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Research at
the SPDF
* In Focus *
frame from trapped particle model animation
Trapped radiation Simulation
Flow Vortices along Magnetopause

SPDF's staff is a diverse mix of scientists and information technology (IT) specialists. As a result, SPDF research and science support activities span a broad range of topics.

Science Research and Support
  1. See August bi-monthly report on activities, current metrics and plans of the Sun-Solar-System Active Archive (S3CAA).
  2. Fluctuations in the Solar wind couple to Earth'sMagnetopause and produce enhanced pulsations(Kessel et al.)
    + paper (3MB PDF) in Annales Geophysicae, 2003
    + paper (22MB PDF) in Multiscale Coupling of Sun-Earth Processes, 2005
  3. Heliospheric and magnetospheric interactions with solar system bodies, including applications to astrobiology (Cooper)
  4. Ionospheric modeling and the International Reference Ionosphere IRI (Bilitza)
  5. Radiation Belt Modeling (Fung). Design and implementation of a trapped radiation database and associated modeling, which will enable convenient and reliable characterizations of the space environment for future space-based systems.
  6. MHD modeling of flow vortices along the Earth's magnetopause (Kessel, Collado-Vega)
    + poster paper (ppt) at Dec. 2004 AGU Meeting
  7. Radio explorer kiosk education supplement to the Planetary Advanced Radio Sounder (PARS) research project (Garcia)
  8. Energetic Particles from the Goddard experiment on IMP-8.
IT Research & Development
  1. Sonification Prototype for Space Physics (Candey, Schertenleib, Diaz-Merced)
    + paper (1.2 MB ppt) in Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract ED43B-0850.
  2. Building from Where We Are: Web Services and Java-Based Clients to Enable Virtual Observatories (Candey, et al)
    + paper (193 KB ppt) in Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract IN31B-1146.
  3. CDAWeb+ Java client: an Experiment in Integrating Disparate Data Systems (ppt), Spring 2005 AGU (SH51B-12)
  4. S3C Active Archive Services and Capabilities Relevant to the eGY (in two parts) Spring 005 AGU (U23A-02)
  5. Investigation of data systems and networking solutions that contribute to enhanced data access and interoperability.
  6. Maintenance and evolution of the Common Data Format (CDF) , including conversion tools to/from CDF to other major formats, and the CDF home page.
  7. Research in knowledge discovery tools including data mining, pattern recognition, and sonification.
  8. XML systems development in support of NASA science programs; coordination of GSFC-wide XML Working Group.
  9. Enhance the GSFC mission planning process through the identification, evaluation, and testing of mission planning automated tools and techniques, illustrated by the highly successful IMAGE Data System Operation.
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