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Risk Management Manual of Examination Policies

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Section 17.1 - Bank of Anytown-Report of Examination

Extensions of Credit to Directors/Trustees, Officers, Principal Shareholders, and Their Related Interests 99999

Description Total
A. Executive Officers and their related interests 1,200
B. Directors/Trustees and Principal Shareholders and their related interests 250
Total 1,450
    Less duplications within and between groups 250
Net Total 1,200
Capital and unimpaired surplus as of last Call Report date (Per Regulation "O") 7,094
Net total insider borrowing as a percentage of unimpaired capital and surplus 16.92%
Name and Comments
(Designate all duplications with a "D")
Detail % of Unimpaired
Capital & Surplus
Lincoln, Allie C. 500 7.05%
Director and President    
Duplication debt is guaranteed by President Lincoln and Director Killingbird. The debt is to Anybody, Inc. 250 D 3.52%
Gutierrez, John M.
Executive Vice President and Cashier
450 6.34%
Total 1,200  
Anybody, Inc. 250 D 3.52%
A related interest of President Lincoln and Director Killingbird, both of whom guarantee the debt.    

Last Updated 03/04/2005 supervision@fdic.gov

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