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Tonto National Monument:
Saving a National Treasure --
Supplementary Resources

By studying Tonto National Monument: Saving a National Treasure students learn how the passage of the Antiquities Act of 1906 helped preserve the unique Salado cliff dwellings, allowing archeologists to study the Salado culture and keep their story alive today. Those interested in learning more will find that the Internet offers a variety of interesting materials.

Tonto National Monument
To learn more about the Salado culture and the cliff dwelling associated with them, please visit the park's website.

American Southwest:
A National Register of Historic Places Travel Itinerary

This National Register of Historic Places' on-line travel itinerary provides information on more than 58 historic places listed in the National Register that illustrate early periods of Southwestern history, including Tonto National Monument.

Antiquities Act and National Monuments:
National Park Service Antiquities Act 1906-2006
Visit this NPS website to learn more about the history of the act--what it has accomplished and challenges today. Also included is a virtual map of the national monuments across the country.

The Antiquities Act of 1906 -- Ronald F. Lee
The Archeology Program, National Park Service, is very pleased to make available in an electronic format Ronald F. Lee's history of the Antiquities Act. This law serves as the foundation of much of United States law for the commemoration, preservation, and protection of cultural resources. Thus, it has very important links to the modern practice of American archeology, cultural resource management, and historic preservation.

Units of the National Park Service
National Monuments are one of many types of natural, historic, and cultural places in the National Park System. To find an alphabetical list of all parks or to locate parks on a U.S. map, please visit the NPS website.

National Park Service History Program
The NPS History Program website offers information on National Monument Proclamations under the Antiquities Act. This page provides a brief history of the act and a list of what monuments were dedicated under each presidential administration. There are also links to online books about the antiquities act, challenges to the act, and national monuments.

Glimpses of Our National Monuments
The National Park Service provides further information about our National Monuments, including their administration and protection, in the on-line book, Glimpses of Our National Monuments.

Creation of Grand Teton National Park
Learn about the controversy over President Franklin Roosevelt's decision to declare Jackson Hole, Wyoming, a national monument under the Antiquities Act.

National Park Service Archeology Laws and Ethics
Visit this NPS Archeology program website to read about governmental efforts to protect archeological places through laws, regulations, standards, guidelines and executive orders.

National Park Service Archeology Program
The Archeology Program website has information about archeology in the parks as well as nationwide archeology efforts. Read about what citizens can do to protect archeological places. The Antiquities Act of 1906 remains one of the most important laws on the Conservation and preservation of the nation's resources and cultural heritage and for establishing federal archeology. The direction and focus for archeology programs of federal agencies is described on this website and linked articles.

University of Arkansas Survey on Archeological Parks in the U.S.
To learn more about archeological parks in the United States visit this website where the University has listed and linked to the parks by state and region. Archeology studies and preserves not only under-ground remains, but also above-ground remains, such as the ancient pueblos of the Southwest, or the large and impressive mound complexes of the Southeast and Midwest.

Other Federal Preservation Programs:
Laws, Regulations, and Standards Related to Cultural Resources
National Register of Historic Places
Links to the Past

American Indians:
Ancient Cultures of the Southwest
The Logan Museum of Anthropology at Beloit College in Beloit, Wisconsin, possesses a vast collection of artifacts from the ancient Southwest. The majority were collected during excavations undertaken by the Museum in the 1930s. Visit the college's online exhibit--Ancient Cultures of the Southwest--for more detailed information about the Mogollon, Hohokam, and Salado cultures. Logan Museum of Anthropology

Digital History--Native American Voices
This online digital history developed through partnership with the University of Houston, the National Park Service, the Gilder Lehrman Institute, the Museum of Fine Arts--Houston, Chicago Historical Society, and TAH (Teaching American History) includes an in depth overview of American Indian history from their prehistoric beginnings to their thriving cultures today.

The NPS Tribal Preservation Program
This National Park Service program works with Indian Tribes, Alaska Native Groups, and Native Hawaiians to preserve and protect resources and traditions that are of importance to Native Americans. Its main purpose is to help Indian tribes strengthen their own community preservation programs. For more information, visit the program web page.

Smithsonian's National Museum of American Indians
The National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI) was chartered by Congress in 1989 as the 16th museum of the Smithsonian Institution. The NMAI is the only national museum dedicated to the Native peoples of North, South, and Central America. Their educational mission is to preserve, present, and celebrate the Native cultures of the Americas. The NMAI has one of the largest and most extensive collection of Native American art and artifacts in the world--approximately 800,000 objects representing over 10,000 years of history, from more than 1,000 indigenous cultures through the Western Hemisphere.

For Further Reading
For more information about National Monuments read America's National Monuments by Hal Rothman (1989) University Press of Kansas, pages 213-232. To read more about the life of an archeologist read Digging in the Southwest by Ann Axtell Morris (1978) Peregrine Smith, Santa Barbara, California.


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