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Fighting for 8th District Priorities

The following document contains the details regarding the requests I am submitting to the House Appropriations Committee for consideration and possible funding. My office received dozens of requests totaling hundreds of millions of dollars. We will not submit all of them, only projects that create or protect jobs in the district, protect our men and women serving in the military, rebuild critical infrastructure, fight crime, improve our local health care system, prevent flooding or provide for other critical local needs. All of the projects went through careful vetting from my office as well as associated agencies. These items all represent a substantive need from Bucks, Montgomery or Philadelphia Counties, the Department of Defense, state, local and federal agencies, hospitals, townships and/or municipalities. These projects met at least two important criteria in our review: 1) is it good for the people, economy and future of the 8th District of Pennsylvania? and 2) is it good for the country and/or our military? I strongly believe that a crucial part of my job is to secure funds for such vital priorities as flood prevention for our communities, resources for our first responders and the newest technology for our armed forces to name just a few. I will keep working to make this process transparent and as beneficial as possible for the 8th District of Pennsylvania.

The following projects are listed by category and alphabetically. The projects in each category will be submitted to a specific Appropriations Subcommittee for review and possible funding. I will seek to secure funding for each project, understanding that the Appropriations Committee will make final decisions about which projects receive funding, and at what level. If project funding is included in an Appropriations bill in the House, that is NOT a guarantee of federal support. Once the House passes a bill, it must be reconciled with a Senate version and signed into law by the President.

Click Here to View the 8th District Priorities I Submitted to the House Appropriations Committee for FY2010

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