Committee on Science and Technology
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:: Markups ::

International Science and Technology Cooperation Act of 2009


Bill NumberLegislative ReportMarkup Transcript
H.R. 1736


Reported, as amended

STEM Education Coordination Act of 2009


Bill NumberLegislative ReportMarkup Transcript
H.R. 1709 


News from the House Science and Technology Committee
2321 Rayburn House Office Building | Washington, DC 20515
tel: (202) 225-6375 | fax: (202) 225-3895 | Contact us Online

Bart Gordon, Chairman


Subcommittee Quick Links
[technology]  [energy]  [oversight]  [research]  [space]

technology and innovation

energy and environment

Investigations and Oversight

research and science education

space and aeronautics

The 111TH CONGRESS (2009-2010) The Library of Congress: THOMAS


Science Education and You

CMF Gold Mouse Award 2007
Last Updated