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How to Use
the Readings


Inquiry Question

Historical Context


Reading 1
Document 1
Reading 2
Reading 3


Table of

Determining the Facts

Table 1: Distribution of Carnegie Libraries, 1920

State Population Libraries Libraries
Per Million
 State Population Libraries Libraries
Per Million
AL 2,348,174 14 6.0  MT 548,889 17 31.0
AZ 334,162 4 12.0  NE 1,296,372 69 53.2
AR 1,752,204 4 2.3  NV 77,407 1 12.9
CA 3,426,861 142 41.4  NH 443,083 9 20.3
CO 939,629 35 37.2  NJ 3,155,900 35 11.1
CT 1,380,631 11 8.0  NM 360,350 3 8.3
DE 223,003 0 0  NY 10,385,230 106 10.2
DC 437,571 4 9.1  NC 2,559,123 10 3.9
FL 968,470 10 10.3  ND 646,872 8 12.3
GA 2,895,832 24 8.3  OH 5,759,394 105 18.2
ID 431,866 10 23.2  OK 2,028,283 24 11.8
IL 6,485,280 106 16.3  OR 783,389 31 39.6
IN 2,930,390 164 56.0  PA 8,720,017 58 6.6
IA 2,404,021 101 42.0  RI 604,397 0 0
KS 1,769,257 59 33.3  SC 1,683,724 14 8.3
KY 2,416,630 23 9.5  SD 636,547 25 39.3
LA 1,798,509 9 5.0  TN 2,337,885 13 5.5
ME 768,014 17 22.1  TX 4,663,228 32 6.9
MD 1,449,661 14 9.6  UT 449,396 23 51.2
MA 3,852,356 43 11.2  VT 352,428 4 11.3
MI 3,668,412 61 16.6  VA 2,309,187 3 1.3
MN 2,387,125 65 27.2  WA 1,356,621 43 31.7
MS 1,790,618 11 6.1  WV 1,463,701 3 2.0
MO 3,404,055 33 9.7  WI 2,632,067 63 23.9
MT 548,889 17 31.0  WY 194,402 16 82.3

Questions for Table 1

1. Identify the number of Carnegie libraries in your state and determine your state's population in 1920.

2. Which state has the largest number of libraries? the lowest?

3. Which state has the highest number of libraries per million? the lowest?

4. Which state has the highest population? the lowest?

5. Based on your readings and Map 1, what conclusions can you draw from this data?



Comments or Questions

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