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Hall of Heroes
Wall of Remembrance

McGee sons at Wall of Remembrance 3-30-06The Wall of Remembrance is the section of the Chase Hall “Hall of Heroes” corridor which honors Academy graduates who have perished while carrying out an operational mission. The Wall is appropriately adorned with the Coast Guard hymn and a flag case in the center and is flanked by the commemorative plaques of these honored individuals each which include the person’s name, photo and circumstances of their passing. In a touching display in deference to these heroes, cadets salute the flag case as they arrive for watch duty.

Let us be reminded by the sacrifice of these brave few that they died protecting America and its waters and in giving their life, exemplified the core values of Coast Guard officers: “Honor, Respect and Devotion to Duty.”

Below is a list of the alumni, ordered by graduating class, who are currently honored: 
3rd LT Leonidas Robinson, Class of 1889

LT Robert Prause, Class of 1939

CAPT Charles Satterlee, Class of 1898

LCDR Charles Schuh, Class of 1939

1st LT Archbald Scally, Class of 1906

LCDR Robert McLenden, Class of 1941

2nd LT John McGourty, Class of 1908

LTJG John Starr, Class of 1941

2nd LT Roy Bothwell, Class of 1911

LTJG William Thoman, Class of 1943

3rd LT James Earp, Class of 1912

LTJG Robert Wescott, Class of 1943

3rd LT James Frost, Class of 1913

LTJG George Costner, Class of 1944

LT Perry Lyons, Class of 1929

ENS Charles Johnson, Class of 1944

LT Charles Perrott, Class of 1929

LTJG Wilfred Johnson, Class of 1944

LT Harold Bernson, Class of 1930

ENS Charles Valaer, Class of 1944

LT William Clemmer, Class of 1930

LT Milton McGregor, Class of 1945

LT True Miller, Class of 1930

LTJG Roger Devan, Class of 1947

LCDR Carl Peterson, Class of 1930

LTJG Richard Tomozer, Class of 1948

CDR Kenneth Phillips, Class of 1930   LCDR Stuart T. Scharfenstein, Class of 1948  

LCDR Sidney Porter, Class of 1930

LTJG Donald Teifer, Class of 1950

LT William Schissler, Class of 1930

LT Rolland Faucher, Class of 1953

LCDR Charles Toft, Class of 1930

LTJG Edward McGee, Class of 1954

CDR James Hinnant, Class of 1931

LCDR Joseph Andrassy, Class of 1955

LTJG Robert Grantham, Class of 1932

LCDR Donald Prince, Class of 1956

CDR Joseph McCue, Class of 1933

ENS George Bergman, Class of 1958

LCDR George Olson, Class of 1933

LT Robert Brown, Class of 1959

LT Thomas Crotty, Class of 1934

CAPT Frank Olson, Class of 1959

LTJG Donald Weller, Class of 1935

LCDR Paul Lewis, Class of 1960

LCDR Fred Westbrook, Class of 1935

LTJG David Brostrom, Class of 1963

LT Robert Lafferty, Class of 1936

LTJG Richard Clark, Class of 1967

LCDR John MacIntosh, Class of 1936

LCDR Horton Johnson, Class of 1970

ENS Clyde Teague, Class of 1936

LT Raymond Brooks, Class of 1975

LT Robert Clark, Class of 1937

ENS Frank Sarna, Class of 1979

LT John Pritchard, Class of 1938

LT Paul Perlt, Class of 1985


LT Mark Koteek, Class of 1988

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