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BMC Biology

Articles by subject

Melissa Norton, MD

Biology Editor
Penelope Webb, PhD

In-house Editor
Maria Kowalczuk

 BMC  BMC Biology subject areas

BMC Biology publishes original research articles and methodology articles in any area of biology but with a focus on the biomedical sciences. To be appropriate for BMC Biology, articles need to be (at least) of importance in their own field or of broad interest. The subject area of each article is assigned by the authors.

Biochemistry [6]
Bioinformatics [7]
Biotechnology [4]
Cell biology [23]
Chemical biology
Developmental biology [17]
Ecology [5]
Evolutionary biology [74]
Genetics [12]
Genomics [24]
Immunology [4]
Microbiology [8]
Molecular biology [9]
Neuroscience [24]
Physiology [5]
Plant biology [1]
Structural biology [5]
Systems biology
Veterinary research
Zoology [1]

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