Committee on Science and Technology
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Letters To Administration :: April 3, 2007

Gordon, Miller, Nelson Request Unredacted Copies of NASA IG Investigation Report

April 3, 2007

Mr. Clay Johnson, III
Chairman, President's & Executive Councils on Integrity and Efficiency
c/o Office of Managment and Budget
725 17th St. NW Rm. 113
Washington, DC 20503

Subject: Investigation of the Inspector General of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Dear Mr. Johnson,

Yesterday we received the Integrity Committee’s report on the investigation of the NASA Inspector Robert Cobb. The IC determined that Mr. Cobb had abused his authority and created a hostile work environment and had not maintained an appearance of independence from NASA officials. Based on these findings and the subsequent recommendations of the Integrity Committee, we requested that President Bush remove Mr. Cobb from office. According to press reports today, however, President Bush had determined that NASA’s recommendation that Mr. Cobb develop “an individual leadership/management plan” while attending a resident course at the Federal Executive Institute is sufficient to address these findings.

We respectfully disagree. As a result, we are preparing for possible hearings to investigate Mr. Cobb’s conduct as Inspector General. To facilitate those preparations, we are requesting the immediate delivery of unredacted copies of the Integrity Committee’s report and the report of investigation (ROI) prepared by the Inspector General of the Housing and Urban Development Department. This is necessary for the committee staffs to identify potential witnesses and conduct their own investigations.

Read the complete letter.

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Bart Gordon, Chairman


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