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Californio to American--
Supplementary Resources

By looking at Californio to American: A Study in Cultural Change, students will better understand the history of Southern California under Spanish, Mexican, and American governments. Those interested in learning more will find that the Internet offers a variety of interesting materials.

Library of Congress
"California As I Saw It"—First Person Narratives of California's Early Years, 1849-1900, part of the Library of Congress's American Memory Collection, consists of the full texts and illustrations of 190 works documenting the formative era of California's history through eyewitness accounts. It is an extensive resource on California history during the pre-Spanish era, Spanish conquest, and cession to America. The site includes full-text primary sources, photographs, maps, and a bibliography.

The Library of Congress's Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo page includes a brief introduction, a historic map of the area used for the negotiations, and pages of the actual Treaty.

The Avalon Project at the Yale Law School
The Avalon Project offers digital versions of documents relevant to the fields of Law, History, Economics, Politics, Diplomacy and Government. Included among these documents is the text of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

The Story of Cerritos: A History in Progress
This Web page offers an extensive history of the city of Cerritos, California, which is located within the original Nieto grant. Of particular interest are chapters titled, "Spanish Exploration and Settlement" and "Ranches under Spanish, Mexican and American Rule."

City of Los Alamitos
This Web site includes a page on the History of Los Alamitos. It provides brief information on the Nieto land grant and the eventual establishment of the township of Los Alamitos.

Early History of the California Coast--A National Register of Historic Places Travel Itinerary
This National Register of Historic Places Travel Itinerary links National Parks with places listed in the National Register that illustrate early periods of Coastal California's history. The over 45 historic places highlighted, including Rancho Los Alamitos and Los Cerritos Ranch House, in this itinerary can teach us about the contributions of the various people who settled in what became the United States of America.


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