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FEMP provides numerous resources to help federal agencies implement water efficiency practices and technologies.

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Federal Resources

Enivronmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Water: Works to prevent pollution and reduce risk for people and ecosystems in the most cost-effective ways possible.

EPA WaterSense Office: A partnership labeling program sponsored by the EPA that helps consumers identify water efficient products. Executive Order (E.O.) 13423 encourages all federal agencies to procure WaterSense products.

Navy Water Conservation Web site: Offers resources on Navy water efficiency activities.

Sandia National Laboratory: Web site on water conservation and efficiency that provides information on Sandia's water program.

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL): Web site on energy and water efficiency that provides information on PNNL's programs and initiatives.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL): Web site featuring NREL activities in water efficiency and conservation.

Fort Huachuca: Web site featuring For Huachuca's "Water Wise and Energy Smart" program, which is a cooperative educational outreach project with the University of Arizona. The Web site provides educational resources and conservation tips.

Federal Guidebooks

The Air Force Water Conservation Guidebook (PDF 1.7 MB): This document will walk you through the processes of developing a water management plan and selecting water efficiency best management practices for implementation as part of E.O. 13123 requirements. The guide is useful for both military and civilian agencies.

Water Management: A Comprehensive Approach for Facility Managers, General Services Administration (PDF 3.1 MB)): This document, produced in 2004, provides the basics on water management, including water management planning, drought management, and water efficient technologies. The guidebook is based on requirements set in E.O. 13123.

Military Handbook 1165: Water Conservation, Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center (PDF 573 KB): This guidebook produced in 1997 by the Department of Defense, provides an overview of water management for federal installations. Although this guidebook predates new executive orders and legislation, it has useful information on water management planning.

State and Local Resources

California Urban Water Conservation Council: Supports water conservation and efficiency efforts across the state of California through partnerships with utilities, public interest groups, and private entities. The organization's Web site offers up to date technical resources on many water efficient products and technologies.

California Department of Water Resources': Provides financial and technical services for urban water use efficiency and water management activities such as leak detection, landscape, commercial, industrial, institutional, and the urban water management.

City of Austin Texas Water Utility Water Conservation Office: Provides educational and technical resources in areas such as landscape irrigation, domestic fixtures, and rainwater harvesting.

A Water Conservation Guide for Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Users, New Mexico Office of the State Engineer (PDF 2.1 MB): Outlines water efficiency and management practices as recommended by the Office of the State Engineer for New Mexico.

New Mexico Water Conservation Program: Provides information on water use and efficiency strategies and program in New Mexico. In addition, the organization has a conservation guide for commercial, industrial, and institutional user that can be used in any region.

Pollution Prevention Assistance Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources: Offers free, confidential, and non-regulatory technical assistance on cost-effective ways to prevent, reduce, reuse, or recycle waste and conserve natural resources.

Prince Georges' County, Maryland's Department of Environmental Resources: Nationally-recognized program to assist facilities and communities with managing storm water through innovative low-impact development techniques. The county has extensive information on designing bioretention facilities for residential, commercial, and institutional sites.

Saving Water Partnership: An organization through local utilities in the Seattle and King County area of Washington State that provides water efficiency resources and educational outreach information.

Colorado Water Wise Council: Provides educational outreach to facilitate the efficient use of water in Colorado, which provides useful technical materials on efficient landscape and irrigation.

Associations and Educational Resoures

Alliance for Water Efficiency (AWE): A stakeholders-based national organization that serves as an authoritative advocate for water efficiency and sustainable use of water. The AWE promotes water efficiency through educational outreach and technical resources.

American Water Works Association (AWWA): An international nonprofit scientific and educational society dedicated to the improvement of drinking water quality and supply. Founded in 1881, AWWA is the largest organization of water supply professionals in the world. AWWA also runs the Water Wiser Web site, which provides comprehensive information on water efficiency to consumers and utilities.

WaterWiser – Water Efficiency Clearing House: Comprehensive clearinghouse of resources on water conservation, efficiency, and demand management for conservation professionals.

Watergy: Program of the Alliance to Save Energy dedicated to help cities save energy and water in the treatment, distribution, and end-use of water.

Irrigation Association: A non-profit North American organization whose mission is to improve the products and practices used to manage water resources. The organization's areas of interest encompass the application, conservation, drainage, improvement, and recovery of water for economic and environmental enhancement in agriculture, turf grass, landscape and forestry.

Water Environment Federation (WEF): Not-for-profit technical and educational organization created more than 75 years ago to continually assess and study the quality of the global water environment. WEF commissions research studies about the sources and causes of pollution, examines each new water treatment procedure, and educates the general public and water quality professionals on new techniques and solutions.

The H2O House: Online resource for information on residential water conservation and efficiency.

Food Service Technology Center: Clearinghouse of information on energy and water efficiency for commercial kitchen appliances. FSTC has developed testing standards for evaluating commercial kitchen appliances.

National Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC): Provides resources for drought mitigation through the University of Nebraska. NDMC has a dedicated Web site that provides technical resources on drought planning, mitigation, and monitoring. NDMC has a drought monitor map that provides up-to-date status on drought conditions across the U.S.