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Office of the Chief Information Officer

Chapter 39.1, Acquisition of Information Technology

Guiding Principle

Prior to entering into a contract for information technology, an agency should analyze risk, benefits, and costs.  This is the joint responsibility of the Chief Information Officer (CIO), program officials and the contracting office.Overview

This section discusses the acquisition of information technology (IT) and related internal Departmental procedures.  The guidance below is to be used in conjunction with the regulatory requirements in the FAR and DEAR.


The Clinger-Cohen Act (formerly known as the Information Technology Reform Act of February 10, 1996) provides the statutory basis for the Department’s acquisition policies and procedures for IT. 

Section 508 of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 provides standards for electronic and information technology for individuals with disabilities, whether federal employees or members of the public. 

E-Government Act of 2002, PL 107-342, has a stated purpose as “an Act to enhance the management and promotion of electronic Government Services and processes….”  The Act promotes interagency cooperation and internet based and citizen-centric use of information technology.  Several sections of the act are highlighted below.

Section 204, Federal Internet Portal, directs agencies to “maintain and promote an integrated Internet-based system of providing the public with access to Government information systems”.

Section 208, Privacy Provisions, provides direction on the protection of privacy of personal information and lists actions required prior to developing or procuring information technology.

Section 210, Share-in-Savings Initiatives, provides agencies the authority to enter into “share-in-savings contracts for information technology in which the Government awards a contract to improve mission-related or administrative processes or to accelerate the achievement of its mission and share with the contractor in savings achieved through contract performance.”

Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 provides a comprehensive framework for ensuring the effectiveness of information security controls over information resources that support Federal operations and assets.  Agencies are directed to develop programs for information security in information infrastructures, hardware and software.  See also DOE Order 200-1 and the associated manual and guide.

The Chief Information Officer (CIO) has the responsibility to establish policies and guidelines regarding the conduct and management of the Department’s IT program and to act as the primary advisor to the Secretary on IT matters.
The CIO maintains a website http://cio.doe.gov with pertinent information on established policies and guidelines.  Information available includes links to applicable laws, internal policies on IT infrastructure, cyber security and general information on the CIO’s office.  Additional information is also available from the Business Management Division at 301-903-4340.

Use of Existing Contracts

Before entering into a new acquisition, the originating office should attempt to satisfy their requirements using existing Department-wide and other Government wide acquisition contracts such (GWACs) and the Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) contracts. Existing Department-wide contracts are listed at http://cio.doe.gov/RBManagement/Business/contracts/contract.htm  

A list of GWACS contracts can be found at http://www.arnet.gov/gwac/govurls.html  

FSS contracts are listed at http://www.gsa.gov.

GSA Programs – Federal Technology Service

The GSA Federal Technology Service (FTS) provides federal agencies with technical and contract assistance for any acquisitions involving information technology.  Contact the regional GSA FTS office for assistance and information.  See their Home Page for more information or call them at (703) 306-6140. http://www.gsa.gov/Portal/gsa/ep/channelView.do?pageTypeId=8199&channelId=-13291

Security and Privacy

The Department has a cyber security program in place for the consideration of security in all IT systems and acquisitions.  DOE P 250.1, Departmental Cyber Security Program, and DOE G 250.1-1, Cyber Security Architecture Guidelines, are two of the many published policies and documents.  The CIO’s web page has a list of other links to help you or contact the Business Management Division at 301-903-4604.
Greening and Information Technology

Additional information on Energy Star and energy efficiency considerations relative to information technology is available at

http://www.energystar.gov and at http://www.eere.energy.gov/femp/ .

Special Headquarters Requirements

Acquisitions over $200,000 for all Headquarters IT services must obtain certification from the CIO that the acquisition complies with the Extended Common Integrated Technology Environment (eXCITE) program. Contact the Office of the Associate CIO for Information Technology Reform at 202-586-0166 for additional information.

SmartBUY Initiative:

SmartBUY is a federal government-wide software licensing initiative to streamline the acquisition process and provide best priced, standards-compliant IT. The SmartBUY initiative, mandated by the President's Office of Management and Budget (OMB), is a business discipline used to coordinate multiple IT investments and leverage the buying power of the government for commercial IT products and services.

In accordance with Office of Management and Budget Guidance, federal agencies are directed to review all commercial software acquisitions for appropriateness for inclusion into the SmartBUY program in order to leverage government purchasing power and reduce redundant purchases.  Department components must also have the appropriate agency official review planned IT acquisitions for IT major projects (those in excess of $2 million) to ensure that the acquisition does not duplicate any E-Government Initiative.  Before beginning any new software acquisition, the contracting officer should insure that the necessary coordination has been completed.


Link: The White House Link: USA.gov Link: E-gov Link: Information Quality (IQ) Link: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Link: Privacy Program
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