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Gran Quivira: A Blending of Cultures in a Pueblo Indian Village--Supplementary Resources

By looking at Gran Quivira: A Blending of Cultures in a Pueblo Indian Village, students will learn about the Puebloan Indians before, during and after Spanish contact. Those interested in learning more will find that the Internet offers a variety of interesting materials.

Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument
Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument is a unit of the National Park System. The park's Web pages provide detailed information on the once, thriving American Indian trade communities in this remote frontier area of central New Mexico. Included are essays on the Pueblos and the coming of the Spaniards, a history of Gran Quivira, as well as a trail guide.

Glimpses of Our National Monuments
The National Park Service provides further information about Gran Quivira National Monument in the on-line book, Glimpses of Our National Monuments.

American Southwest--National Register of Historic Places Travel Itinerary
The American Southwest with its distinctive building traditions, its languages, religions, and foods, reflects the vitality of the Spanish, Mexican, Indian and Anglo cultures which formed its history and the Southwest we see today. This National Register of Historic Places Travel Itinerary highlights over 58 historic places, including Salinas Pueblo National Monument, teaching us about the contributions of the various people who settled this distinctive area.

American Historical Images
American Historical Images is a site developed by Troy Johnson, a professor at California State University, Long Beach. This site highlights drawings depicting scenes from early Native American culture and contact with the Spanish.

Native North American Cultures
The Minnesota State University EMuseum provides a virtual tour of Native North American Cultures. Included is information on the Pueblos detailing a history of the tribe as well as information about daily life, language and location.

New Perspectives on the West
New Perspectives on the West is a site produced as a supplement to the PBS documentary The West, by Ken Burns and Stephen Ives. Included are primary source documents on the Pueblo revolt, time lines to understand the events that took place in New Mexico during the Spanish conquest, and images from the history of the American west.

1492: An On-Going Voyage
1492: An On-Going Voyage is maintained by the Library of Congress. Explore this site to learn about the Americas at the time of Spanish exploration.

For Further Reading
Students and educators wishing to learn more about Gran Quivira may want to read: Dan Murphy, Salinas Pueblo Mission (Tucson, Ariz.: Southwest Parks and Monuments Association, 1993); David Grant Noble, ed., Salinas: Archaeology, History, and Prehistory (Santa Fe, N. Mex.: Ancient City Press, 1993); and Gordon Vivian, Gran Quivira (Tucson, Ariz.: Southwest Parks and Monuments Association, 1979).


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