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January-March, Year - 2009 | Volume - 3 | Issue - 1     Table ofContents  RSS Feed 
Gupta V B
Index Copernicus has valued IJGP at 5.49 for the year 2008. Although the 'rating' is not something to excite-upon and make a rooftop announcement, it certainly gives strength. Year 2008, being the sec...
Review Article
Ethnomedicinal plants for prevention and treatment of tumours
Sharma Madhuri, Govind Pandey
The plant kingdom plays a major role in the life of human beings and animals. The plant, as one of the important sources, still maintains its original place in the treatment of various diseases, inclu...
Original Article
Role of Ocimum sanctum in the experimental model of Alzheimer's disease in rats
Raghavendra M, Maiti Rituparna, Kumar Shafalika, Acharya S B
Alzheimer's disease (AD), a neurodegenerative disorder incapacitating elderly people towards the end of their life, accounts for approximately 70% of dementia. It affects 17-25 million elderly people ...
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