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Academy Philosophy

photo_aca_philThe Coast Guard Academy is an integrated life experience available at no other college, civilian or military. The experience is grounded in the Academy's philosophy, which grows from three fundamental and inter-woven objectives:
  1. To provide a well-rounded undergraduate education, including specialization in a field of interest to the cadet and the Coast Guard.
  2. To provide, by rule and example, an environment that encourages a high sense of honor, respect and devotion to duty.
  3. To provide training that prepares each graduate to immediately assume the duties of a junior officer aboard ship.
These objectives are central to the growth and personal transformation of Academy cadets. That transformation is reflected in the shared beliefs of the Academy's graduates:
  • Belief in your country
  • Belief in your fellow cadets and Coast Guard personnel
  • Belief in yourself
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1.860.444.8444 - 1.800.883.USCG (8724)