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World War II in the San Francisco Bay Area was produced by the National Park Service's National Register of Historic Places and Golden Gate National Recreation Area, in partnership with the National Trust for Historic Preservation, assisted by Rosie the Riveter--World War II Home Front National Historical Park, San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park, Port Chicago Naval Magazine National Memorial, the Organization of American Historians, San Francisco Public Library and the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers (NCSHPO). It was created under the direction of Carol D. Shull, Keeper of the National Register of Historic Places, National Park Service; Patrick W. Andrus, Heritage Tourism Program Manager; and Beth L. Savage, Publications Managing Editor. World War II in the San Francisco Bay Area is based on information in the files of the National Register of Historic Places and National Historic Landmarks collections. These materials are kept at 1201 Eye St., NW, Washington, D.C., and are open to the public from 9:00am to 12:00pm, Monday through Thursday.

The itinerary was conceptualized by the World War II Network, a consortium of National Parks and heritage preservation partners with a common goal of promoting the preservation, interpretation and public recognizition of our World War II-era historic properties. Stephen Haller with Golden Gate National Recreation Area and Mike Buhler with the Western Office of the National Trust for Historic Preservation coordinated the Network's contributions, including property descriptions and color and historic photographs. National Register web production team members included Jeff Joeckel, who designed the itinerary, Rustin Quaide and Shannon Bell (all of NCSHPO). Essays were written by John A. Martini (Seacoast Defense); Roger Lotchin, Professor of History, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, (Mobilization); Gordon Chappell, Regional Historian, National Park Service (Port of Embarkation), Wayne Bonnett, excerpt from his new book Build Ships! San Francisco Bay Wartime Shipbuilding Photographs (Shipbuilding); Donna Graves, historian and cultural planner (Women at War); and Mike Buhler, National Trust for Historic Preservation (Preservation).

 [graphic] link to Seacoast Defense Essay  [graphic] Link to Shipbuilding essay
[graphic] link to Mobilization essay  [graphic] Linkto Women at War essay
 [graphic] link to Port of Embarkation essay  [graphic] Linkto Preservation essay


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Essays: Seacoast Defense | Mobilization| Port of Embarkation| Shipbuilding| Women at War| Preservation

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