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This page is for National Register policy clarifications, handouts, white papers, and supplemental materials. More guidance is available in our National Register Bulletin Series

NPS/NCSHPO National Register Workshop March 11-12, 2009

Photo Policy:

Policy Clarification:
National Register Policy Clarifications

From time to time, the Keeper of the National Register needs to issue a response to a policy question that has been raised about application of the criteria and other program requirements. When the Keeper issues such clarifications, they constitute an adjustment to or affirmation of the policy that applies. The Keeper's policy clarifications will be posted on the web site and may be incorporated into future publications.

White Papers
 The National Register "White Paper" Series

For many years, National Register bulletins have guided the preparation of National Register nominations. They have been a reliable resource, but as the program has matured, new issues have become apparent and some existing policies and practices need updating or clarification. In 2008, NPS staff launched an initiative to update and revise the bulletin series. As it contemplates revisions, NPS staff is beginning to address issues that have never been adequately discussed or that are often confusing. These issues are being explored in a series that will be known as the “National Register White Papers.” Each white paper will be posted on the National Register website. After consideration of comments by State Historic Preservation Officers, Tribal Preservation Officers, and Federal Preservation Officers, some of the information in the white papers will be integrated into the revised on-line or print publications.

We encourage our preservation colleagues to review and comment on the white papers. Ultimately, the National Register wants to provide all preparers and reviewers with consistent guidance on preparing National Register nominations. The white papers are a step toward that goal. Consider them an opportunity to comment on the substance of the National Register program and contribute to its clarification.

Send comments via email to the author of the paper and he or she will discuss them with National Register colleagues and, in some cases, revise the white paper accordingly. The author is identified, with an e-mail address provided. The date on the paper indicates when it was last revised.

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