
district of california

U.S. Representative Ed Royce (R) is serving in his ninth term in Congress, representing Southern California's 40th district, based in Orange County. He serves as a senior member of the House Committee on Financial Services. For the 111th session of Congress, Royce serves on the Capital Markets, Insurance and Government Sponsored Enterprises; the Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit; and the International Monetary Policy and Trade Subcommittees. Royce is an active member of the Financial Services Committee and has served on the conference committees for some of the most significant legislation in the financial services arena.

Royce was also the first member of Congress to write legislation calling for a single strong regulator under the Treasury Department for the three housing government sponsored enterprises: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the twelve Federal Home Loan Banks.

In 2005, Royce introduced an amendment on the House floor to give Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's regulator the authority to limit the size of the GSE's to protect the broader financial system from the systemic threat posed by these institutions.

Since his time in the California State Senate, Royce has developed long history of working with credit unions. He has been the author and prime sponsor of the Credit Union Regulatory Improvements Act, which would apply risk-based capital requirements to credit unions; and the Faith-Based Lending Protection Act.

Combining his work on both the Financial Services and the Foreign Affairs Committee, where he serves as Ranking Member on the Subcommittee on Terrorsim, Nonproliferation and Trade, Royce is a recognized leader in Congress on anti-terrorism finance issues. He is a founding member and the current Co-Chairman of the Congressional Ant-Terror Finance Task Force, which seeks to strengthen efforts to fight against the funding of terrorism.