US Climate Change Science Program
Updated 20 June, 2007

CCSP Working Group Members :: Human Contributions and Responses

Co-Chairs: Grambsch, Anne; Luber, George

>> Agency Acronyms

 Baerwald, Tom NSF 
 Beller-Simms, Nancy NOAA 
 Corley, Richard DOT 
 Eavey, Cheryl NSF 
 Grambsch, Anne EPA 
 Haynes, John NASA 
 Horsfall, Fiona NOAA 
 Langner, Linda USDA 
 Lawson, Linda DOT 
 Luber, George Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 
 Malilay, Josephine HCEH 
 McCalla, Margaret NOAA/OFCM 
 O'Connor, Robert NSF 
 Schultz, Peter CCSP 
 Shapiro, Carl USGS 
 Simpson, Caitlin NOAA 
 Singletary, Arthur Jack DOT 
 Tupas, Louie USDA 
 Vallario, Robert DOE 

 Agency Acronyms:
  • CCSPO.  Climate Change Science Program Office
  • DOE.  Department of Energy
  • DOT.  Department of Transportation.
  • EPA.  Environmental Protection Agency
  • NASA.  National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  • NSF.  National Science Foundation
  • NOAA.  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  • USAID.  U.S. Agency for International Development
  • USDA.  U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • USGS.  U.S. Geological Survey (Department of Interior


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