
district of california
  • North Korean Human Rights: Recommendations for the Obama Administration and the U.S. Congress
    Apr 30, 2009  - This afternoon, Rep. Ed Royce gave a keynote address, "North Korean Human Rights: Recommendations for the Obama Administration and the U.S. Congress" to the Heritage Foundation: Introduction It is a pleasure to be at Heritage – where ideas matter.  The Foundation's work on Asia policy is second to... More
  • Royce Discusses Bailout Vote
    Oct 3, 2008  - Today, I voted no on the $700 billion bill to bail out failing financial institutions. While I believe the underlying problems in our economy are serious and need to be addressed, the bill put forward did not do enough to protect taxpayers and did not enact the reforms needed to prevent similar econ... More
  • Royce Highlights China's Human Rights Abuses
    Sep 12, 2008  - Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), a senior member of the Foreign Affairs Committee and an active member of the Human Rights Caucus, highlighted China's human rights injustices and they're aggressive behavior towards their neighbors during today's forum hosted by the Asia Democracy Alliance: "The Olympics hav... More
  • Aiding American Businesses Abroad: Government Action to Help Beleaguered American Firms and Investors
    Jul 17, 2008  - During today's Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade Subcommittee hearing, Ranking Member Rep. Ed Royce, gave the following statement: Today we're looking at the tools our government can bring to bear when U.S. businesses run into trouble abroad. All Members of Congress have been contacted... More
  • A Memorable Conversation in Liberia
    Jul 14, 2008  - At a time when world events are moving at a rapid pace and America's role abroad is under question, it can be easy to lose track of fundamentals.  What should guide our foreign policy?  In considering this, I'd like to share a recent conversation that underscored for me the importance of o... More
  • Royce Recognizes the Orange County Water District on its 75th Anniversary
    Jun 17, 2008  - I rise in support of H.Res.1199, Commending the Orange County Water District and its employees for their sound financial management and innovative groundwater management, water quality, water efficiency, and environmental programs, on its 75th anniversary. As a cosponsor of this resolution and a ... More
  • Congressional Caucus on Vietnam
    May 14, 2008  - Today, Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), member of both the Congressional Caucus on Vietnam and the Caucus on Human Rights, gave the following statement during a hearing to address the human rights conditions in Vietnam: We received some good news the other day. It appears as if Viet Tan party member and U.S... More
  • Keynote Address by Rep. Ed Royce
    May 6, 2008  - This morning, Rep. Ed Royce gave a keynote address, "Gauging the Six Party Talks," to the U.S.-Korea Institute at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies: It is a pleasure being here at the U.S.-Korea Institute. In a few short years SAIS has become a major center of Korea-relat... More
  • Royce Commemorates 14th Annual Vietnam Human Rights Day
    May 5, 2008  - Today, Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), Member of the Asia, the Pacific and the Global Environment Subcommittee attended the 14th annual commemoration of Vietnam Human Rights Day. Rep. Royce gave the following remarks: I'm glad to be here before you today. I wish, however, that we were here under different ... More
  • Statement Royce "U.S. Export Promotion Strategy"
    Apr 24, 2008  - Today's hearing is on our "Export Promotion Strategy." The Commerce Department's Inspector General has found that the many U.S. agencies tasked with promoting exports aren't coordinating well. I'm not surprised that 18 or so government agencies aren't coordinating well; I'd be surprised if they were... More