FHP Online Vol. 4 Issue 2 * 2009 - From the Desk of Col. Donald L. Noah

Welcome to the summer issue of Force Health Protection and Readiness magazine. This issue offers lots of great information for our Service members, families, veterans and health care providers. The hard work that is ongoing here at FHP&R is showcased in this magazine and supports the overall goal of our organization – which is to provide for, and promote, a fit and healthy Force. We strongly believe that the research and new initiatives being led by our subject matter experts in our several capability areas will continue to provide our troops the resources they need and deserve.

A few of the new initiatives that FHP&R is spotlighting in this issue includes several DoD humanitarian efforts aimed at bridging the health care gap between the U.S. and countries in need of medical care. One example of this can be found of pages 4-5. The USNS Comfort is a U.S. Navy hospital ship whose mission to provide humanitarian disaster relief and health care training to seven countries in Central and South America has been carried out with great success. continued...


Featured Stories

Assessment Tool Helps with Diagnosing Traumatic Brain Injury

The Department of Defense (DoD) took a major step forward in the testing, diagnosis and treatment of traumatic brain injury (TBI) last year when it issued guidance calling for all the Services to conduct baseline pre-deployment neurocognitive assessments. continued...

Comfort Mission: Bringing Humanitarian Relief to South American Countries

As part of a new emphasis on DoD global humanitarian health care efforts, the mammoth 900-foot long, 70,000-ton U.S. Navy Hospital Ship Comfort is on course in the Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) region and delivering on its medical relief goals for “Continuing Promise ’09.” continued...


Health Care in Afghanistan: Building Bridges to a Healthier World

I n an ongoing effort to work in a united fashion with other government agencies and international organizations to improve the health care sector of Afghanistan, the Military Health System (MHS) convened an important conference in mid-May called, “Building Health Security in Contemporary Afghanistan.” continued...

Dental Health for All Ages

Dental experts recommend that the first oral examination should occur at the time the first tooth appears but not later than the age of one year. This examination should be the first in a life-long series of regular dental visits. continued...

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