fairness Cream for Men              Herbo Foundation, Shed 24     India
(Fair and Handsome)            Industrial Estate
53L[][]03                      Guwahati, India
11/3/06                        FEI# 3005501533

PRODUCT                   SOURCE              COUNTRY

Ranitone/Rani Tonic       Rani Drug House          India
GPI=DR                    Nellayi
54F[][][]  53B[][][]      Thrissur District
54Y[][][]  53E[][][]      Kerala, India
31K[][][]  53F[][][]      FEI# 3005734324
31L[][][]  53L[][][]      ^                      ^
31P[][][]  53J[][][]

PRODUCT/PRODUCT CODE                SOURCE              COUNTRY

Isotretinoin                        All                 All
64X [] [] 11                                            2/8/07

Foreign Websites Selling Isotretinoin
Jose Carlos domain @
Apartado Postal 10-65666
Mexico City, null 425369
phone: 52.5542369532
FEI# 3006084927
^                               ^

Gold Shield Corporation
23-845 Dakota Street-300
Winnipeg, Manitoba R2M 5M3
^                        ^
^                                    ^<
FEI# 3006076714
451 Ladprow Rd
Wangtonglang, Wangtonglang
Bangkok, Bangkok10210
^                            ^<
FEI # 3006076729

Note: The above firm appears to market clozaril (clozapine) as well as
1364 Cliveden Ave.
Delta, British Columbia,
Canada V3M 6K2
^                             ^
FEI# 3005359913

Heibert Net Inc
Al Wong
8181, 120 A Street, Suite #2
Surrey BC V3W 3P2
^                         ^
^                                   ^
^                    ^
FEI# 3006093160

DG (Damian Garel)
Lofgister 34
Bjorntal, 5689
^                                  ^
FEI# 3006078870

Note: The above firm appears to market various anabolic steroids as well as
isotretinoin on its website.
Pharm Export
Hornweg 18
Amsterdam, AR 1045
^                                ^
FEI# 3006078881

Note:  The above site appears to be selling accutane online and includes
airmail shipping.
ExpertInfo, Inc.
Jose Luis Soto
PO Box 2411-0834
Panama City,
^                                                         ^
FEI# 3006078947

Note: The above site appears to be a buyer's group.

North Pharmacy Inc
110-165 Kimta Road
Victoria V9A 7T1
^                               ^<
FEI# 3006078952

P.O. Box #88614
Surrey, BC V3W 2P2
^                               ^<
FEI# 3006080166

Newton Pharmacy
1004-7445 132 St
Surrey, BC, Canada
V3W 1J8
^                                 ^
^                         ^
^                               ^<
FEI# 3005349015

Note: The above (3) firms have the same URL website.

Guillermo Rivera
Chivilcoy 4820
Capital Federal, Buenos Aires 1419
^                                 ^
FEI# 3006080192

Solaris Worldwide
1364 Cliveden Ave.
Delta, BC V3M 6K2
^                                       ^
FEI# 3006080199
1364 Cliveden Ave
Delta, British Columbia
Canada V3M 6K2
^                                       ^
FEI# 3005335274

Planet Systems, Inc.
John Variss
58 Shirley St., 1st Floor PO Box 88 15670
Nassau, Bahamas
^                            ^
FEI# 3006084943

Tangny Enterprises, Inc.
Edificio Banco Aliado
Calle Ricardo Arias, Piso No. 15
Apartado 6443
Panama 5, R. de Panama
^                            ^
FEI#  3006084950
Mumbai 11
^                               ^
FEI#  3006084980

Indian Meds 4u
B-311, Place, Gaulind Road
^                         ^
FEI# 3006084999

AAA Webmanagement AG
Aegeristrasse 4
Zug, Kantone Zug 6301
^                         ^
FEI# 3006086033

144 Richmond Hill Rd
Christchurch, Canterbury 8008
^                              ^
FEI# 3006086041
Cigdem Aksoy
Burj el Arab
King suite
Dubai 6676543
United Arab Emirates
^                             ^
FEI# 3006086047

Medesis Pharmacy Inc.
Hooman Tabarsi
7505 Victoria Drive
Vancouver, British Columbia V5P 3Z6
^                       ^
FEI# 3004619313

7505 Victoria Drive
Vancouver, BC V5P 3Z6
^                       ^
FEI# 3005917828

Abbott Renuka Pharmacy Ltd.
420 Abbott St.
Vancouver, British Columbia V6B2L1
^                             ^
FEI# 3003919300

#400-601 6th Street
New Westminster, British Columbia
V3L3C1, Canada
^                              ^
FEI# 3006086393

Natsuko Enterprises
362-10-1104 Kamiokuma
Kasuya-Gun, Fukuoka 811-2301
^                            ^
FEI# 3006086773

Farmacia Centrale
Via Volta 2
Chiasso, Switzerland
^                             ^
^                       ^
FEI# 3003519143

According to information on the website, the isotretinoin is manufactured by
"Mepha Pharma"

Santovittorio Holdings Ltd.
PO Box 87-1008
Panama 7,
^                           ^
FEI# 3006086811

RX Trust Pharmacy
Kevin Liang (
PO Box 97008
Richmond Main PO
Richmond, British Columbia V6Y 4H4
^                            ^
FEI# 3006086822

Inhousedrugstore dba Inhousepharmacy
Santovittorio Holdings Ltd.
Apartado 6-6305
El Dorado,
PO Box 337
Port Vila
^                             ^
^                            ^
FEI# 3006089036

Pharmacy Network
Azenith International LLC
Copthall PO Box 2331
St. George, Dominica 00152
Virgin Islands
^                             ^
^                               ^
FEI# 3006089093
4196864  Canada Inc.
11215 Jasper Ave.
Suite 435
Edmonton   AL  T5K0L5
^                       ^
FEI# 3004452269

#122, 1959   152 street
White Rock, BC  V4A 9E3
License # L85 Pharmacy
Manager: Chris Lewis
^                        ^
FEI# 3006090494
Gamma Commercial Complex
#47 Rizal Highway cor. Manila Avenue
Subic Bay Freeport, Olongapo City
^                             ^
FEI# 3006090496
Karznik, David
Wroclaw, 5548
^                          ^
FEI# 3004452189

Canada Drug Delivery
5765 Turner Road, Suite 233
Nanaimo BC, V9T 6M4
^                        ^
FEI# 3005268261

Discount Prescription Drugs Online
Domain Discreet
P.O. Box 278
Yarmouth, N8 B5A 4B2
^                                               ^
FEI# 3006090568

Pharmawest Pharmacy Ltd
Unit #101 20560 56th Ave
Langley, BC, Canada
V3A 3Y8
^                             ^
FEI# 3004036103
P.O. Box 370
1250 University Street
Montreal, Quebec H3B 3BO
^                         ^
^                              ^
^                                ^
^                           ^
^                                 ^
^                               ^
FEI# 3004452174

PRODUCT/PRODUCT CODE                SOURCE              COUNTRY

Clozapine                           All                 All
65V[][]13                                               2/8/07

Other names:  Clopine, Clopsine, Clozaril, Elcrit, Froidir, Lanolept, Leponex,
Lozapin, Zolapin

Foreign Websites/Firms Marketing Clozapine

Direct-RX Meds
Direct RX Meds
Xanthi 67100
^                        ^
^                           ^
^                    ^
FEI# 3006090653
Ravi Jain
10/12/ Modul Town
Ludhiana PU, 56632
^                             ^
FEI# 3006091360

Nice Price Pharmacy
2n Flr. Windsor House
Port Vila, Vanuatu
^                              ^
FEI# 3006091381

Healthy Choice Pharmacy.COM INC
PO Box 457
Port Vila
^                                  ^
FEI# 3006091391
451 Ladprow Rd
Wangtonglang, Wangtonglang
Bangkok, Bangkok10210
^                   ^
FEI# 3006076729
Note: The above firm appears to market clozapine as well as isotretinoin.

PRODUCT                        SOURCE                   COUNTRY

Bamboo Crystal Foot Plaster         Beijing Golden Herb &         China
GPI:  DR                       Health Co., Ltd.
GPI:  DE                       205, Huaxin Building
GPI:  CO                       Beijing University of
3/7/07                         Chemical Technology
                          15, Sanhuanbei Road,
                          Beijing 100029
                          FEI# 3005888678

Chinky Enterprises
2-4 Prat Avenue
3/F Kundamal House
Kowloon, Hong Kong
FEI# 3005866578

Although Bamboo Crystal Foot Plaster/Patches are manufactured in China, they
are shipped through either China or Hong Kong.  The product is a combination
product as defined under 21 CFR 3.2(e)(1)(the pad is the device portion and
the ingredients absorbed into the pad make up the drug portion).  The
product's labeling declares Bamboo Crystal Foot Plaster is a detoxifier; and
as promoted on the product's website, ^                               ^
declares Bamboo Crystal Foot Plaster helps with constipation, eliminates
swollen veins, helps with menstrual cramps, reduces joint pain, reduces
swelling, helps with fatigue, enhances sleep as well as aid in the release of
toxins through the skin.

TR Networks Limited                      "Kinohimitsu detox patches"
50 MacPherson Road, #09-01                    66V--99
Singapore                                4/6/07
FEI # 3004126810
Web site: ^                         ^

NETD Active Nutra Trading Company        Blue Steel
No. 15 Yongjiang Rd.                Dietary Supplement
Beilun, NETD                        54Y--99
Ningbo, 315800                      4/13/07
FEI#  2000021726

Hindustan Lever Ltd.                     Fair and Lovely Cream
Unit-2, Tinsukia 786 151, Assam M.L.          53L--03
No. C-10M/2003                           53L--06
Mumbai, India                            4/16/07
FEI# 3006115474

Herbal Hair Regrowth      Radico                   India
  Shampoo and Serum       39-A Type-D                   4/18/07
53E[][]06                 HSIDC Industrial Estate
66V[][]99                 88/17, Sector 31
4/9/2007                  Faridabad, Haryana, India
                     FEI# 3001224283

Qinghai Qingzang Resource Zang Wang Shen Bao
Special Medical Co., Ltd. Capsules
809 Shunda Building No. 188    54F--99
Shunyi Road                    4/26/07
Shanghai, China
FEI# 3006109242

This product is promoted on the Internet and sold at retail as a dietary
supplement for natural male enhancement. FDA analysis found tadalafil in this
product.  Tadalafil is the active ingredient in the FDA approved drug Cialis.

PRODUCT                   SOURCE                   COUNTRY

Han Palace                Unifier Sdn Bhd               Malaysia
Capsules                  Lot 7.13, 7th Floor      7/6/07
66V[][]99                 Imbi Plaza, Jalan Imbi
54Y[][]99                 55100 Kuala Lumpur
54F[][]99                 FEI# 3004805836

                     V-Shine Marketing Sdn Bhd     Malaysia
                     Lot 7.13, 7th Floor      7/6/07
                     Imbi Plaza, Jalan Imbi
                     55100 Kuala Lumpur
                     FEI# 3005435032

This product was invoiced as a dietary supplement and found to contain
Acetildenafil, an analogue of an erectile dysfunction prescription drug,

PRODUCT                        SOURCE

Corvalol                       Farmak Jsc
Korvalol                       63 Frunze Street
Corvalolum                     Kiev, Ukraine
54F--99 (mis-declared product code) FEI #3006146593
61M--31 (correct product code)

Detentions of this product should use the 502(f)(1) misbranding charge.

FDA has determined that the Corvalol product contains undeclared
Phenobarbital. The agency is aware that the product is being sold Over the
Counter (OTC) in Eastern European American communities for the treatment of
angina, chest pains, and as a sedative. This product is not approved for OTC
use in the U.S. FDA previously issued a health hazard alert for Corvalol on
July 28, 1997.

PRODUCT/             SOURCE                        COUNTRY
Product Code

Curaderm-BEC5 Cream  All                           All
("BEC5 Curaderm")
62 I [][][][]
64X [][][][]
64X [][] 06               The following website on the internet are selling
                          Curaderm-BEC5 Cream ("BEC5 Curaderm") as a skin cream
                          that is a therapy for skin cancer.

                IAS, c/o Les Autelets              United Kingdom
                Suite I, Sark Gy9 0SF
                United Kingdom
                ^                              ^
                FEI#:     3006417641                    8/30/07

                Dr. Calmez Ltd                Vanuatu
                PKF House, Lini Highway
                Port Vila, Sheffa 1212
                Vanuatu, South Pacific
                FEI # 3006417672                   8/30/07

                Postal Address:                    Vanuatu
                Dr. Calmez Limited
                P.O. Box 7095
                Port Vila, Efate Island, Shefa Province
                Vanuatu, South Pacific
                ^                     ^
                ^                          ^<
                FEIs#:3006417654                   8/30/07

                WallCann IP Pty Ltd           Australia
                Drew Canning ^                     ^<
                81c Marine Parade
                South Australia
                Australia 5049
                ^                      ^
                ^                         ^
                FEI#: 3006417663                   8/30/07

                Biogenesis Laboratories Order Form South Africa
                P.O. Box 48119
                Kommetjie 7976
                South Africa
                ^                         ^<
                FEI#: 3006417666                   8/30/07

PRODUCT                             SOURCE

The Chlamydia Treatment Cream            Apis Skin Care Cream Ltd.
53L[][]03, 66V[][]99                68 Aylesford Street
09/12/07                            St. Albans
                               Christchurch, New Zealand
                               FEI# 3004630781

                               Apis Skin Care Cream
                               219 Tuam Street
                               Christchurch, New Zealand
                               FEI# 3005530915

The Chlamydia Treatment Cream product is sold and promoted on the internet for
the treatment of Chlamydia. [] Based on its intended
uses, this product is a drug.  Further, CDER is not aware of any substantial
scientific evidence that this product is generally recognized as safe and
effective for the conditions recommend or suggested in its labeling.

PRODUCT/             SOURCE                        COUNTRY
Product Code
                Website for Nu Eyes:
"Nu-Eyes" &               Website Registrant:           Seychelles
"Can-C Eyedrops"          Bionational Pharmaceuticals        9/12/07
55RP12               POB 998, 1st Floor, Office 14
66[][]V              Trinity House
54[][]Y              Victoria, Mahe
55QP58               Seychelles
                ^                        ^
                FEI# 3006434908

                Website Contact Address:      United Kingdom
                Bionational Ltd.                   9/12/07
                Unit 34 Uplandside,
                Manor Road
                Woodbridge  IP 13 6SH
                United Kingdom
                FEI# 3005459508

                Can-C Eye drops
                Website registrant:           United Kingdom
                Pharm-Assay International Limited  9/12/07
                The Gemini Building
                Houghton Hall Park
                Dunstable, Beds LU5 5GB
                United Kingdom
                Admin/Tec Contact:  Damien Trevatt
                ^                           ^
                ^                               ^
                ^                                       ^
                ^                              ^
                ^                               ^
                FEI # 3004104373

                Website registrant:           United Kingdom
                I.A.S. Limited                9/12/07
                c/o Les Autelets
                Suite I, VA GY9 OSF
                United Kingdom
                ^                  ^
                FEI # 3006435049

                Website Contact Address:      United Kingdom
                     IAS                           9/12/07
                Les Autelets
                PO Box 6
                Sark  GY9 0SF
                Great Britain
                FEI# 3006417641

                License Holder:
                     International Antiaging Systems    United Kingdom
                PIL Gemini Building           9/12/07
                Houghton Hall Park
                Beds LU5 5GB
                England 01582
                FEI# 3006435366

PRODUCT                   SOURCE

Virus Sin Health               Industrias Biologicas
Plus Combination               Sin Fin S.A. DE C.V.
Dietary Supplement        Calle de Edzna No. 106
54H[][]06                 Colonia Independencia
9/13/07                   Delgado Benito Juarez
                     C.P. 03630, Mexico D.F.
                     FEI# 3004483676

This product which was entered as a dietary supplement was labeled to contain
"caustic liquid rayon" and was found to have a very basic pH.  There are also
multiple drug claims for the product on the firm's website.

PRODUCT                   SOURCE

Jiaoli Miraculous Cream,  Harbin Gelidai Cosmetics Company Ltd.
Day and Night Whitening        No. 69 Erdao Street
53L[][]03, 53L[][]99      Nanyuan, China
66[][][]                  FEI# 3005419167
                     Website: ^                        ^
                     Administrative contact/Registrant:
                     Nellie Era Saa
                     37 Pearl St. Donna Juana
                     Subdv. Rosario
                     Pasig City, Philippines 1609

Note: Product has been found to contain Mercury, which can constitute a health
hazard.  Additionally the website promotes and sells this product for drug
use.  There is no substantial scientific evidence that this product is
generally recognized as safe and effective for the conditions recommended or
suggested in its labeling.


Diabe Cinn Capsules                 OTC Pharma International BV
54Y--99                             Edisonweg 22
66V--99                             NL   4207, Gorinchem
10/9/07                             Netherlands
                               FEI# 3004188169

This product is expressly labeled for People with Type II diabetes for
treating the characteristic signs and symptoms
(lowering blood sugar and increasing insulin sensitivity) of this

PRODUCT                             SOURCE

Spirulina Tablets                        Spirulina International BV
54A--99                             Edisonweg 22
54Y--01                             NL-4200, Gorinchem
10/9/07                             Netherlands
                               FEI# 3002781920

This product's labeling includes structure, function or disease claims
including speeding up recovery from illness.  Also one of the directions for
use involves topical application which takes it out of the dietary supplement
classification for that use.

PRODUCT                        SOURCE

Trim-Caps                      Ercorlat E.I.R.L.
Dietary Supplement             Alfredo Salazar 228
54F--99                        Miraflores
11/20/07                       Lima, Peru
                          FEI #3005185816

This product is sold at retail as a dietary supplement containing papaya
extract, garlic and other ingredients. FDA analysis found furosemide in this
product.  Furosemide is the active ingredient in the FDA approved drug Lasix
and twenty-nine other drug products.

PRODUCT                   SOURCE                   COUNTRY

Nivea Good-bye            O'Will Corporation       Japan
Cellulite Patch           2-13-12, Hirakawa-cho,
53[][][][]                Chiyoda-ku
66V[][]99                 Tokyo 1020093
12/5/07                   FEI# 3005438433

REASON FOR ALERT:  Product has been previously submitted for import
misdeclared and product coded [53LF[]06] as a moisturizing cosmetic.  The
product labeling states "Continuous Release Diffusion continue" and that the
product "continuously releases one of its ingredients into the fatty tissue of
the skin."

The OTC monograph system does not include "timed release" or "sustained
release" drug products, a dosage form that is designed to release the
ingredients over a prolonged period of time.  All products in timed release
dosage form are new drugs requiring approved applications [see 21 CFR

PRODUCT              SOURCE                        COUNTRY

Block & White        Sara Lee Philippines, Inc.         Philippines
Papaya Whitening          Insular Life Corporate Centre
Lotion               Filivest Corporate City
53L[][]06            Alabang, Muntinlupa City
66V[][]99            Philippines
1/3/08               FEI# 3003995293

Block & White
Radiance Lotion SPF10

Block & White
Ultima Skin Perfecting

REASON FOR ALERT:  The Block & White skin creams are unapproved new
drugs based upon their skin bleaching claims and are also misbranded for
failure to bear an ingredient statement.

PRODUCT              SOURCE                             COUNTRY

Progesterone Creme   Matol Botanical International Ltd,           Canada
65J[][]31            290 Labrosse Avenue, Pointe-Claire,
2/6/08               Quebec, Canada
                FEI# 3003478937

Allgesic Dietary          Advanced Orthomolecular Research,       Canada
Supplement           9-4101 19th Street NE, Calgary,
54A[][]03            Canada
54Y[][]99            FEI# 3004288965

PRODUCT                   SOURCE                        COUNTRY

Kalawalla Herbal Supplement    Organic Hope                  Honduras
Immuno C Food Supplement  Casa 5 Block B
66V[][]99                 Tegucigalpa
54F[][]99                 Honduras
3/13/08                   FEI# 3006350612

Kalawalla Herbal Supplement    Chemical Manufacturing             Honduras
Immuno C Food Supplement  and Exporting Company
66V[][]99                 Km. 8 Desvio Cantarranas
54F[][]99                 Tegucigalpa, Honduras
3/13/08                   FEI# 3004279042

Diabetin (Ampoules)       Laboratoire Manuves,               Canada
61PBL99                   880 Selkirk, Pointe-claire, QC,
54F[][]45                 Canada
3/13/08                   FEI# 3006603941

                     Manufacturer listed on the label   Canada
Diabetin (Ampoules)       Pharmavigor,
61PBL99                   11750 Av 4e, Montreal, QC,
54F[][]45                 Canada
3/13/08                   FEI# 3003420847

Hiruval 35 Cream               Vimex Pharma Inc,             Canada
63V[][]99                 21951 Vanneck Rd,
3/13/08                   Ilderton, ON,
                     FEI# 3003463724
                     ^                             ^

PRODUCT              SOURCE                             COUNTRY

Dietary Supplment         Spc Inc,                           Canada
Restless Legs        2446 Bank Street Suite 424,
54Y[][]99            Ottawa, ONTARIO, Canada
3/27/08              FEI# 3006658197

Seigen Lactobacillus A.L.A. Corporation,                     Japan
Fermented Extracts   651 No, Tokyo,
66V[][]99            Japan
3/27/08              FEI# 3003535254

PRODUCT                   SOURCE                        COUNTRY

KPC-25 Capsules           Taian Zhongxin Lingzhi Technology  China
Optimum Female Enhancer        and Development Co., Ltd.
54F[][]99                 Peitianmen Street
54Y[][]99                 New and High-Tech Development Zone
4/7/08                    China
                     FEI# 2000034470
KPC-25 Capsules

Optimum Male Enhancer          Taian Zhongxin Lingzhi Technology  China
54F[][]99                 and Development Co., Ltd.
54Y[][]99                 North of Road No. 5
4/7/08                    High and New Development Zone
                     Taian, CN-37, 271000
                     FEI# 3005380922

These products are promoted as dietary supplements for male and female sexual
enhancement. FDA analyses found sildenafil in these products.  Sildenafil is
the active ingredient in the FDA approved drug Viagra.

PRODUCT              SOURCE                             COUNTRY

Neurofosfaton        Combisa Laboratorios                    El Salvador
Infantile Syrup      428 Carret A San Marcos
54Y[][]99            San Salvador, El Salvador
54A[][]03            FEI# 3005069146

PRODUCT              SOURCE                             COUNTRY

Nattokinase          Advanced Orthomolecular Research,       Canada
54Y[][]99            9-4101 19 Sreet NE,
5/28/08              Calgary, Canada
                FEI# 3004288965
                ^                                          ^


Super Shangai/Strong      Beijing Jianyang Health Product    China
Testis Capsules           Co., Ltd.
54F--99                   Liren Street
54Y--99                   Beijing, China
5/28/08                   FEI# 2000025150

Shangai Ultra/Shangai          Xuan Zhan Jin Xing
Ultra X Capsules               Yuan Hutian Developing Area
54F--99                   Huaihua City
54Y--99                   Hunan Province
5/28/08                   China
                     FEI #3006296075
Lady Shangai Capsules

Shangai Regular/               Dan Wu Xin Xing
Chaojimengnan Tablets          Yuan Hutian Developing Area
54F--99                   Huaihua City
54Y--99                   Hunan Province
5/28/08                   China
                     FEI# 3006597012

                     Li Xiang Jin Xing
                     Yuan Hutian Developing Area
                     Huaihua City
                     Hunan Province
                     FEI# 3006597021

These products are promoted as dietary supplements for men and women.  FDA
analyses found sildenafil and taladafil in these products.  Sildenafil is the
active ingredient in the FDA approved drug Viagra.  Taladafil is the active
ingredient in the FDA approved drug Cialis.  These drugs are only approved to
treat erectile dysfunction (ED) as indicated in the FDA approved drug

PRODUCT              SOURCE                        COUNTRY

Intrauterine Device, SMB Corporation of India      India
[IUD] Copper T;      13,33,34,35,36 Prem Industrial
All models           Estate, Subhash Road,
85H[][]DT            Jogeshwari (East)
65J[][]36            Mumbai 400060
5/28/08              FEI# 3005135560

REASON FOR ALERT: IUDs for the purpose of contraception are regulated
as medical devices; however, IUDs for the purpose of contraception that
incorporate heavy metals, such as copper, drugs, or other active substances
are regulated as drugs.  The SMB IUDs are new drugs requiring approved
applications [see 21 CFR 310.502].

PRODUCT                   SOURCE                   COUNTRY

REVLIMID                  All                      All

REASON FOR ALERT:  Revlimid may only be marketed and used under a restricted
distribution program approved by FDA because of the potential for birth
defects resulting from exposure of this product to a developing fetus.  Under
the restricted distribution program, only prescribers and pharmacists
registered with the program are able to prescribe and dispense the product.
In addition, Revlimid must only be dispensed to patients who are registered
and meet all the conditions of the risk management plan.  CDER has learned
that overseas pharmacies may be importing this product into the U.S. directly
to U.S. citizens.

Shipments of Revlimid are inappropriate for release under the personal
importation policy.

PRODUCT              SOURCE                   COUNTRY

Roberts              Edward Cook and Company       United Kingdom
Medicated            8 Salisbury Square
Soap                 London, United Kingdom
66V[][]99            FEI# 3002480794

REASON FOR ALERT: The term "Medicated" and the active ingredient, "potassium
mercuric iodide solution," on the labeling represents and suggests that the
product is intended for "drug" use(s).  The immediate container label also
identifies the product for removing unsightly pimples, spots, dandruff, scurf
and other parasites, left free of infection, prevents sickness from spreading,
and stops any irritation.  These are "drug" claims under 201(g)(1) which
defines a drug as "articles intended for use in the diagnosis, cure,
mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in man or other animals "

Crusader             Elliot Irving Ltd.       United Kingdom
Medicated            9 Newton Place
Soap                 Glasgow, United Kingdom
66V[][]99            FEI# 3000227446

REASON FOR ALERT: The term "medicated" and the active ingredient, "potassium
mercuric iodide solution," on the labeling represents and suggests that the
product is intended for "drug" use(s).  These are "drug" claims under
201(g)(1) which defines a drug as "articles intended for use in the diagnosis
, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in man or other
animals "

PRODUCT              SOURCE                   COUNTRY

Cell Pro Line        Omnimedica Ag.           Switzerland
Nasal Spray &        Laettenstrawwe 27
Oral Tablets         Schileren, Switzerland
66V[][]99            FEI# 3006487532
7/3/08               ^                   ^

REASON FOR ALERT: The labeling as well as internet includes drug claims that
this product "relieves migraine, extremely powerful anti-inflammatory allergy
headaches and related symptoms", therefore, this product is a drug under
201(g)(1), which defines a drug as "articles intended for use in the
diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in man or
other animals "

PRODUCT         SOURCE                        COUNTRY

To-to Skin      Smooford International, Ltd.       Nigeria
Soap            To-to Villa, Box 41
66V[][]99       Iperu-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria
7/3/08          FEI# 3006761252

REASON FOR ALERT: The labeling on this product makes several disease claims.
On the "Indications/Claims" label it states that the product should be used
for ringworm, scabies, and pediculosis capitis, which is a parasitic
infection.  Thus, this product is a drug under 201(g)(1), which is defined as
"articles intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or
prevention of disease in man or other animals ".

PRODUCT         SOURCE                        COUNTRY

Tetmosal        Jagal Pharma Ltd.                  Nigeria
Soap            Jagal Road
66V[][]99       Oregun, Lagos, Nigeria
7/3/08          FEI# 3003229596

REASON FOR ALERT: The labeling on this product makes a disease claim.  The
label states, "use in place of toilet soap for both prevention and treatment
of scabies." Thus, this product is a drug under 201(g)(1), which is defined as
"articles intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or
prevention of disease in man or other animals ".

PRODUCT              SOURCE                             COUNTRY

Medicated            Pz Industries                      Nigeria
Powder               45/47 Town Planning Way
(Mentholated)        Ilupeju, Nigeria
66V[][]99            FEI# 3006749033

REASON FOR ALERT: The term "Medicated on the labeling represents and suggests
that the product is intended for "drug" use(s).  The immediate container label
also identifies the product for antiseptic use and to treat prickly heat.
These are also "drug" claims under 201(g)(1), which defines a drug as
"articles intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or
prevention of disease in man or other animals.

PRODUCT              SOURCE                             COUNTRY

Albabukum            Copac Nigeria Ltd.                 Nigeria
Powder               Plot K6, Apapa-Oshodi Expressway
(aspirin and         Lagos, Nigeria
Caffeine             FEI# 3006742008

REASON FOR ALERT: This product is labeled to contain 100 sachets, each sachet
containing acetylsalicylic acid 760 mg, and caffeine 60 mg.  This product is
indicated for fast relief of pain, cold, headache and feverishness.

There is yet no final monograph for internal analgesics.  However, this and
all other internal analgesic OTC drug products are required to bear certain
labeling including the drug facts format (21CFR 201.66), the Reye's Syndrome
Warning (21CFR 201.314).  This product also does not comply with the tamper
evident packaging requirements for OTC drugs (21CFR 211.132).

PRODUCT              SOURCE                        COUNTRY

Tokpela's Mist       8 Knot Co., Ltd.                   Japan
[bottled water]      3-7-21 Minamisuita, Suita City
29W[][]02            Osaka, Japan
29W[][]01            FEI# 3006715094
66V[][]99            8 Knot Co., Ltd.                   Japan
7/25/08              1339-1 Aza Minami Kawahara
                Yasuikawa, Shin Asahi-cho
                Takashima, Japan
                FEI# 3005369655

REASON FOR ALERT: A pamphlet accompanying the product claims:
 -    "Tokpela's Mist eliminates ROS* (Reactive Oxygen Species)  is
      believed to cause conditions including cancer, high blood
      pressure, diabetes, kidney disease "

 -    "Tokpela's Mist makes stressed erythrocytes   "Red Blood Cells"
      (RBC's) more flexible.  RBC's ... can then effortlessly pass
      smoothly through our capillaries  . RBC's accordingly can quickly
      carry oxygen to our extremities  ."

Although "Tokpela's Mist (Miracle Water)" appears to be sold as a food, in
that its label bears a Nutrition Facts panel, the above claims cause the
product to be a new drug.

PRODUCT                   SOURCE                   COUNTRY

Piccan Teething Remedy         Ipca Laboratories Ltd.        India
66V[][]99                 48 Kandavli Ind. Estate
08/22/08                  Kandivli (West)
                     Mumbai, India
                     FEI # 3003335665

The combination of paracetamol (acetaminophen) and diphenhydramine has not
been evaluated under the OTC Drug Review for use in relieving children's
teething pain and associated troubles.  The labeling contains
structure/function claims, such as using the product to relieve children's
teething pains, making this product a drug under 201(g)(1) of the FFDCA.
Further, we are not aware that this drug is generally recognized as safe and
effective for its labeled uses.  Consequently, this drug appears to be a new

PRODUCT         SOURCE                             COUNTRY

PainNot Patch   Shantou Wuhuan Pharmaceutical Co Ltd.   China
60L[][]99       Pujian Road, Longxin District
9/3/08          Shantou City, Guangdong Province
           FEI# 3005354975

NOTE: Claims of "Pain Relieving Patch For temporary relief of minor aches &
pains Works in 10 minutes to relieve pain " and "Relieves pain from arthritis,
back, bursitis, carpal tunnel, tendonitis, sprains, strains, and more " were
found during review of labeling for the product and the internet website for
the initial distributor, Suarez Corporation.  Also, review of the formulation
found that it did not match the Tentative Final Monograph for OTC External


Phyto Shape Capsules      Etumax Corporation Sdn Bhd.        MALAYSIA
54F[][][][]                    No. 102 Jalan Gasing
54Y[][][][]                    Seksyen 5, Petaling Jaya
9/16/08                   46000 Selangor
                     FEI# 3005109004
Etumax Tongkat Ali
Power Plus

This product is promoted as dietary supplement for weight loss.  FDA analysis
found rimonabant in this product.  Rimonabant is the active ingredient in
Zimulti. Zimulti is an anti obesity drug not approved in the United States.

This product was found to contain undeclared Sildenafil, an erectile
dysfunction prescription drug.

PRODUCT                   SOURCE                   COUNTRY

Medicated Powder               PZ Nigeria Limited       Nigeria
(mentholated)             (aka Pz Industries)
"Robb Ointment"           45/47 Town Planning Way
66V[][][][]                    Ilupeju, Nigeria
9/16/08                   FEI# 3006742009

NOTE: Labeling on the product does not differentiate between active and
inactive ingredients and the listed ingredients are not recognized as approved
active ingredients for nasal decongestion under the monograph.

PRODUCT                   SOURCE                   COUNTRY

Ashton & Parsons               Glaxo Smith Kline             Nigeria
Matricaria                Nig Plc Igbesa Road
66V[][][][]                    Agbara, Nigeria
9/16/08                   FEI# 3006742011

                     Salawu Enterprises Ltd.       Nigeria
                     10 Onikosi Street
                     Otta, Nigeria
                     FEI# 3004526255

NOTE: The product is labeled to contain tincture of matricaria, is indicated
for teething and slight stomachic upsets during infancy, and FDA is not aware
that the product is generally recognized as safe and effective for its labeled

Jiangxi Gaoan Tea Co.,         Healing Collection 4 Tea 9/24/08
Ltd.                      31K[][]99
Qiao Bei Road,            54E[][]99
Gao An City,              66V[][]99
Jiangxi, China (Mainland)
FEI# 3004273888           Diabetic  Choice Tea          11/12/08

REASON FOR ALERT:    Labeling of this herbal product makes drug claims related to
the mitigation of cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure thus causing
the product to be a new drug for which no approval is in effect.

NOTE: Product may be entering as a dietary supplement, therefore, we have
included the product code "54E[][]99" along with the appropriate drug code
"66V[][]99" and the product code used in the entry for which this firm was
added "31K[][]99."

PRODUCT                   SOURCE

"Chinese Love Stone"      Tsang Fook Kee Medicine Co.        9/29/08
"Rock Hard"                    5, G/F, Ko Shing Street
"Black Stone"             Hong Kong
"Stud 100"                FEI# 1000231335

Note: Product has been found to contain the toxin Bufotenine, which is
classified by DEA as a Schedule 1 drug.

PRODUCT                   SOURCE

Pop Face Polish (AHA)          Pop Inc.
53L[][]03                 Unknown Street Address
GPI=DR                    Bangkok, Thailand
11/12/08                  FEI# 3006948477

PRODUCT                   SOURCE

Acne Solutions            Herbal Solutions Health, S.A. de C.V.
Herbal Capsules           Jesus Garcia No. 388-B Zona Centro
54E[][]99, 54F[][]99      Irapuato, Mexico 36500
54Y[][]99,66V[][]99       FEI# 3006484715

Clear and Balance              Herbal Solutions Health, S.A. de C.V.
Facial Gel                Jesus Garcia No. 388-B Zona Centro
GPI=DR                    Irapuato, Mexico 36500
11/12/08                  FEI# 3006484715

PRODUCT                   SOURCE

Neutrotone Cream               Orange Drugs Ltd.
64L[][]67                 66/68 Town Planning Way
11/12/08                  Ilupeju
                     Lagos, Nigeria
                     FEI# 3006755325

PRODUCT                   SOURCE

CiCi Natural Herbal       Beijing Yin Han Health Products
Capsules                  Manufactory Inc.
GPI=VI                    Wang Xin Zhuang Zhen Le Yuan Lu 29 Hao
GPI=DR                    Ping Gu District
11/12/08                  Beijing, China
                     FEI # 3006531677

This product was found to contain an undeclared drug called aminotaladafil, an
analog of taladafil, an erectile dysfunction prescription drug.

PRODUCT                             SOURCE

Uptrol Dietary Supplement           Natural Health Products
aka Uptrol Male-                         Office 8 The Village
Enhancement Formula                 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
GPI=VI                              FEI# 3005114054

This product was found to contain an undeclared drug called taladafil, an
erectile dysfunction prescription drug.

PRODUCT                        SOURCE

Maxi-Peel Exfoliant            Splash Corporation
53L[][]03                      17F Lazaro Street Canumay West
66V[][]99                      Valenzuela City, Philippines
11/18/08                       FEI# 3004096041

PRODUCT                        SOURCE

Aloe Vera Cream                Vitus Pharm Co.
(Clobetasol Propionate)             Unknown Street Address
GPI=DR                         Milan, Italy
11/18/08                       FEI# 3002939833

PRODUCT                        SOURCE

Sulpher Ointment                    Associated Pharm/Food & Chemical Ltd.
GPI=DR                         Eziama Industrial Estate
11/19/08                       Lagos, Nigeria
                          FEI# 3006804324

Aboniki Balm                   Global Industries Nigeria Ltd.
GPI=DR                         41 Egbon Street
11/19/08                       Ugowo, Benin City, Nigeria
                          FEI# 3006780965

Detox Foot Patch                    Sanzi Cosmetics
GPI=DR                         (dba Guangzhou Sanzi Cosmetics)
11/19/08                       5 Pine Park
                          New City, Guangzhou, China
                          FEI# 3006850529

Li Da Dai Dai Hua                   Kunming Dali Industry & Trade Co., Ltd.
Slimming Capsules              No. 372, West Renmin Road
GPI=VI                         Kunming, Yunnan, China
GPI=DR                         FEI #2000033137

This product was found to contain an undeclared drug called Sibutramine, the
active ingredient in the FDA approved anti-obesity drug Meridia.


"Good Night"              Paragom Metal Inc.       China
Male Erection &           No. 69 Dongfang Rd.
Performance Enhancer      Tower A Etan Plaza
54[][][]                  Pudong, Shanghai, China
2/10/09                   FEI# 3007044504

NOTE: This product is promoted on the Internet and sold at retail as a dietary
supplement for natural male enhancement. FDA analysis found tadalafil in this
product.  Tadalafil is the active ingredient in the FDA approved drug Cialis.

PRODUCT                   SOURCE                   COUNTRY

Tetmosol Medicated Soap        FCC Fragrances, Cosmetics     Switzerland
(81 gm bar)                    & Consulting
Labeling states           10 Chemin Des Orlons,
"Made in England"              CH-1860 Aigle,
66V[][]99                 Switzerland
2/13/09                   FEI# 3005755019


Slimming Capsules              Beijing Lidameizi S&T         China
GPI=VI                    Development Co., Ltd.
GPI=DR                    Room 1001, Building D,
2/18/09                   Yonghe Plaza, 28 East St.
                     Beijing, China
                     FEI# 3007101828

This product was found to contain an undeclared drug called Sibutramine, the
active ingredient in the FDA approved anti-obesity drug Meridia.

PRODUCT/PRODUCT CODE:          FIRM NAME/ADDRESS:            Country:

Electronic Cigarettes and Shenzhen Kanger Technology Co Lt   China
Electronic Cigarette      4th Bldg 3rd Industrial Zone
Components                Shajing Town Shenzhen
66B[][]44                 China
66B[][]99                 FEi #3007420742

PRODUCT/PRODUCT CODE:               FIRM NAME/ADDRESS:       Country:

Electronic Cigarettes and      Desonic Industrial       CHINA
Electronic Cigarette Components     11 Bl Shiao 2nd In
66B[][]44                      Shenzhen, China
66B[][]99                      FEI# 3007137400

PRODUCT/PRODUCT CODE:               FIRM NAME/ADDRESS:       Country:

Electronic Cigarettes and      Loong Totem Science      CHINA
Electronic Cigarette Components       & Technology
66B[][]44                      2 F, Pingan Bldg
66B[][]99                      Gangkou Road 1
77EPN                          Jiangmen City
77KCO                          Guangdong Province
89MZX                          China
91DLC                          FEI #3007474573
4/7/09                             #3007467475

PRODUCT                   SOURCE                        COUNTRY

Fitness Essence 999       Sanjiu Enterprises Group           CHINA
54Y--99                   1028 Beihuan Road, Shenzhen
54F--99                   Shenzhen, China 518029
4/21/09                   FEI# 3005167350

           ATTACHMENT (B) TO IMPORT ALERT #66-41 1/23/07

 Unapproved New Drugs That May Be Subject to DWPE


PRODUCTS:            Ayurvedic, a/k/a: Pushpapdhanwa, etc.

PRODUCT CODE:        New Product Code for Ayurvedics TBD

PROBLEM:             Unapproved drugs

PAC:                 AAP

PAF:                 56008H

COUNTRIES:           All

MANUFACTURER/SHIPPER:     All Firms and Products Listed

CHARGES:             For finished products that appear to be intended for
                     use as drugs: "The article is subject to refusal of
                     admission pursuant to section 801(a)(3) in that it
                     appears to be a new drug under the meaning of section
                     201(p) without an effective new drug application, as
                     required by section 505.  [Unapproved new drug,
                     section 505(a)]"

REASON FOR ALERT:         A number of ayurvedic drugs may present a serious
                          health hazard to the user because they may contain
                          heavy metals such as lead, mercury, and arsenic.
                          Heavy metals pose a particular health risk because
                          they may accumulate in vital organs.  For example,
                          arsenic poisoning can cause nausea, abdominal pain,
                          vomiting, severe diarrhea, neuropathy, dermatitis,
                          heart abnormalities, kidney or liver damage, and
                          reduced motor nerve function.  Lead poisoning can
                          cause fatigue, irritability, insomnia, nerve
                          disorders, muscle and joint pain, memory and
                          concentration problems,   dizziness, seizures, and
                          coma.  Mercury poisoning can cause fatigue, headache,
                          muscle weakness, joint pain, tremors, irritability,
                          concentration problems, slowed sensory and motor nerve
                          function, and reduced mental function.  Children are
                          particularly at risk from the toxic effects of heavy

BACKGROUND:               A December 15, 2004, article published in the Journal
                          of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reports
                          that of 70 ayurvedic drugs sampled and tested, 14
                          (20%) were found to contain potentially harmful levels
                          of lead, mercury, and/or arsenic.  These products were
                          produced in South Asia and were purchased in South
                          Asian grocery stores locatedin Boston, Massachusetts.
                          In July 2005, Health Canada tested a number of
                          ayurvedic products available in the Canadian market
                          and determined that they contained high levels of
                          lead, mercury, and/or arsenic.  In August 2005, the
                          Department of Health, City and County of San
                          Francisco, tested a number of ayurvedic products that
                          had been consumed by an individual who suffered severe
                          lead poisoning and found that the products contained
                          elevated levels of lead.  In 2003, the Santa Clara
                          County Department of Health, in California, tested
                          Pushpadhanwa, an ayurvedic product that was associated
                          with two incidents of injury, and found the product
                          contained high levels (8%) of lead.

GUIDANCE:            Most imported ayurvedic products are marketed as
                     drugs.  Some ayurvedic products are imported as
                     dietary supplements.  These products are
                     distinguishable by the fact that their labels contain
                     the statements "Dietary Supplement" and the disclaimer
                     required for dietary supplements.  Districts
                     encountering ayurvedic products labeled as dietary
                     supplements should consult with CFSAN for guidance.

                All ayurvedic drug products subject to this Import
                Alert are intended for ingestion, are labeled in
                English and Hindi, or totally in Hindi.  Under the
                Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (Act), a drug is
                an article intended for use in the diagnosis, cure,
                mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease.   21
                U.S.C.  321(g)(1)(B).  A drug is likewise an article
                (other than food) intended to affect the structure or
                any function of the body.  21 U.S.C.  321(g)(1)(C).
                Ayurvedic products that are not dietary supplements
                can still be drugs if they do not bear disease claims
                but are intended to affect the structure or any
                function of the body.  Drugs that contain heavy metals
                (other than minor unavoidable trace amounts found in
                some drugs) are not generally recognized as safe and
                effective for any indication.  Therefore, these
                products are "new drugs" within the meaning of section
                201(p) of the Act. Since these products are not the
                subject of an approved new drug application (NDA),
                their importation into the United States violates
                section 505(a) of the Act.  The products listed in the
                attachment are the ayurvedic products that were tested
                and found to contain heavy metals as described above.
                Districts may detain without physical examination any
                shipments of the finished ayurvedic drugs listed in
                the attachment. Discretionary release of these
                products under the Personal Importation guidance of
                Chapter 9 of the Regulatory Procedures Manual (RPM)
                may not be appropriate.

KEYWORDS:            Ayurvedic; Bal Chamcha; Bala Guti; Bala Sogathi;
                     Balguti Kesaria; Gesari; Karela; Maha Sudarshan
                     Churna; Mahalakshmi Vilas Ras; Swarnna Mahayograj
                     Guggulu; Navratna Rasa; Safi; Shilajit; Pushpadhanwa;

                Ayurvedic Drugs That Have Been Found To Contain Heavy

PRODUCT:                       MANUFACTURER:

Bal Chamcha                         Jalaram
                          62 Midc Area
                          FEI# 3003440655

Bala Guti                      The Zandu Pharmaceutical Works
Maha Sudarshan Churna               Ltd., GIDC, Plot No.82, Uapi
                          Gujarat, India
                          FEI# 3005378718

Bala Sogathi,                  Navjeevan Ayurvedic
                          515/17, Manlana Azad
                          Nallbazaar, Mumbai, India
                          FEI# 3005378729

Balguti Kesaria                     Kesari Ayurvedic Pharmacy
                          Abrama, VIA Vedchha
                          Gujarat, India
                          FEI# 3005378744

"Diabet Guard" Granules        The Himalaya Drug Company          India
"Himalaya Diabecon"       Makali, Tumkur Road
54Y[][]99                 Bangalore, Karnataka
54F[][]99                 India
                     FEI # 3004259394                   1/23/07
                     FEI # 3004681347

                     Goodcare Pharma Pvt. Ltd.          India
                     1, Gupta Lane
                     Calcutta, West Bengal
                     FEI # 3005383147                   1/23/07
^                                  ^

Gautam Global Also DBA Botanika     India
34 Old Cannought Place
FEI # 3003507632                    1/23/07
^                            ^
^                                   ^<

Rave Overseas Pvt. Ltd              India
P O Box No. 611, GPO
FEI # 3006074168                    1/23/07
^                          ^<
Gesari                         Harinarayan Pharmacy
                          FEI# 3005378957

HSY 103                        Harbhajan Singh Yogi & Sons,
                          Chandigarh, India
                          FEI# 3005378967

Herbal Ayurvedic Medicine      Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan Ltd
62QBY99                        Gwalior Road, Jahansi
8/25/06                        India
                          FEI# 3003175278

Karela                         The Himalaya Drug Company
                          Makali, Bangalore, India
                          FEI# 3002535359

Maha Sudarshan Churna               Dabur India Limited
                          P.O. Daburgram, Bihar
                          New Delhi, India
                          Zandu, India;
                          FEI# 3003618623

Mahalakshmi Vilas Ras with gold     Ayurved Bhawan Limited
                          Gwalior Road
                          Jhansi, India
                          FEI# 3003199854

Majayograj Guggulu w/silver &       Baidyanath Aywued
Makardhwaj                     Jhansi, India
Swarna Mahayograj Guggulu with gold FEI# 3004149275

Navratna Rasa                  Unjha Ayurvedic Pharmacy
                          FEI# 3005379055

Pushpadhanwa tablets                Shree Dhootapapeshwar Ltd.
                          135 Nanubhai Desai Road
                          Mumbai, India
                          FEI# 3002945659

Safi, Blood Purifier                Hamdard (WAKF) Laboratories
                          B/1-2 111 Industrial Area
                          Ghaziabad, India
                          FEI# 3004659877

                          Hamdard Laboratories
                          Hamdard, Pakistan
                          FEI# 3005339043

Shilajit                       Syncom Formulations Limited
                          Factory: 256-257, Sector 1,
                          Pithampur (Dhar), Caves Road,
                          Andher, Mumbai, India
                          FEI# 3005379096