Table 4-6
Top 25 R&D-spending corporations: 2004
  R&D rank   R&D expense ($millions)   Sales ($millions)   R&D intensity (%)
Company (country)    2004      2003      2004      2003      Change (%)      2004      2003      2004      2003
Ford Motor (U.S.)   1   2   7,400   7,500   -1.3   171,652   164,196   4.3   4.6
DaimlerChrysler (Germany)   2   4   7,187   7,076   1.6   180,448   173,307   4.0   4.1
Toyota Motor (Japan)   3   6   7,052   6,372   10.7   173,254   161,517   4.1   3.9
Pfizer (U.S.)   4   3   6,613   7,131   -7.3   52,516   45,188   12.6   15.8
General Motors (U.S.)   5   7   6,500   5,700   14.0   190,812   182,005   3.4   3.1
Siemens (Germany)   6   5   6,431   6,436   -0.1   95,480   94,293   6.7   6.8
Microsoft (U.S.)   7   1   6,184   7,779   -20.5   39,788   36,835   15.5   21.1
Matsushita Electric Industrial (Japan)   8   8   5,748   5,409   6.3   81,377   69,854   7.1   7.7
GlaxoSmithKline (UK)   9   9   5,251   5,162   1.7   37,655   39,656   13.9   13.0
Johnson & Johnson (U.S.)   10   13   5,203   4,684   11.1   47,348   41,862   11.0   11.2
International Business Machines (U.S.)   11   10   5,167   5,068   2.0   96,293   89,131   5.4   5.7
Volkswagen (Germany)   12   14   4,823   4,479   7.7   113,004   110,705   4.3   4.0
Intel (U.S.)   13   15   4,778   4,360   9.6   34,209   30,141   14.0   14.5
Nokia (Finland)   14   12   4,742   4,776   -0.7   37,176   37,415   12.8   12.8
Sony (Japan)   15   11   4,688   4,805   -2.4   66,864   70,009   7.0   6.9
Samsung Electronics (South Korea)   16   25   4,529   3,337   35.7   77,494   61,284   5.8   5.4
Honda Motor (Japan)   17   16   4,368   4,193   4.2   80,784   76,231   5.4   5.5
Novartis (Switzerland)   18   20   4,207   3,756   12.0   28,247   24,864   14.9   15.1
Roche Holding (Switzerland)   19   17   4,192   3,925   6.8   25,742   25,698   16.3   15.3
Merck (U.S.)   20   29   3,885   3,178   22.2   23,430   22,486   16.6   14.1
AstraZeneca (UK)   21   23   3,803   3,451   10.2   21,426   18,849   17.7   18.3
Nissan Motor (Japan)   22   28   3,718   3,309   12.4   80,094   69,382   4.6   4.8
Robert Bosch (Germany)   23   24   3,681   3,366   9.4   50,818   46,182   7.2   7.3
Hitachi (Japan)   24   22   3,630   3,472   4.5   84,304   80,619   4.3   4.3
Hewlett-Packard (U.S.)   25   21   3,506   3,652   -4.0   79,905   73,061   4.4   5.0

UK = United Kingdom

SOURCE: Institute of Electronics and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), IEEE Spectrum Top 100 R&D Spenders, Standard & Poor’s data (2005),, accessed 24 April 2007.

Science and Engineering Indicators 2008