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Committed to Fiscal Discipline

“Murphy has demonstrated commendable independence. And unlike many of his Democratic colleagues, the freshman lawmaker has shown himself to be a re-sponsible and restrained spender. We sure could use a lot more of those in Washington.” [Bucks County Courier Times, July 20, 2007]

“We can’t argue with fiscal discipline, and we’re glad to see it remains a priority for the new congressman.” [Bucks County Courier Times, May 5, 2007]

"The first-term Democrat is making a reputation for himself as a careful spender." [Bucks County Courier Times, February 29, 2008]

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Standing Up to Excessive Government Spending

Voted Against the Democratic Budget
  • Congressman Murphy twice broke with his party to oppose the Democratic Budget. He did so be-cause he did not believe it did enough to guarantee middle class tax breaks and rein in government spending. [Roll Call Votes #212, 557; 318; 382]

Thumbs Up: To Congressman Patrick Murphy for breaking ranks with his party by voting against the party’s first budget plan. Murphy was one of only 12 Democrats who opposed the budget narrowly passed by the House, mostly because he felt it fell short on tax breaks for the middle class and controlling government spending. We’re glad to see some independence from Murphy and hope he continues to buck the party system when it comes to measures that don’t look out for the best interests of the 8th District.” [Bucks County Courier Times: April 2, 2007]

Voted to Cut Nearly $3 Billion in Spending from Appropriations Bills
  • Congressman Murphy has repeatedly called for the cuts in excessive government spending. [Roll Call Votes #467, 511, 525, 546, 571, 601, 659, 808]

Demanding Accountability and Responsibility

Fighting to End Deficit Spending in Congress
  • Congressman Murphy is proud that one of his first votes – and his first floor speech – in Congress was in support of Pay-As-You-Go Budgeting. This bill says simply: if Congress is going to spend something, it needs to figure out how it’s going to pay for it first – just as American families do every day. This measure will not allow consideration of any bill that would increase the deficit over the five-year and ten-year windows.
Fighting for a Permanent Balanced Budget
  • Congressman Murphy is an original cosponsor of House Joint Resolution 45, proposing a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
Voted Against a Congressional Pay Raise
  • Congressman Murphy voted against a congressional pay raise of more than $4,400.
Introduced Bi-Partisan legislation to stop the $55 billion in government overpayments wasted each year
  • Congressman Murphy’s bill would improve transparency, prevent improper payments, recover over-payments and hold agencies accountable because allowing this level of waste to continue unchecked is both reckless and unacceptable.

Reducing the Number of Earmarks

In fiscal year 2008, Congressman Murphy voted to cut non-project earmarks by 43 percent – reducing the amount spent on earmarks by $7 billion.

A Proud Member of the Blue- Dog Coalition

The Blue Dog Coalition is a group of moderate and conservative Democratic members of Congress who stand together to fight for fiscal responsibility and a balanced budget. The Coalition relentlessly pursues balanced budgets and common sense, conservative economics.

Fighting Wasteful Government Spending

Voted Against Funding “the Perfect Christmas Tree Project” Earmark
  • Congressman Murphy voted to cut an earmark for “the Perfect Christmas Tree” costing $129,000. It would be spent on doubling the retail space for a gift shop that would sell things like Christmas tree ornaments, lanterns, handmade soaps, among other things.
Voted Against a Federal Program that Paid People to Take Federal Money
  • Congressman Murphy voted against a new pilot program that would award grants to individuals to re-search proposals previously rejected by the National Science Foundation. It is wasteful to throw away taxpayer money on a program that helps people qualify for more taxpayer money — especially if their initial proposals were rejected.
Voted Against Pointless Funding for an Aquarium in Charleston, South Carolina
  • Congressman Murphy voted to strip $150,000 earmarked for the South Carolina Aquarium. Aquariums that charge $16 for a ticket – such as the Aquarium in South Carolina – and collects major corporate donations - such as BP, Whole Foods, and Wells Fargo - do not need federal funding.
Voted Against Money for the Corporations for Jefferson's Poplar Forest in Virginia
  • This amendment will strip $200,000 earmarked for expansion of exhibits and outreach at Jefferson’s Poplar Forest estate. Consistent with the Jeffersonian philosophy, Congressman Murphy believes in a “wise and frugal government.” Eighty-four percent of funds needed for this project have already been raised, and it is evident that the remaining funds can be raised privately to maintain the family retreat.

Protecting Middle Class Families from Excessive Taxes

Supporting Over 15 Important Tax Cuts - Including:
Co-Sponsor of the Child Tax Relief Act
  • This measure will double the child tax credit to $2,000 in the first year of a child’s life, or in the first year after a child is adopted, helping parents defray the costs of a new child at home.
Co-Sponsor of a Permanent Tuition Tax Deduction
  • This measure allows taxpayers to deduct up to $4,000 of post secondary education expenses.
Co-Sponsor of the Small Business Tax Relief Act
  • This bill provides $1.3 billion in tax relief to small businesses and allows small businesses to more easily afford large capital expenses by extending and increasing section 179 small business expensing and allowing businesses to individually deduct their capital investments. It also extends and enhances the Work Opportunity Tax Credit, which provides incentives to employers to hire individuals from targeted groups that frequently experience barriers to work.

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