Congressman Murphy

Biography of Congressman Patrick J. Murphy

Congressman Patrick J. Murphy was born and raised in Northeast Philadelphia, the son of a Philadelphia Police officer and a legal secretary. Congressman Murphy is an Iraq war veteran, former West Point professor, criminal prosecutor, and proud husband and father.

Murphy started his higher education at Bucks County Community College and then went on to King's College in Wilkes-Barre. While attending King’s, Murphy decided to follow in the footsteps of his father, uncles, and brother by signing up for military service.

During his military career, Patrick served as a Special Assistant U.S. Attorney in New York, a prosecutor in North Carolina, and an associate professor of Constitutional Law at West Point. When September 11th happened, Murphy went into his commander’s office and volunteered to deploy. His first deployment was to Bosnia in 2002 and the second was to Baghdad, Iraq from 2003-2004. While in Baghdad, Patrick served as a Captain in the Army's elite 82nd Airborne Division, and was later awarded the Bronze Star for Service.

After returning home, Patrick practiced law at Cozen O'Connor before running for Congress. In November 2006, Patrick won his first election and he was sworn in on January 4, 2007.

As the first Iraq war veteran elected to Congress, Congressman Murphy took on a leadership role in the debate on Iraq and Afghanistan. In his first month in Congress, Congressman Murphy introduced the Iraq War De-Escalation Act of 2007, with then Senator Barack Obama.

This bill called for the responsible withdrawal of troops with a timeline so we can refocus on the fight in Afghanistan. Congressman Murphy has also written or sponsored several bills relating to the oversight and conduct of the war. Murphy voted for increased funding for veterans and our troops. He reached across the aisle and helped bring a National Veterans Cemetery to Bucks County.

In the spring of 2007 Murphy worked closely with other members of the House and the Senate to pass the 21st Century GI Bill which will give veterans the resources they need to get the opportunities they deserve after their service is complete.

Congressman Murphy was re-elected to a second term in November 2008.

Congressman Murphy is a member of the fiscally responsible Blue Dog Coalition and serves on the Armed Services Committee and the Permanent Select Committee for Intelligence. He has been a strong proponent for fiscal responsibility, improved veterans benefits and modernizing our military.

Congressman Murphy has also been focused on flood relief and prevention along the Delaware River, increased funding for local first responders, and economic revitalization of Bucks County, including efforts to attract “green energy” companies to Bucks County.

Murphy lives in Bristol, PA with his wife Jenni and their daughter Maggie.

To learn more about the work that Congressman Murphy has been doing to serve the 8th district, please visit the "Issue's and Legislation" section of this webpage.