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How to Use
the Map


Inquiry Question

Historical Context




Table of

Locating the Site

Map 1: United States.
[Graphic] Map 1 with link to higher quality map.

This map indicates the cities where the roadside attractions explored in this lesson are located. The examples include fancifully-shaped gas stations, stores, and motels as well as enormous roadside sculptures.

Questions for Map 1

1. In what states are the featured roadside attractions located?

2. Why would roadside attractions have become popular in the 1920s and 30s?

* The map on this screen has a resolution of 72 dots per inch (dpi), and therefore will print poorly. You can obtain a high quality version of Map 1, but be aware that the file may take as much as 60 seconds to load with a 28.8K modem.




Comments or Questions

National Park Service arrowhead with link to NPS website.