computer user

Hackers demand ransom for medical records they are holding "hostage"

Computer hackers have broken into a US state's prescription monitoring website and deleted more than eight million medical records, replacing the website's homepage with a $10m ransom note. In return for the ransom money the hackers said they would "gladly send along the password" to allow officials to restore the records.

Other news published on 12 May:

UK adopts growth charts based on data from breastfed babies

All newborn babies and children up to the age of 4 years in the United Kingdom will have their growth measurements plotted on new charts from this week, which will lead to more infants classed as overweight or obese. The UK is the first country in Europe to adopt the new standards, which are based on data from the World Health Organization on breastfed babies.

Other news published on 8 May:

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