Mobile Mammography Facility Inspection Fee Reduction Fact Sheet

Key Words/Related Topics


Providers with multiple mobile mammography units that are presently operating under two or more MQSA certificates have the option (for inspection purposes only) of combining their facilities in order to reduce their total inspection fee. The following conditions must be met to qualify for this reduction:

 1. All mobile units use either on-board film processing or centralized processing at the site where inspection is to take place.

 2. All quality control, personnel qualification, and medical records for all units in the group, and for all sites serviced by the mobile unit, are available at the time of the MQSA inspection.

 3. All units must be available at the inspection site at the time of the MQSA inspection.

Those providers meeting the above conditions will be charged using the following equation:

Total Inspection Fee = $2150+(n-1) x $250

where n = total number of units inspected

If you are the operator of multiple mobile units, please inform the inspector at the time of the initial appointment call. Arrange to have some or all of your mobile units at the inspection site to qualify for the fee reduction.


Key Words:

Inspection Fee

Mobile Unit



Related Topics:

Inspection Fee Consolidation

Inspection Fees