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(See Related Information)Division of Bioresearch Monitoring - General Information

Program Objectives
Program Functions
Inspection Programs


The Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) bioresearch monitoring program was established in 1977 by a task force which included representatives from the drug, biologics, medical device, veterinary medicine, and food areas. The need for such a program was evident in a survey of the conduct of studies involving FDA-regulated products by the FDA field inspection operation between 1972 and 1974. Following a review of the inspectional findings, the Congress mandated that FDA develop and implement an agency-wide program.

The bioresearch monitoring program at CDRH was expanded in June 1992. In May 1993 the Bioresearch Monitoring Branch became the Division of Bioresearch Monitoring in the reorganization of the Office of Compliance. The Division monitors sponsors, institutional review boards, clinical investigators, and nonclinical laboratories involved in the testing of investigational devices.

Program Objectives

The objectives of the bioresearch monitoring program are twofold: (I) to ensure the quality and integrity of data and information submitted in support of investigational and marketing clearance applications or submissions [IDEs, PMAs, and 510(k)s]; and (ii) to ensure that human subjects taking part in investigations are protected from undue hazard or risk. The Division is also charged with the implementation of the FDA's Application Integrity Policy (AIP) for medical devices and radiological health products.

The program objectives are achieved by several means which are discussed in the program functions and inspection program sections below.

Program Functions

The Division of Bioresearch Monitoring's (DBM) operations are directed toward several program areas. These include (1) audits of clinical data contained in PMA and some 510(k) submissions, ordinarily prior to approval; (2) audits of IDE sponsor submissions; (3) inspections of nonclinical laboratories that perform medical device-related safety testing; (4) inspections of Institutional Review Boards that monitor investigational device studies; (5) enforcement of the prohibition against commercialization of investigational devices; (6) providing education, training and guidance to regulated industry and (7) implementation of the FDA's Application Integrity Policy (AIP). Descriptions of some of these activities are summarized below:

The regulations enforced by the bioresearch monitoring program for medical devices are found in four sections of the CFR:

21 CFR 812 - Investigational Device Exemptions
21 CFR 50 - Protection of Human Subjects
21 CFR 56 - Institutional Review Boards
21 CFR 58 - Good Laboratory Practice for Nonclinical Laboratory Studies

Inspection Programs

FDA's inspection programs include two types of assignments: routine inspections and directed inspections (sometimes termed "for cause"). The routine assignments include inspections of clinical investigators, sponsors, IRBs, or nonclinical laboratories that are randomly selected for coverage under one of four compliance programs. These assignments are issued to monitor adherence to FDA regulations.

A directed inspection is requested when some specific problem has been identified within one or all entities of the program. The problem may be observed during the review of sponsor submissions related to ongoing IDE investigations or following evaluation of clinical data submitted in a PMA or 510(k) application. Verbal or written complaints from patients, physicians, or competitors may also result in a directed inspection. Inspections issued for PMA data audits also fall into this category.

Deviations revealed during inspections are presented in writing and discussed with the responsible individual at the close of the inspection. Once an inspection has been completed, an establishment inspection report (EIR) is prepared and submitted by the district office. This report is then reviewed and classified by the Division of Bioresearch Monitoring.

Classifications assigned to inspections indicate whether or not the establishment is operating in compliance with the regulations. The classification scheme used by FDA is as follows:

NAI - No Action Indicated
VAI - Voluntary Action Indicated
OAI - Official Action Indicated

Depending upon the assigned classification, the Division may issue an untitled letter or warning letter based upon the severity of the deviations. These letters are intended to communicate the FDA's position on a matter, but do not commit the FDA to take further enforcement action. They are issued for the purpose of achieving voluntary compliance with the expectation that a majority of firms and individuals will comply with the regulations and implement corrective actions to prevent recurrence of the deviations.

When deviations are flagrant or significantly impact the quality and/or integrity of the research data, various actions have been used by the Division to achieve compliance in the bioresearch monitoring program area. Data audits have resulted in the Division's recommendation to invoke the Application Integrity Policy against the sponsor or reject clinical research data used to support a PMA. Data audits for 510(k)s that disclosed improprieties have led the sponsor to withdraw submissions. Monitoring efforts of IDE studies have led to the Division's recommendation for withdrawal of IDEs. Inspections of violative IRBs have resulted in administrative sanctions that suspend the institution's authority to approve new studies and/or add new subjects to existing studies.

For additional information about the bioresearch monitoring program in CDRH, contact:

Michael E. Marcarelli, Pharm.D., Director
Division of Bioresearch Monitoring (HFZ-310)
Office of Compliance
Center for Devices and Radiological Health
2094 Gaither Road
Rockville, Maryland 20850
Telephone (240) 276-0125


For additional information about the Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) Program contact:

CAPT Stephen P. Rhodes, USPHS, Director
Investigational Device Exemption Program
Program Operations Staff
Office of Device Evaluation
Center for Devices and Radiological Health
9200 Corporate Boulevard
Rockville, Maryland 20850
Telephone 240-276-4036

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Updated August 24, 2007

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