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BMC Biotechnology


Melissa Norton, MD

Biology Editor
Penelope Webb, PhD

In-house Editor
J. Ann Le Good

BMC  BMC Biotechnology, Volume 9

Methodology article
Fluorescent labeling in semi-solid medium for selection of mammalian cells secreting high-levels of recombinant proteins
Antoine W Caron, Claire Nicolas, Bruno Gaillet, Ismaila Ba, Maxime Pinard, Alain Garnier, Bernard Massie, Renald Gilbert
BMC Biotechnology 2009, 9:42 (11May2009)
[Abstract] [Provisional PDF]

Research article
A suite of recombinant luminescent bacterial strains for the quantification of bioavailable heavy metals and toxicity testing
Angela Ivask, Taisia Rolova, Anne Kahru
BMC Biotechnology 2009, 9:41 (8May2009)
[Abstract] [Provisional PDF]

Research article
Efficient CPP-mediated Cre protein delivery to developing and adult CNS tissues
Yorick Gitton, Lorenzo Tibaldi, Edmond Dupont, Giovanni Levi, Alain Joliot
BMC Biotechnology 2009, 9:40 (24April2009)
[Abstract] [Full text] [PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]

Methodology article
A modified and automated version of the 'Fluorimetric Detection of Alkaline DNA Unwinding' method to quantify formation and repair of DNA strand breaks
Mara Moreno-Villanueva, Ragen Pfeiffer, Thilo Sindlinger, Alan Leake, Marcus Mller, Thomas BL Kirkwood, Alexander Brkle
BMC Biotechnology 2009, 9:39 (23April2009)
[Abstract] [Full text] [PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]

Research article
Acetylation of PAMAM dendrimers for cellular delivery of siRNA
Carolyn L Waite, Sarah M Sparks, Kathryn E Uhrich, Charles M Roth
BMC Biotechnology 2009, 9:38 (23April2009)
[Abstract] [Full text] [PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]

Research article
Combined protein construct and synthetic gene engineering for heterologous protein expression and crystallization using Gene Composer
Amy Raymond, Scott Lovell, Don Lorimer, John Walchli, Mark Mixon, Ellen Wallace, Kaitlin Thompkins, Kimberly Archer, Alex Burgin, Lance Stewart
BMC Biotechnology 2009, 9:37 (21April2009)
[Abstract] [Full text] [PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]

Gene Composer: database software for protein construct design, codon engineering, and gene synthesis
Don Lorimer, Amy Raymond, John Walchli, Mark Mixon, Adrienne Barrow, Ellen Wallace, Rena Grice, Alex Burgin, Lance Stewart
BMC Biotechnology 2009, 9:36 (21April2009)
[Abstract] [Provisional PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]

Research article
A comparison of synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides, DNA fragments and AAV-1 for targeted episomal and chromosomal gene repair
Xavier Leclerc, Olivier Danos, Daniel Scherman, Antoine Kichler
BMC Biotechnology 2009, 9:35 (20April2009)
[Abstract] [Full text] [PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]

Research article
Collagen matrices from sponge to nano: new perspectives for tissue engineering of skeletal muscle
Justus P Beier, Dorothee Klumpp, Markus Rudisile, Roland Dersch, Joachim H Wendorff, Oliver Bleiziffer, Andreas Arkudas, Elias Polykandriotis, Raymund E Horch, Ulrich Kneser
BMC Biotechnology 2009, 9:34 (15April2009)
[Abstract] [Full text] [PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]

Research article
Optimization of codon composition and regulatory elements for expression of human insulin like growth factor-1 in transgenic chloroplasts and evaluation of structural identity and function
Henry Daniell, Gricel Ruiz, Bela Denes, Laurence Sandberg, William Langridge
BMC Biotechnology 2009, 9:33 (3April2009)
[Abstract] [Full text] [PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]

Research article
Noncytotoxic orange and red/green derivatives of DsRed-Express2 for whole-cell labeling
Rita L Strack, Dibyendu Bhattacharyya, Benjamin S Glick, Robert J Keenan
BMC Biotechnology 2009, 9:32 (3April2009)
[Abstract] [Full text] [PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]

Research article
PhiC31 integrase induces a DNA damage response and chromosomal rearrangements in human adult fibroblasts
Jian Liu, Tina Skjorringe, Torben Gjetting, Thomas G Jensen
BMC Biotechnology 2009, 9:31 (2April2009)
[Abstract] [Provisional PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]

Methodology article
Simultaneous detection of mRNA and protein stem cell markers in live cells
Won Jong Rhee, Gang Bao
BMC Biotechnology 2009, 9:30 (2April2009)
[Abstract] [Provisional PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]

Research article
Vaccination with recombinant Boophilus annulatus Bm86 ortholog protein, Ba86, protects cattle against B. annulatus and B. microplus infestations
Mario Canales, Consuelo Almazn, Victoria Naranjo, Frans Jongejan, Jos de la Fuente
BMC Biotechnology 2009, 9:29 (31March2009)
[Abstract] [Full text] [PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]

Research article
AC133+ progenitor cells as gene delivery vehicle and cellular probe in subcutaneous tumor models: a preliminary study
Ali M Rad, ASM Iskander, Branislava Janic, Robert A Knight, Ali S Arbab, Hamid Soltanian-Zadeh
BMC Biotechnology 2009, 9:28 (27March2009)
[Abstract] [Full text] [PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]

Research article
Folding machineries displayed on a cation-exchanger for the concerted refolding of cysteine- or proline-rich proteins
Dae-Hee Lee, Sung-Gun Kim, Dae-Hyuk Kweon, Jin-Ho Seo
BMC Biotechnology 2009, 9:27 (26March2009)
[Abstract] [Full text] [PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]

Research article
Accumulation and processing of a recombinant protein designed as a cleavable fusion to the endogenous Rubisco LSU protein in Chlamydomonas chloroplast
Machiko Muto, Ryan E Henry, Stephen P Mayfield
BMC Biotechnology 2009, 9:26 (26March2009)
[Abstract] [Full text] [PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]

Effects of research tool patents on biotechnology innovation in a developing country: A case study of South Korea
Kyung-Nam Kang, Tae-Kyu Ryu, Yoon-Sik Lee
BMC Biotechnology 2009, 9:25 (26March2009)
[Abstract] [Provisional PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]

Research article
Practical and reliable FRET/FLIM pair of fluorescent proteins
Dmitry Shcherbo, Ekaterina A Souslova, Joachim Goedhart, Tatyana V Chepurnykh, Anna Gaintzeva, Irina I Shemiakina, Theodorus WJ Gadella, Sergey Lukyanov, Dmitriy M Chudakov
BMC Biotechnology 2009, 9:24 (25March2009)
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Research article
Adenoviral vectors for highly selective gene expression in central serotonergic neurons reveal quantal characteristics of serotonin release in the rat brain
Kheira Benzekhroufa, Beihui Liu, Feige Tang, Anja G Teschemacher, Sergey Kasparov
BMC Biotechnology 2009, 9:23 (19March2009)
[Abstract] [Full text] [PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]

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