older people

Integrated care

Sixteen organisations have been chosen to pilot new models of integrated care in the English National Health Service. Seven will focus on long term conditions or chronic diseases, three on elderly people and end of life care, two on dementia, and one each on falls, mental health, delivery of rural health care, and substance misuse. But previous efforts to achieve integration have a mixed record.

Doug Kamerow

No gifts, please, we're doctors

New recommendations on conflicts of interest from the US Institute of Medicine are broad and deep, and they just might make an important difference across research, education, and health care, says Doug Kamerow, remembering his delight at receiving drug industry gifts early on in his career. The institute's report, Conflict of Interest in Medical Research, Education, and Practice, covers much more than just gifts and looks at how conflicts of interest might be eliminated at all levels.

Also published on 7 May:

Open government?

The Freedom of Information Act has helped expose NHS overpayment to private healthcare companies, showing that it has great potential to promote transparency and accountability. However, things are not always straightforward for researchers turning to the act to shed light on health policy decisions, as Jane Cassidy reports.

Views and reviews published on 5 May:

swine flu

Swine flu: Keeping up to date

Follow the latest developments on swine flu by following the links below to current and archived BMJ articles, blogs, and podcasts. You can also join the discussions taking place on doc2doc, BMJ Group's new professional networking site for doctors worldwide.
All BMJ articles on swine flu can be accessed for FREE

See also:

Treating failed asylum seekers in the NHS

The recent Court of Appeal judgment on the Palestinian asylum seeker identified as YA raises difficult questions about the rights of failed asylum seekers to free NHS care.


Podcast: Doctors as leaders

You can now listen to audio clips from last week's joint BMJ/King's Fund debate on whether doctors have neglected their duty to lead the NHS. The motion "This house believes doctors are neglecting their duty to lead health service change" was narrowly defeated - 51% voted against. Visit the debate website to find out more.

video still

The new BMJ online archive

The new BMJ online archive is now available, which means that a single search can find any article published in the BMJ since 1840, writes Tony Delamothe in an editorial. For an introduction to the archive, we commissioned a series of videos, featuring the former head of Britain's Medical Research Council, Colin Blakemore. The videos focus on some of the important subjects and people that have appeared in the journal's pages, and the first one is now live (watch video).

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