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blue bulletWhat is dbEST?

dbEST (Nature Genetics 4:332-3;1993) is a division of GenBank that contains sequence data and other information on "single-pass" cDNA sequences, or "Expressed Sequence Tags", from a number of organisms. A brief account of the history of human ESTs in GenBank is available (Trends Biochem. Sci. 20:295-6;1995). Also, consult the special "Genome Directory" issue of Nature (vol. 377, issue 6547S, 28 September 1995).

blue bulletOther ways to access dbEST

Other ways to access dbEST

blue bulletHow to submit data

How to submit data to dbEST

blue bulletInformation on the current release

Number of ESTs - dbEST summary by organism


blue bulletI.M.A.G.E. Consortium Clones

Physical DNA clones from I.M.A.G.E. Consortium libraries are now available from a number of distributors .

blue bullet

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Revised April 13, 2009