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Two OSI-Supported Films on Afghanistan Premiere at Human Rights Watch Festival
May 6, 2009
The Open Society Institute is a presenting partner of two films at the Human Rights Watch International Film Festival from June 11 to 25 in New York City.  more

OSI Forum: Forced Labor in Burma
OSI-New York
May 4, 2009
Open Society Fellow Richard Horsey discussed the International Labor Organization’s successful efforts to persuade the government of Burma to amend some of its harsh labor policies.  more

OSI-Supported Documentary on Torture and Accountability Debuts
May 1, 2009
Torture on Trial, which investigates the torture of detainees in U.S. custody and the growing movement for accountability, airs on Link TV. more

OSI Forum: Democracy and the Internet—Re-examining the Core Assumptions
OSI-New York
April 30, 2009
Open Society Fellow Evgeny Morozov focused on threats to open society posed by the Internet and discussed ways in which authoritarian governments and extremists are using the web to their own advantage.  more

Foundation Taps Visionaries to Reform U.S. Justice System
Press Release
April 29, 2009
The Open Society Institute has awarded Soros Justice Fellowships to 17 outstanding individuals working to restore fairness to a deeply flawed criminal justice system. more

Campaign to Establish Presidential Torture Commission Launched
Press Release
April 28, 2009
A coalition of 19 human rights, faith-based, and justice organizations launched a campaign to urge President Obama to appoint a commission to investigate torture sanctioned by the Bush administration. more

Open Society Institute Urges Czech Government to Keep Human Rights Ministry
Press Release
April 28, 2009
The Open Society Institute calls for the preservation of the Ministry of Human Rights and National Minorities in the Czech Republic. more

OSI Forum: Prosecuting Heads of State
OSI-New York
April 23, 2009
This panel event explored the issue of accountability for former heads of state who committed human rights violations and other abuses while in power.  more

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Addressing Ethnic Profiling by Police
May 2009
This Open Society Justice Initiative book reports on strategies for improving police-community relations by increasing the fairness, effectiveness, and accountability of police stops in Bulgaria, Hungary, and Spain. more

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Closed Zone
Open Society Institute grantee Gisha has created a powerful animated film about how the Gaza Strip’s 1.5 million residents experience living in a “closed zone.”  more

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OSI Forum: Bring Your "A" Game
OSI-New York
May 18, 2009
The Open Society Institute hosts a screening and discussion of the documentary Bring Your “A” Game, which seeks to reverse the trend of poor educational outcomes for black men and boys.  more

OSI Forum: After Mandela and Mbeki—The Future of South Africa
OSI-New York
May 27, 2009
The Open Society Institute, together with The Nation magazine, hosts a conversation on the politics of South Africa following that country’s presidential elections.  more

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George Soros
George Soros is founder and chairman of the Open Society Institute and Soros foundations network.  more

OSI Statement on George Soros’s Political Activities

OSI Statement on Fraudulent Email

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OSI-New York, OSI-Budapest, OSF-London, OSI-Paris and OSI-Brussels are separate organizations that operate independently
yet cooperate informally with each other. This website, a joint presentation, is intended to promote each organization’s interests.