Civil Rights  Leadership and Democracy Criminal Justice Women and Business Development

     Women & Girls in Education

     Women & Construction, & Equity

     Women & Health



About the PCSW



Elder Economic Security Initiative




Commission Action


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PCSW Kicks Off Women's History Month

Elder Economic Security Initiative (EESI) Briefings

The ESSI Briefings, held at the Legislative Office Building

on March 5th & 6th were a success!

To view a photo gallery of the briefings, click here.


What's Happening!



PCSW News February 2009

As I Remember It: Reflections of the Past 35 Years of the PCSW 

Public Hearing Report 2008 

2008 Legislative Report

Tradeswomen – Click here to give us your opinion






Join the PCSW
Talent Bank


In the News

PCSW and Commission on Aging Looks at Adults' Economic Security 

PCSW Supports Pay Equity Bill


MWV Day remarks from PCSW Commissioner Cindy Slane on Pay Equity 


MWV Day remarks from Nancy von Euler, Director of FCC Foundation 


MWV Day remarks from Donna Addkinson on behalf of WOW 


PCSW on Governor Rell's Budget 


 Susan Campbell's blog in the Hartford Courant: "Girls Got Game. Well, some girls do"



Save These Dates


April 28, 2009

Pay Equity Day

(Time and location TBD)


May 16, 2009

Women in the Trades Anniversary Celebration and Dinner

6:00 p.m.

Zandri's Stillwood Inn, Wallingford


June 5, 2009 OR June 11, 2009

Annual Training for Affirmative Action Officers and Attorney General Designees

8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.



  Would you like a Pay Equity button?  Get yours now!  To order, contact Michelle Noehren, Legislative Liaison by clicking here.


About Us

The Permanent Commission on the Status of Women (PCSW) was established by the State Legislature in 1973. Seventeen appointed volunteer Commissioners join a staff and volunteers to work to eliminate sex discrimination in Connecticut. The PCSW informs leaders about the nature and scope of discrimination, serve as a liaison between government and private interest groups concerned with services for women, promotes consideration of women for governmental positions, and works with state agencies to access programs and practices as they affect women.



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Permanent Commission on the Status of Women   18-20 Trinity Street   Hartford, CT
Connecticut General Assemblyphone: 860.240.8300   fax: 860.240.8314   email:
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