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CCMC Mission Statement

The CCMC is a multi-agency partnership to enable, support and perform the research and development for next-generation space science and space weather models.

Model Additions/Updates at the CCMC

  • CORHEL V4.2 supports two coronal models (MAS and a new CORHEL implementation of the Wang-Sheeley-Arge method) and two Heliospheric (MAS and ENLIL) and offers six possible model combinations. It works with synoptic magnetograms from six different observatories.

  • The new Heliospheric Tomography model developed for Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI), the Air Force/NASA satellite, launched on January 6,2003, is now available. SMEI is a joint project of the University of California San Diego, Boston College, the University of Birmingham (UK), and the Air Force Research Laboratory. SMEI is recording whole sky data on each 100-minute orbit.

    The previous version of the Heliospheric Tomography model, available at the CCMC since 2003, incorporated a purely kinematic model with the ground-based interplanetary scintillation (IPS) data provided by Solar Terrestrial Environment Laboratory (STELab), Nagoya University, Japan.

    In the new version the tomographic techniques used previously were redeveloped for use with SMEI. SMEI data allows the reconstruction of CMEs and other heliospheric structures such as corotating interaction regions (CIRs).

  • GUMICS, a global solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling model (Pekka Janhunen at the Finnish Meteorological Institute).

CCMC Services

  • We provide, to the scientific community, access to modern space research models
  • We test and evaluate models
  • We support Space Weather forecasters
  • We support space science education

Latest Additions to the CCMC Services

GEM Modeling Challenge

CCMC is supporting GEM 2008/2009 Modeling Challenge organized by the GGCM Metrics and Validation Focus Group. The Challenge results were presented and discussed at the GEM 2009 Summer Workshop in Snowmass.
Find out more
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Air Force Materiel Command Air Force Office of Scientific Research Air Force Research Laboratory Air Force Weather Agency NOAA Space Environment Center National Science Foundation Office of Naval Research

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CCMC logo designed by artist Nana Bagdavadze