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Clean Air Act Advisory Committee Charter



1. Committee's Official Designation (Title):

Clean Air Act Advisory Committee.

2. Authority:

This charter renews the Clean Air Act Advisory Committee (CAAAC) in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), 5 U.S.C. App.2 § 9 (c).  CAAAC is in the public interest and supports the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in performing its duties and responsibilities under the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990.  

3. Objectives and Scope of Activities:

CAAAC will provide advice, information and recommendations on policy and technical issues associated with implementation of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (the Act).  These issues include the development, implementation, and enforcement of the new and expanded regulatory and market-based programs required by the Act, with the exception of the provisions of the Act that address acid rain. The programs falling under the purview of the committee include those for meeting National Ambient Air Quality Standards, reducing emissions from vehicles and vehicle fuels, reducing air toxic emissions, issuing operating permits and collecting fees, and carrying out new and expanded compliance authorities. CAAAC may advise on issues that cut across several program areas.

The major objectives are to provide advice and recommendations on:

a. Approaches for new and expanded programs, including those using innovative or market-based means to achieve environmental improvements.

b. The potential health, environmental, and economic effects of programs required by the amendments and the potential impacts on the public, the regulated community, state and local governments, and other Federal agencies.

c. The policy and technical contents of proposed major EPA rulemaking and guidance required by the Act in order to help effectively incorporate appropriate outside advice and information

d. The integration of existing policies, regulations, standards, guidelines, and procedures in programs for implementing requirements of the Act.

4. Description of Committees Duties:

The duties of CAAAC are solely advisory in nature.

5. Official(s) to Whom the Committee Reports:

The Committee will submit advice and recommendations and report to the EPA Administrator, through the Office of Air and Radiation.

6. Agency Responsible for Providing the Necessary Support:

EPA will be responsible for financial and administrative support.  Within EPA, this support will be provided by the Office of Air and Radiation. 

7.Estimated Annual Operating Costs and Work Years:

The estimated annual operating cost of CAAAC is $1,383,850 which includes 5.5 person-years of support.

8.Estimated Number and Frequency of Meetings:

The committee expects to meet approximately three (3) times a year.  Meetings may occur approximately once every four (4) months or as needed and approved by the Designated Federal Officer (DFO).  EPA may pay travel and per diem expenses when determined necessary and appropriate.  A full-time or permanent part-time employee of EPA will be appointed as the DFO.  The DFO or a designee will be present at all meetings and each meeting will be conducted in accordance with an agenda approved in advance by the DFO.  The DFO is authorized to adjourn any meeting when he or she determines it is in the public interest to do so.

As required by FACA, CAAAC will hold open meetings unless the EPA Administrator determines that a meeting or a portion of a meeting may be closed to the public in accordance with subsection c of Section 522(b) of Title 5, United States Code.  Interested persons may  attend meetings, appear before the committee as time permits, and file comments with the CAAAC.

9. Duration and Termination:

CAAAC will be examined annually and will exist until the EPA Deputy Administrator determines the committee is no longer needed.  This charter will be in effect for two years from the date it is filed with Congress.  After the initial two-year period, the charter may be renewed as authorized in accordance with Section 14 of FACA (5 U.S.C. App.2 § 14).

10. Member Composition:

CAAAC will be composed of approximately fifty-eight (58) members, and there will be approximately 91 subcommittee members.  Most members will serve as representatives of non-Federal interests.   Members will be selected from among, but are not limited to, business and industry; academic institutions; State, local and tribal governments; unions; non-governmental and environmental organizations and service groups.

11. Subgroups:

EPA, or CAAAC with EPA's approval, may form CAAAC subcommittees or workgroups for any purpose consistent with this charter.  Such subcommittees or workgroups may not work independently of the chartered committee and must report their recommendations and advice to the CAAAC for full deliberation and discussion.  Subcommittees or workgroups have no authority to make decisions on behalf of the chartered committee nor can they report directly to the Agency.  


September 26, 2002

Agency Approval Date

 October 4, 2002

GSA Consultation Date

November 8, 2002 

Date Filed with Congress  


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