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  • Aug 2005 - New dynamical Tsyganenko model
  • May 2006 - Ap indices update for IRI/MSIS
  • May 2006 - R/IG indices update for IRI
ModelWeb Interface:
Model Catalog and Archive:
Atmosphere models  [info]
  Density and Temperature Models
  Wind Models
  • Horizontal Wind Model (HWM) [info, ftp]
Ionosphere Models  [info]
  General Models
  Electron Density Models
  Total Electron Content Models
  • GPS Maps [info]
  • Gulyaeva Model [info]
  • Klobuchar Model [info]
  F2-Peak Models and Applications
  Electron Temperature Models
  Ion Composition and Drift Models
  Electric Convection Field Models
  Auroral Precipitation and Conductivity Models
  • AFGL Ion Precipitation Model [info]
  • AFGL Electron Precipitation Model [info]
  • Rice Electron Precipitation Model [info]
  Miscellaneous Auroral Models
  • Auroral Absorption Model [info]
  • Auroral Oval Representation [info, ftp]
Plasmasphere Models 
  • Akebono Model [info]
  • IMAGE Model [info]
  • IZMIRAN/SMI Model [info]
  • GPID Model [info]
  • GCPM Model [info]
Trapped Particle Models  [info]
Gravitation/Geopotential Models
  • Earth Gravitational Model 1996 (EGM96)
    [info, link]
Geomagnetic(Main) Field Models  [info]
  General Models
  Miscellaneous Geomagnetic Field Models
Magnetospheric Field Models  [info]
  • Toffoletto-Hill Magnetosphere Model [link]
  • Xu-Li Neutral Sheet Model [info, ftp]
  • User-Oriented Service Based on External and Internal Geomagnetic Field Models [RUN]
  • Tsyganenko Magnetic Field Models
    and GEOPACK routines [ link]
  • OLDER MODELS (pre-1979)
Solar and Interplanetary Space Models
  Solar Reference Spectra
  Solar Energetic Particle Models
  • Nymmik Solar Energetic Particles Model [link]
  • JPL Proton Model [info]
  • SOLPRO Model [info, ftp]
  Cosmic Rays and Related Software
  • Geomagnetic Cutoff Rigidity [info, ftp]
  • Spacecraft Anomaly Data Base [info]
  • CREME Programs [info, link]
Planetary Models  [info]
General Models
  • EPIC general circulation model [link]
Venus Models
Mars Models
  • Mars General Circulation Model (GCM). [link]
Jupiter Models
  • Galileo Interim Radiation Environment (GIRE) model [link]
Other Model Related Sites
  • NASA's Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) [link]
  • ESA's SPace ENVironment Information System (SPENVIS) [link]
  • Open Channel/COSMIC software depository [link]
  • Rice University Space Weather page [link]
  • URSI'99 Session on Ionospheric Data
    and Models on the WWW [link]

Older Models:
Older Atmospheric models  [info]
  Density and Temperature Models
Older Ionosphere Models  [info]
  Electron Density Models
  • Chiu Ionospheric Model [info, ftp]
  • Bent Ionospheric Model [info]
  • Penn State Mk III Model [info]
  F2-Peak Models and Applications
  • CCIR foF2 and M(3000)F2 Model Maps [info]
  • ISS-b foF2 Maps [info]
  • MINIMUF/QSTMUF Model [info]
  • IONCAP Model [info]
  Electron Temperature Models
  • Density Dependent Electron Temperature Model [info]
  • AEROS Electron Temperature Model [info]
  • AE/ISIS Electron Temperature Models [info]
  Ion Composition and Drift Models
  • DY Ion Composition Model [info]
  • ISR Ion Drift Model [info, ftp]
  • St. Santin Ion Drift Model [info]
  Electric Convection Field Models
  • Polar Cap Potential Drop Model [info]
  • Volland Electric Field Model [info]
  • Heelis Electric Convection Field Model [info]
  • Millstone Hill Electric Field Model [info]
Older Trapped Particle Models  [info]
  • MODEL Program [info]
  • FLOUT Transformation [info]
  • SOFIP [info]
Older Geomagnetic(Main) Field Models  [info]
  Miscellaneous Geomagnetic Field Models
  • Jensen-Cain Model Coefficients [info ftp]
  • POGO Model Coefficients: (3/68) [info],
    (10/68) [info], (8/69) [info], (8/71) [info]
  • AWC (75) Model Coefficients [info]
  • IGS (75) Model Coefficients [info]
  • MGST Model Coefficients All [ ftp], (6/80) [info],
    (4/81) [info]
Older Magnetospheric Field Models  [info]
  • Olson-Pfitzer Field Model [info]
  • Mead-Fairfield Field Model [info]
  • Geotail Field Model [info]
Solar and Interplanetary Space Models
  Solar Reference Spectra
  • Revised SERF2 Solar EUV Flux model [ info, ftp]
  • EUV Reference Spectrum 74113 [info, ftp]
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