Connecticut Commission on Children

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Created with bipartisan support in 1985 by the Connecticut legislature, the 25-member Commission on Children brings representatives of all three branches of government—legislative, executive, and judicial—together with representatives of the private sector to promote public policies in the best interests of children. More
The Federal Stimulus Package:
What’s in It for Children and Families?

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 has given Connecticut an opportunity to work in new and creative ways to help families address some of the challenges created by the recession. The Commission will hold a discussion on the matter starting at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, March 10, in Room 2-B of the Legislative Office Building in Hartford. More information
SNAP Employment and Training:
A new source for reducing child poverty
Thanks to legislation approved in 2008 by the General Assembly, Connecticut is about to put new federal funds to work in helping food stamp recipients get the training and other tools they need to find employment and become financially secure and self-sufficient. Read more and participate
Commission testifies on governor's budget
Commission Executive Director Elaine Zimmerman testified before the legislature's Appropriations Committee on February 18 regarding Governor M. Jodi Rell's proposal to eliminate the Commission in the 2009-2011 state budget. Read her testimony (PDF)
"Children are not a special-interest population. They are the next adults. They don't have a voice, they don't vote ... so they don't have anyone representing them up here." 

--  Commission Executive Director Elaine Zimmerman, as quoted by the 
Associated Press
What's on the legislative agenda?
The legislature is back in session, and the Commission has proposed legislation aimed at improving basic services for children and their families while also reducing unnecessary expenditures and streamlining procedures in these increasingly difficult times.
Read our February newsletter
You'll find it here. To get our free newsletters in your e-mail, sign up here.
Smart Investments in Hard Times
On January 13, 2009, the Commission heard a panel of experts discuss the importance of continuing to invest in Connecticut's children despite these hard economic times.
How's the social health of Connecticut?
Good in many areas, worrisome in others, according to the
2008 edition of the Connecticut Index of Social Health. Produced by the General Assembly, the Commission on Children, and the William Casper Graustein Memorial Fund, the Index assembles 11 indicators of health, employment, income, education, and security. Read more
Connecticut's Playbook for Prevention is here!
Visit, the website containing the winning game plan for kids and Connecticut. As Coach Jim Calhoun says,
"It's all about the kids."
This page was last updated: Monday, March 09, 2009

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