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[graphic header] The Amana Colonies: A National Register of Historic Places Travel Itinerary of a unique historic communal society in eastern Iowa

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Bibliography of the History of the Amana Colonies and American Utopias
Links for Amana Colonies and other American Utopias

Bibliography of the History of the Amana Colonies and American Utopias

Barthel, Diane L. Amana: From Pietist Sect to American Community. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1984.

Culture and Environment A Challenge for the Amana Colonies, an Inventory and Plan for the Amana Colonies, Iowa County, Iowa. Charlottesville, Virginia. Land and Community Associates, in cooperation with the Amana Historic Landmark Committee and Iowa Division of Historic Preservation, 1977

Foerstner, Abigail. Picturing Utopia : Bertha Shambaugh & the Amana photographers. Iowa City : University of Iowa Press, 2000.

Holloway, Mark. Heavens on Earth : Utopian Communities in America 1680-1880. New York: Dover Publications, 1966.

Mandelker, Ira. Religion, Society, and Utopia in Nineteenth-Century America. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1984.

Ohrn, Steven G. Remaining Faithful: Amana Folk Art in Transition. Des Moines: Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs, 1988.

Perkins, William Rufus and Barthinius L. Wick. History of the Amana Society or Community of True Inspiration. Connecticut: Hyperion Press, 1975 reprint, originally printed in 1891.

Shambaugh, Bertha M.H. Amana: The Community of True Inspiration. Iowa City: The State Historical Society of Iowa, 1988 reprint, originally printed in 1908.

-------Amana That Was And Amana That Is. Iowa City: The State Historical Society of Iowa, 1971 reprint, originally printed in 1932.

Streissguth, Thomas. Utopian Visionaries. Minneapolis: Oliver Press, 1999.

Webber, Philip E. Kolonie-Deutsch: Life and Language in Amana. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1993.

Zug, Joan Liffring and Melinda Bradnaa, Dorothy Crum, ed. The Amanas: A Photographic Journey 1959-1999. Iowa City: Penfield Press, 2000.

Zug, Joan Liffring and John Zug. The Amana Colonies. Monticello, Iowa: Julin Printing Co., The Amana Society, 1988.

Links to Amana Colonies and other American Utopias

Amana Colonies Convention and Visitors Bureau
The official website of the Amana Colonies, this site contains further information on Amana's historic sites, visitor services, special exhibits and events

Amana Heritage Society
The organization collects, preserves and interprets the heritage of the Amana community from its True Inspirationist beginnings to the present day, and operates several historic properties in the Amana Colonies

Iowa State Historical Society
Find further information on the programs and role of the Iowa State Historic Preservation Office at this website for the state organization dedicated to Iowa's historical legacy and an advocate for understanding Iowa's past

Iowa Office of Tourism
Official state government website that offers tourist information on events, attractions, travel, and tourism throughout the state of Iowa

Websites with further information on historic sites featured in this itinerary:

New Harmony, Indiana
Find information about this utopian community of Rappites, as well as visitor information

Canterbury Shaker Village, New Hampshire
Take an online tour of the 25 originial buildings that remain from this Shaker community

Hancock Shaker Village, Massachusetts
This former Shaker community is now an outdoor history museum on 1200 acres. The website has further information on the Shakers in America, and their way of life.

Enfield Shakers Historic District
Another former Shaker village that is interpreted for the public. This site has visitor information as well as a terrific collection of historic and current images.

Oneida Mansion House, New York
Discover more about the small Oneida Community, a communal group that believed perfection was attainable in this lifetime.

Harmony Historic District in Butler County, Pennsylvania
Mennonites settled in several areas of the county, including Harmony, PA, where a local musuem has been established.

National Trust for Historic Preservation
Learn about the programs of and membership in the oldest national non-profit preservation organization.

National Park Service Office of Tourism
National parks have been interwoven with tourism from their earliest days. This website highlights the ways in which the NPS promotes and supports sustainable, responsible, informed, and managed visitor use through cooperation and coordination with the tourism industry.


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