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Center for Advanced Studies
Mission Statement

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The Center for Advanced Studies is a resource which enables faculty and staff at the Coast Guard Academy to develop and maintain a high level of intellectual activity and scholarship, and thereby advance the status and quality of the institution.

The Center for Advanced Studies supports and facilitates Coast Guard Academy faculty and staff scholarly activities, advocates the importance of scholarship within the Academy community, and promotes CGA faculty and staff as an intellectual resource for the Coast Guard.

  • Provide support for faculty and staff scholarly activities
  • Make faculty and staff aware of administrative and legal procedures associated with grants and contracts
  • Create an environment that encourages and values research and scholarship at CGA
  • Advertise and promote the scholarship being done at CGA
  • Ensure the Superintendent and the Board of Trustees are aware of issues relating to intellectual activity at the Academy
  • Collect and disseminate the results of faculty and staff scholarship
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