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Associated Press 

Military invades Taliban stronghold

Soldiers of Pakistan's paramilitary force patrol in troubled Buner in Pakistan. Helicopters dropped Pakistani commandos into a Taliban stronghold in the Swat Valley, pressing ahead with an offensive the army says has killed more than 750 militants and driven around 800,000 people from their homes.

Dropout rate plummets for
S.D. schools

The dropout rate for San Diego schools plummeted by nearly 50 percent, to 9.3 percent, in the 2007-08 school year, from the year before, according to data released by the California Department of Education.
Union-Tribune picks L.A. media veteran
as new publisher
The San Diego Union-Tribune's new owners have announced that media executive Ed Moss has been appointed president and publisher.

Home prices drop at fast pace
San Diego County home prices dropped 29.6 percent over the last year, twice the national rate, the National Association of Realtors reports.
Miss California retains her title
Donald Trump makes the announcement that outspoken San Diegan Carrie Prejean retains her position as the reigning Miss California USA.

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Walk-in Closet: Tokeli
Crissy Pascual pops in on jazz singer Tokeli at her Coronado home to help with a fashion emergency.
'Idol' finalist Adam Lambert
Adam Lambert gets a day of his own from the mayor of San Diego while basking in the adoration of his many fans.
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Sampling Sonic
Our crew of foodies heads to Sonic in Santee to find whether the wait is worth it.

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