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Fighting for a Fair Health Care System Print E-mail
Wednesday, 05 March 2008
Video: Congressman Patrick Murphy Fights for a Fair Health Care System. (3/5/08)

Mr. PATRICK J. MURPHY of Pennsylvania. I thank my colleagues for taking the fight and leading the fight here.

Mr. Speaker, I rise today on behalf of a teenager from Bensalem, Pennsylvania, for whom mental health care came too late. I rise in favor of a health care system that works for those in need. This legislation not only promotes fairness for those with mental illness, it also will not preempt stronger State laws, laws such as Pennsylvania's Act 106, which has saved countless lives.

I stand with the Republican State Representative from my district, Gene DiGirolamo, as we fight together to preserve these critical laws in conference. Mr. DiGirolamo of Bensalem is a leading advocate for mental health parity, and has worked tirelessly for health care laws that are fair and just.

Mr. Speaker, this bill is bipartisan and long overdue. I urge my colleagues to join us in voting for it.